#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import csv import gzip import logging import logging.config import os import random import shutil from datetime import datetime, timedelta from pathlib import Path from redis import Redis import s3fs # type: ignore[import-untyped] from lookyloo.default import AbstractManager, get_config, get_homedir, get_socket_path, try_make_file from lookyloo.helpers import get_captures_dir, is_locked, make_ts_from_dirname, make_dirs_list logging.config.dictConfig(get_config('logging')) class Archiver(AbstractManager): def __init__(self, loglevel: int | None=None) -> None: super().__init__(loglevel) self.script_name = 'archiver' self.redis = Redis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('cache')) # make sure archived captures dir exists self.archived_captures_dir = get_homedir() / 'archived_captures' self.archived_captures_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self._load_indexes() # NOTE 2023-10-03: if we store the archived captures in s3fs (as it is the case in the CIRCL demo instance), # listing the directories directly with s3fs-fuse causes I/O errors and is making the interface unusable. # It is only a problem on directory listing and not when accessing a capture, so we only need to change the way # we generate the index files. # Other issue: the python module s3fs requires urllib < 2.0 (https://github.com/boto/botocore/issues/2926) so # we cannot run the script creating the indexes in the same virtual environment as the rest of the project. # The variable below will only be used to make sure we don't try to trigger a directory listing on a s3fs-fuse mount # and we're going to create the index files from another script, in tools/create_archive_indexes. self.archive_on_s3fs = False s3fs_config = get_config('generic', 's3fs') if s3fs_config.get('archive_on_s3fs'): self.archive_on_s3fs = True self.s3fs_client = s3fs.S3FileSystem(key=s3fs_config['config']['key'], secret=s3fs_config['config']['secret'], endpoint_url=s3fs_config['config']['endpoint_url'], config_kwargs={'connect_timeout': 10, 'read_timeout': 900}) self.s3fs_bucket = s3fs_config['config']['bucket_name'] self.s3fs_client.clear_multipart_uploads(self.s3fs_bucket) def _to_run_forever(self) -> None: archiving_done = False # NOTE: When we archive a big directory, moving *a lot* of files, expecially to MinIO # can take a very long time. In order to avoid being stuck on the archiving, we break that in chunks # but we also want to keep archiving without waiting 1h between each run. while not archiving_done: if self.shutdown_requested(): self.logger.warning('Shutdown requested, breaking.') break archiving_done = self._archive() self._load_indexes() if not archiving_done: self._update_all_capture_indexes(recent_only=True) if not self.shutdown_requested(): # This call takes a very long time on MinIO self._update_all_capture_indexes() def _update_index(self, root_dir: Path, *, s3fs_parent_dir: str | None=None) -> Path | None: # returns a path to the index for the given directory logmsg = f'Updating index for {root_dir}' if s3fs_parent_dir: logmsg = f'{logmsg} (s3fs)' self.logger.info(logmsg) # Flip that variable is we need to write the index rewrite_index: bool = False current_index: dict[str, str] = {} current_sub_index: set[str] = set() index_file = root_dir / 'index' if index_file.exists(): try: current_index = self.__load_index(index_file, ignore_sub=True) except Exception as e: # the index file is broken, it will be recreated. self.logger.warning(f'Index for {root_dir} broken, recreating it: {e}') # Check if we have sub_index entries, they're skipped from the call above. with index_file.open() as _i: for key, path_name in csv.reader(_i): if key == 'sub_index': current_sub_index.add(path_name) if not current_index and not current_sub_index: # The file is empty index_file.unlink() current_index_dirs: set[str] = set(current_index.values()) new_captures: set[Path] = set() # Directories that are actually in the listing. current_dirs: set[str] = set() if s3fs_parent_dir: s3fs_dir = '/'.join([s3fs_parent_dir, root_dir.name]) # the call below will spit out a mix of directories: # * # * (which contains a directory) for entry in self.s3fs_client.ls(s3fs_dir, detail=False, refresh=False): if entry.endswith('/'): # root directory continue if not self.s3fs_client.isdir(entry): # index continue dir_on_disk = root_dir / entry.