#!/usr/bin/env python3 from __future__ import annotations import base64 import gzip import hashlib import json from io import BytesIO from typing import Any from uuid import uuid4 from zipfile import ZipFile import flask_login # type: ignore[import-untyped] from flask import request, send_file, Response from flask_restx import Namespace, Resource, fields, abort # type: ignore[import-untyped] from werkzeug.security import check_password_hash from lacuscore import CaptureStatus as CaptureStatusCore, CaptureSettingsError from pylacus import CaptureStatus as CaptureStatusPy from lookyloo import CaptureSettings, Lookyloo from lookyloo.comparator import Comparator from lookyloo.exceptions import MissingUUID, NoValidHarFile from lookyloo.helpers import load_user_config from .helpers import (build_users_table, load_user_from_request, src_request_ip, get_lookyloo_instance, get_indexing) api = Namespace('GenericAPI', description='Generic Lookyloo API', path='/') lookyloo: Lookyloo = get_lookyloo_instance() comparator: Comparator = Comparator() def api_auth_check(method): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] if flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated or load_user_from_request(request): return method abort(403, 'Authentication required.') token_request_fields = api.model('AuthTokenFields', { 'username': fields.String(description="Your username", required=True), 'password': fields.String(description="Your password", required=True), }) @api.errorhandler(NoValidHarFile) # type: ignore[misc] def handle_no_HAR_file_exception(error: Any) -> tuple[dict[str, str], int]: '''The capture has no HAR file, it failed for some reason.''' return {'message': str(error)}, 400 @api.errorhandler(CaptureSettingsError) # type: ignore[misc] def handle_pydandic_validation_exception(error: CaptureSettingsError) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], int]: '''Return the validation error message and 400 status code''' if error.pydantic_validation_errors: return {'message': 'Unable to validate capture settings.', 'details': error.pydantic_validation_errors.errors()}, 400 return {'message': str(error)}, 400 @api.route('/json/get_user_config') @api.doc(description='Get the configuration of the user (if any)', security='apikey') class UserConfig(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] method_decorators = [api_auth_check] def get(self) -> dict[str, Any] | None | tuple[dict[str, str], int]: if not flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated: return {'error': 'User not authenticated.'}, 401 return load_user_config(flask_login.current_user.get_id()) @api.route('/json/get_token') @api.doc(description='Get the API token required for authenticated calls') class AuthToken(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] users_table = build_users_table() @api.param('username', 'Your username') # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('password', 'Your password') # type: ignore[misc] def get(self) -> dict[str, str] | tuple[dict[str, str], int]: username: str | None = request.args['username'] if request.args.get('username') else None password: str | None = request.args['password'] if request.args.get('password') else None if username and password and username in self.users_table and check_password_hash(self.users_table[username]['password'], password): return {'authkey': self.users_table[username]['authkey']} return {'error': 'User/Password invalid.'}, 401 @api.doc(body=token_request_fields) # type: ignore[misc] def post(self) -> dict[str, str] | tuple[dict[str, str], int]: auth: dict[str, Any] = request.get_json(force=True) if 'username' in auth and 'password' in auth: # Expected keys in json if (auth['username'] in self.users_table and check_password_hash(self.users_table[auth['username']]['password'], auth['password'])): return {'authkey': self.users_table[auth['username']]['authkey']} return {'error': 'User/Password invalid.'}, 401 @api.route('/json//status') @api.doc(description='Get the status of a capture', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class CaptureStatusQuery(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('with_error', 'Add the error message of the capture (if there is one)') # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any]: with_error: bool = True if request.args.get('with_error') else False status_code = lookyloo.get_capture_status(capture_uuid) to_return: dict[str, Any] = {'status_code': status_code} if status_code in [CaptureStatusCore.DONE, CaptureStatusPy.DONE] and with_error: cache = lookyloo.capture_cache(capture_uuid) if cache and cache.error: to_return['error'] = cache.error return to_return @api.route('/json//hostnames') @api.doc(description='Get all the hostnames of all the resources of a capture', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class CaptureHostnames(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any] | tuple[dict[str, Any], int]: cache = lookyloo.capture_cache(capture_uuid) if not cache: return {'error': 'UUID missing in cache, try again later and check the status first.'}, 400 to_return: dict[str, Any] = {'response': {'hostnames': list(lookyloo.get_hostnames(capture_uuid))}} return to_return @api.route('/json//urls') @api.doc(description='Get all the URLs of all the resources of a capture', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class CaptureURLs(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any] | tuple[dict[str, Any], int]: cache = lookyloo.capture_cache(capture_uuid) if not cache: return {'error': 'UUID missing in cache, try again later and check the status first.'