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] if dir_on_disk.name.isdigit(): if self._update_index(dir_on_disk, s3fs_parent_dir=s3fs_dir): # got a day directory that contains captures if dir_on_disk.name not in current_sub_index: # ... and it's not in the index rewrite_index = True current_sub_index.add(dir_on_disk.name) self.logger.info(f'Adding sub index {dir_on_disk.name} to {index_file}') else: # got a capture if len(self.s3fs_client.ls(entry, detail=False)) == 1: # empty capture directory self.s3fs_client.rm(entry) continue if str(dir_on_disk) not in current_index_dirs: new_captures.add(dir_on_disk) current_dirs.add(dir_on_disk.name) current_dirs.add(str(dir_on_disk)) else: with os.scandir(root_dir) as it: for entry in it: # can be index, sub directory (digit), or isoformat if not entry.is_dir(): # index continue dir_on_disk = Path(entry) if dir_on_disk.name.isdigit(): if self._update_index(dir_on_disk): # got a day directory that contains captures if dir_on_disk.name not in current_sub_index: # ... and it's not in the index rewrite_index = True current_sub_index.add(dir_on_disk.name) self.logger.info(f'Adding sub index {dir_on_disk.name} to {index_file}') else: # isoformat if str(dir_on_disk) not in current_index_dirs: new_captures.add(dir_on_disk) current_dirs.add(dir_on_disk.name) current_dirs.add(str(dir_on_disk)) # Check if all the directories in current_dirs (that we got by listing the directory) # are the same as the one in the index. If they're not, we pop the UUID before writing the index if non_existing_dirs := current_index_dirs - current_dirs: self.logger.info(f'Got {len(non_existing_dirs)} non existing dirs in {root_dir}, removing them from the index.') current_index = {uuid: Path(path).name for uuid, path in current_index.items() if path not in non_existing_dirs} rewrite_index = True # Make sure all the sub_index directories exist on the disk if old_subindexes := {sub_index for sub_index in current_sub_index if sub_index not in current_dirs}: self.logger.warning(f'Sub index {", ".join(old_subindexes)} do not exist, removing them from the index.') rewrite_index = True current_sub_index -= old_subindexes if not current_index and not new_captures and not current_sub_index: # No captures at all in the directory and subdirectories, quitting logmsg = f'No captures in {root_dir}' if s3fs_parent_dir: logmsg = f'{logmsg} (s3fs directory)' self.logger.info(logmsg) index_file.unlink(missing_ok=True) root_dir.rmdir() return None if new_captures: self.logger.info(f'{len(new_captures)} new captures in {root_dir}.') for capture_dir in new_captures: # capture_dir_name is *only* the isoformat of the capture. # This directory will either be directly in the month directory (old format) # or in the day directory (new format) try: if not next(capture_dir.iterdir(), None): self.logger.warning(f'{capture_dir} is empty, removing.') capture_dir.rmdir() continue except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.warning(f'{capture_dir} does not exists.') continue try: uuid_file = capture_dir / 'uuid' if not uuid_file.exists(): self.logger.warning(f'No UUID file in {capture_dir}.') shutil.move(str(capture_dir), str(get_homedir() / 'discarded_captures')) continue with uuid_file.open() as _f: uuid = _f.read().strip() if not uuid: self.logger.warning(f'{uuid_file} is empty') shutil.move(str(capture_dir), str(get_homedir() / 'discarded_captures')) continue if uuid in current_index: self.logger.warning(f'Duplicate UUID ({uuid}) in {current_index[uuid]} and {uuid_file.parent.name}') shutil.move(str(capture_dir), str(get_homedir() / 'discarded_captures')) continue except OSError as e: self.logger.warning(f'Error when discarding capture {capture_dir}: {e}') continue rewrite_index = True current_index[uuid] = capture_dir.name if not current_index and not current_sub_index: # The directory has been archived. It is probably safe to unlink, but # if it's not, we will lose a whole buch of captures. Moving instead for safety. shutil.move(str(root_dir), str(get_homedir() / 'discarded_captures' / root_dir.parent / root_dir.name)) self.logger.warning(f'Nothing to index in {root_dir}') return None if rewrite_index: self.logger.info(f'Writing index {index_file}.') with index_file.open('w') as _f: index_writer = csv.writer(_f) for uuid, dirname in current_index.items(): index_writer.writerow([uuid, Path(dirname).name]) for sub_path in sorted(current_sub_index): # Only keep the dir name index_writer.writerow(['sub_index', sub_path]) return index_file def _update_all_capture_indexes(self, *, recent_only: bool=False) -> None: '''Run that after the captures are in the proper directories''' # Recent captures self.logger.info('Update recent indexes') # NOTE: the call below will check the existence of every path ending with `uuid`, # it is extremely ineficient as we have many hundred of thusands of them # and we only care about the root directory (ex: 2023/06) # directories_to_index = {capture_dir.parent.parent # for capture_dir in get_captures_dir().glob('*/*/*/uuid')} for directory_to_index in make_dirs_list(get_captures_dir()): if self.shutdown_requested(): self.logger.warning('Shutdown requested, breaking.') break self._update_index(directory_to_index) self.logger.info('Recent indexes updated') if recent_only: self.logger.info('Only updating recent indexes.') return # Archived captures self.logger.info('Update archives indexes') for directory_to_index in make_dirs_list(self.archived_captures_dir): if self.shutdown_requested(): self.logger.warning('Shutdown requested, breaking.') break year = directory_to_index.parent.name if self.archive_on_s3fs: # Updating the indexes can take a while, just run this call once in N calls if random.randrange(20) == 0: self._update_index(directory_to_index, s3fs_parent_dir='/'.join([self.s3fs_bucket, year])) else: self._update_index(directory_to_index) self.logger.info('Archived indexes updated') def __archive_single_capture(self, capture_path: Path) -> Path: capture_timestamp = make_ts_from_dirname(capture_path.name) dest_dir = self.archived_captures_dir / str(capture_timestamp.year) / f'{capture_timestamp.month:02}' / f'{capture_timestamp.day:02}' dest_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # If the HAR isn't archived yet, archive it before copy for har in capture_path.glob('*.har'): with har.open('rb') as f_in: with gzip.open(f'{har}.gz', 'wb') as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) har.unlink() # read uuid before copying over to (maybe) S3 with (capture_path / 'uuid').open() as _uuid: uuid = _uuid.read().strip() (capture_path / 'tree.pickle').unlink(missing_ok=True) (capture_path / 'tree.pickle.gz').unlink(missing_ok=True) shutil.move(str(capture_path), str(dest_dir)) # Update index in parent with (dest_dir / 'index').open('a') as _index: index_writer = csv.writer(_index) index_writer.writerow([uuid, capture_path.name]) # Update redis cache all at once. p = self.redis.pipeline() p.delete(str(capture_path)) p.hset('lookup_dirs_archived', mapping={uuid: str(dest_dir / capture_path.name)}) p.hdel('lookup_dirs', uuid) p.execute() return dest_dir / capture_path.name def _archive(self) -> bool: archive_interval = timedelta(days=get_config('generic', 'archive')) cut_time = (datetime.now() - archive_interval) self.logger.info(f'Archiving all captures older than {cut_time.isoformat()}.') archiving_done = True # Let's use the indexes instead of listing directories to find what we want to archive. capture_breakpoint = 300 for u, p in self.redis.hscan_iter('lookup_dirs'): uuid = u.decode() path = p.decode() if capture_breakpoint <= 0: # Break and restart later self.logger.info('Archived many captures will keep going later.') archiving_done = False break elif