}, 400 to_return: dict[str, Any] = {'response': {'urls': list(lookyloo.get_urls(capture_uuid))}} return to_return @api.route('/json//hashes') @api.doc(description='Get all the hashes of all the resources of a capture', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class CaptureHashes(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] # Note: shake algos require a length for the digest, discarding them. supported_hash_algos = [algo for algo in hashlib.algorithms_available if not algo.startswith('shake')] # NOTE: the SHA512 hashes are pre-computed in the tree, anything else must be computed on the spot # so we return the SHA512 hashes by default @api.param('algorithm', default='sha512', description=f'Algorithm of the hashes (default: sha512). Supported options: {", ".join(supported_hash_algos)}') # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('hashes_only', default=1, description='If 1 (default), only returns a list hashes instead of a dictionary of hashes with their respective URLs..') # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any] | tuple[dict[str, Any], int]: cache = lookyloo.capture_cache(capture_uuid) if not cache: return {'error': 'UUID missing in cache, try again later and check the status first.'}, 400 algorithm = request.args['algorithm'].lower() if request.args.get('algorithm') else 'sha512' hashes_only = False if 'hashes_only' in request.args and request.args['hashes_only'] in [0, '0'] else True if algorithm == 'sha512' and hashes_only: to_return: dict[str, Any] = {'response': {'hashes': list(lookyloo.get_hashes(capture_uuid))}} else: hashes = lookyloo.get_hashes_with_context(capture_uuid, algorithm=algorithm, urls_only=True) to_return = {'response': {'hashes': list(hashes.keys())}} if not hashes_only: to_return['response']['hashes_with_urls'] = {h: list(urls) for h, urls in hashes.items()} return to_return @api.route('/json//redirects') @api.doc(description='Get all the redirects of a capture', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class CaptureRedirects(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any] | tuple[dict[str, Any], int]: cache = lookyloo.capture_cache(capture_uuid) if not cache: return {'error': 'UUID missing in cache, try again later and check the status first.'}, 400 to_return: dict[str, Any] = {} try: to_return = {'response': {'url': cache.url, 'redirects': cache.redirects if cache.redirects else []}} if not cache.redirects: to_return['response']['info'] = 'No redirects' except Exception as e: if cache and hasattr(cache, 'error'): to_return['error'] = cache.error else: to_return['error'] = str(e) return to_return @api.route('/json//misp_export') @api.doc(description='Get an export of the capture in MISP format', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class MISPExport(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]]: with_parents = request.args.get('with_parents') event = lookyloo.misp_export(capture_uuid, True if with_parents else False) if isinstance(event, dict): return event to_return = [] for e in event: to_return.append(json.loads(e.to_json())) return to_return misp_push_fields = api.model('MISPPushFields', { 'allow_duplicates': fields.Integer(description="Push the event even if it is already present on the MISP instance", example=0, min=0, max=1), 'with_parents': fields.Integer(description="Also push the parents of the capture (if any)", example=0, min=0, max=1), }) @api.route('/json//misp_push') @api.route('/json//misp_push/') @api.doc(description='Push an event to a pre-configured MISP instance', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}, security='apikey') class MISPPush(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] method_decorators = [api_auth_check] @api.param('with_parents', 'Also push the parents of the capture (if any)') # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('allow_duplicates', 'Push the event even if it is already present on the MISP instance') # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str, instance_name: str | None=None) -> dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]]: with_parents = True if request.args.get('with_parents') else False allow_duplicates = True if request.args.get('allow_duplicates') else False if instance_name is None: misp = lookyloo.misps.default_misp elif lookyloo.misps.get(instance_name) is not None: misp = lookyloo.misps[instance_name] else: return {'error': f'MISP instance "{instance_name}" does not exists.'} to_return: dict[str, Any] = {} if not misp.available: to_return['error'] = 'MISP module not available.' elif not misp.enable_push: to_return['error'] = 'Push not enabled in MISP module.' else: event = lookyloo.misp_export(capture_uuid, with_parents) if isinstance(event, dict): to_return['error'] = event else: new_events = misp.push(event, allow_duplicates) if isinstance(new_events, dict): to_return['error'] = new_events else: events_to_return = [] for e in new_events: events_to_return.append(json.loads(e.to_json())) return events_to_return return to_return @api.doc(body=misp_push_fields) # type: ignore[misc] def post(self, capture_uuid: str, instance_name: str | None=None) -> dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]]: parameters: dict[str, Any] = request.get_json(force=True) with_parents = True if parameters.get('with_parents') else False allow_duplicates = True if parameters.get('allow_duplicates') else False if instance_name is None: misp = lookyloo.misps.default_misp elif lookyloo.misps.get(instance_name) is not None: misp = lookyloo.misps[instance_name] else: return {'error': f'MISP instance "{instance_name}" does not exists.'