capture_breakpoint % 10: # Just check if we requested a shutdown. if self.shutdown_requested(): self.logger.warning('Shutdown requested, breaking.') break capture_time_isoformat = os.path.basename(path) if not capture_time_isoformat: continue try: capture_time = make_ts_from_dirname(capture_time_isoformat) except ValueError: self.logger.warning(f'Invalid capture time for {uuid}: {capture_time_isoformat}') self.redis.hdel('lookup_dirs', uuid) continue if capture_time >= cut_time: continue # archive the capture. capture_path = Path(path) if not capture_path.exists(): self.redis.hdel('lookup_dirs', uuid) if not self.redis.hexists('lookup_dirs_archived', uuid): self.logger.warning(f'Missing capture directory for {uuid}, unable to archive {capture_path}') continue lock_file = capture_path / 'lock' if try_make_file(lock_file): # Lock created, we can proceede with lock_file.open('w') as f: f.write(f"{datetime.now().isoformat()};{os.getpid()}") else: # The directory is locked because a pickle is being created, try again later if is_locked(capture_path): # call this method to remove dead locks continue try: new_capture_path = self.__archive_single_capture(capture_path) capture_breakpoint -= 1 except OSError: self.logger.exception(f'Unable to archive capture {capture_path}') (capture_path / 'lock').unlink(missing_ok=True) except Exception: self.logger.exception(f'Critical exception while archiving {capture_path}') (capture_path / 'lock').unlink(missing_ok=True) else: (new_capture_path / 'lock').unlink(missing_ok=True) if archiving_done: self.logger.info('Archiving done.') return archiving_done def __load_index(self, index_path: Path, ignore_sub: bool=False) -> dict[str, str]: '''Loads the given index file and all the subsequent ones if they exist''' # NOTE: this method is used on recent and archived captures, it must never trigger a dir listing indexed_captures = {} with index_path.open() as _i: for key, path_name in csv.reader(_i): if key == 'sub_index' and ignore_sub: # We're not interested in the sub indexes and don't want them to land in indexed_captures continue elif key == 'sub_index' and not ignore_sub: sub_index_file = index_path.parent / path_name / 'index' if sub_index_file.exists(): indexed_captures.update(self.__load_index(sub_index_file)) else: self.logger.warning(f'Missing sub index file: {sub_index_file}') else: # NOTE: we were initially checking if that path exists, # but that's something we can do when we update the indexes instead. # And a missing capture directory is already handled at rendering indexed_captures[key] = str(index_path.parent / path_name) return indexed_captures def _load_indexes(self) -> None: # capture_dir / Year / Month / index <- should always exists. If not, created by _update_index # Initialize recent index for index in sorted(get_captures_dir().glob('*/*/index'), reverse=True): if self.shutdown_requested(): self.logger.warning('Shutdown requested, breaking.') break self.logger.debug(f'Loading {index}') if recent_uuids := self.__load_index(index): self.logger.debug(f'{len(recent_uuids)} captures in directory {index.parent}.') self.redis.hset('lookup_dirs', mapping=recent_uuids) # type: ignore[arg-type] else: index.unlink() total_recent_captures = self.redis.hlen('lookup_dirs') self.logger.info(f'Recent indexes loaded: {total_recent_captures} entries.') # Initialize archives index for index in sorted(self.archived_captures_dir.glob('*/*/index'), reverse=True): if self.shutdown_requested(): self.logger.warning('Shutdown requested, breaking.') break self.logger.debug(f'Loading {index}') if archived_uuids := self.__load_index(index): self.logger.debug(f'{len(archived_uuids)} captures in directory {index.parent}.') self.redis.hset('lookup_dirs_archived', mapping=archived_uuids) # type: ignore[arg-type] else: index.unlink() total_archived_captures = self.redis.hlen('lookup_dirs_archived') self.logger.info(f'Archived indexes loaded: {total_archived_captures} entries.') def main() -> None: a = Archiver() a.run(sleep_in_sec=3600) if __name__ == '__main__': main()