} to_return: dict[str, Any] = {} if not misp.available: to_return['error'] = 'MISP module not available.' elif not misp.enable_push: to_return['error'] = 'Push not enabled in MISP module.' else: event = lookyloo.misp_export(capture_uuid, with_parents) if isinstance(event, dict): to_return['error'] = event else: new_events = misp.push(event, allow_duplicates) if isinstance(new_events, dict): to_return['error'] = new_events else: events_to_return = [] for e in new_events: events_to_return.append(json.loads(e.to_json())) return events_to_return return to_return trigger_modules_fields = api.model('TriggerModulesFields', { 'force': fields.Boolean(description="Force trigger the modules, even if the results are already cached.", default=False, required=False), }) @api.route('/json//trigger_modules') @api.doc(description='Trigger all the available 3rd party modules on the given capture', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class TriggerModules(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] @api.doc(body=trigger_modules_fields) # type: ignore[misc] def post(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any]: parameters: dict[str, Any] = request.get_json(force=True) force = True if parameters.get('force') else False return lookyloo.trigger_modules(capture_uuid, force=force) @api.route('/json//modules') @api.doc(description='Get responses from the 3rd party modules', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class ModulesResponse(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any]: return lookyloo.get_modules_responses(capture_uuid) @api.route('/json/hash_info/') @api.doc(description='Search for a ressource with a specific hash (sha512)', params={'h': 'The hash (sha512)'}) class HashInfo(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, h: str) -> dict[str, Any] | tuple[dict[str, Any], int]: from . import get_body_hash_full details, body = get_body_hash_full(h) if not details: return {'error': 'Unknown Hash.'}, 400 to_return: dict[str, Any] = {'response': {'hash': h, 'details': details, 'body': base64.b64encode(body.getvalue()).decode()}} return to_return def get_url_occurrences(url: str, /, limit: int=20, cached_captures_only: bool=True) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: '''Get the most recent captures and URL nodes where the URL has been seen.''' captures = lookyloo.sorted_capture_cache(get_indexing(flask_login.current_user).get_captures_url(url), cached_captures_only=cached_captures_only) to_return: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] for capture in captures[:limit]: ct = lookyloo.get_crawled_tree(capture.uuid) to_append: dict[str, str | dict[str, Any]] = {'capture_uuid': capture.uuid, 'start_timestamp': capture.timestamp.isoformat(), 'title': capture.title} urlnodes: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {} for urlnode in ct.root_hartree.url_tree.search_nodes(name=url): urlnodes[urlnode.uuid] = {'start_time': urlnode.start_time.isoformat(), 'hostnode_uuid': urlnode.hostnode_uuid} if hasattr(urlnode, 'body_hash'): urlnodes[urlnode.uuid]['hash'] = urlnode.body_hash to_append['urlnodes'] = urlnodes to_return.append(to_append) return to_return url_info_fields = api.model('URLInfoFields', { 'url': fields.String(description="The URL to search", required=True), 'limit': fields.Integer(description="The maximal amount of captures to return", example=20), 'cached_captures_only': fields.Boolean(description="If false, re-cache the missing captures (can take a while)", default=True), }) @api.route('/json/url_info') @api.doc(description='Search for a URL') class URLInfo(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] @api.doc(body=url_info_fields) # type: ignore[misc] def post(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: to_query: dict[str, Any] = request.get_json(force=True) occurrences = get_url_occurrences(to_query.pop('url'), **to_query) return occurrences def get_hostname_occurrences(hostname: str, /, with_urls_occurrences: bool=False, limit: int=20, cached_captures_only: bool=True) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: '''Get the most recent captures and URL nodes where the hostname has been seen.''' captures = lookyloo.sorted_capture_cache(get_indexing(flask_login.current_user).get_captures_hostname(hostname), cached_captures_only=cached_captures_only) to_return: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] for capture in captures[:limit]: ct = lookyloo.get_crawled_tree(capture.uuid) to_append: dict[str, str | list[Any] | dict[str, Any]] = { 'capture_uuid': capture.uuid, 'start_timestamp': capture.timestamp.isoformat(), 'title': capture.title} hostnodes: list[str] = [] if with_urls_occurrences: urlnodes: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {} for hostnode in ct.root_hartree.hostname_tree.search_nodes(name=hostname): hostnodes.append(hostnode.uuid) if with_urls_occurrences: for urlnode in hostnode.urls: urlnodes[urlnode.uuid] = {'start_time': urlnode.start_time.isoformat(), 'url': urlnode.name, 'hostnode_uuid': urlnode.hostnode_uuid} if hasattr(urlnode, 'body_hash'): urlnodes[urlnode.uuid]['hash'] = urlnode.body_hash to_append['hostnodes'] = hostnodes if with_urls_occurrences: to_append['urlnodes'] = urlnodes to_return.append(to_append) return to_return hostname_info_fields = api.model('HostnameInfoFields', { 'hostname': fields.String(description="The hostname to search", required=True), 'limit': fields.Integer(description="The maximal amount of captures to return", example=20), 'cached_captures_only': fields.Boolean(description="If false, re-cache the missing captures (can take a while)", default=True), }) @api.route('/json/hostname_info') @api.doc(description='Search for a hostname') class HostnameInfo(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] @api.doc(body=hostname_info_fields) # type: ignore[misc] def post(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: to_query: dict[str, Any] = request.get_json(force=True) return get_hostname_occurrences(to_query.pop('hostname'), **to_query) @api.route('/json/stats') @api.doc(description='Get the statistics of the lookyloo instance.') class InstanceStats(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return lookyloo.get_stats() @api.route('/json/devices') @api.doc(description='Get the list of devices pre-configured on the platform') class Devices(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self) -> dict[str, Any]: return lookyloo.get_playwright_devices() @api.route('/json//stats') @api.doc(description='Get the statistics of the capture.', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class CaptureStats(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any]: return lookyloo.get_statistics(capture_uuid) @api.route('/json//info') @api.doc(description='Get basic information about the capture.', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class CaptureInfo(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any]: return lookyloo.get_info(capture_uuid) @api.route('/json//cookies') @api.doc(description='Get the complete cookie jar created during the capture.', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class CaptureCookies(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any]: return json.loads(lookyloo.get_cookies(capture_uuid).read()) @api.route('/json//report') @api.doc(description='Reports the url by sending an email to the investigation team', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class CaptureReport(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('email', 'Email of the reporter, used by the analyst to get in touch.') # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('comment', 'Description of the URL, will be given to the analyst.') # type: ignore[misc] def post(self, capture_uuid: str) -> bool | dict[str, Any]: parameters: dict[str, Any] = request.get_json(force=True) return lookyloo.send_mail(capture_uuid, parameters.get('email', ''), parameters.get('comment')) @api.route('/json/upload') @api.doc(description='Submits a capture from another instance') class UploadCapture(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def post(self) -> dict[str, str | dict[str, list[str]]] | tuple[dict[str, str], int]: parameters: dict[str, Any] = request.get_json(force=True) listing = True if parameters['listing'] else False har: dict[str, Any] | None = None html: str | None = None last_redirected_url: str | None = None screenshot: bytes | None = None if 'har_file' in parameters and parameters.get('har_file'): uuid = str(uuid4()) try: har_decoded = base64.b64decode(parameters['har_file']) try: # new format har_uncompressed = gzip.decompress(har_decoded) except gzip.BadGzipFile: # old format har_uncompressed = har_decoded har = json.loads(har_uncompressed) last_redirected_url = parameters.get('landing_page') if 'screenshot_file' in parameters: screenshot = base64.b64decode(parameters['screenshot_file']) if 'html_file' in parameters: html = base64.b64decode(parameters['html_file']).decode() lookyloo.store_capture(uuid, is_public=listing, har=har, last_redirected_url=last_redirected_url, png=screenshot, html=html) except Exception as e: return {'error': f'Unable to process the upload: {e}'}, 400 return {'uuid': uuid} elif 'full_capture' in parameters and parameters.get('full_capture'): try: zipped_capture = base64.b64decode(parameters['full_capture'].encode()) except Exception: return {'error': 'Invalid base64-encoding'}, 400 full_capture_file = BytesIO(zipped_capture) uuid, messages = lookyloo.unpack_full_capture_archive(full_capture_file, listing=listing) if 'errors' in messages and messages['errors']: return {'error': ', '.join(messages['errors'])}, 400 return {'uuid': uuid, 'messages': messages} else: return {'error': 'Full capture or at least har-file is required'}, 400 auto_report_model = api.model('AutoReportModel', { 'email': fields.String(description="Email of the reporter, used by the analyst to get in touch.", example=''), 'comment': fields.String(description="Description of the URL, will be given to the analyst.", example='') }) submit_fields_post = api.model('SubmitFieldsPost', { 'url': fields.Url(description="The URL to capture", example=''), 'document': fields.String(description="A base64 encoded document, it can be anything a browser can display.", example=''), 'document_name': fields.String(description="The name of the document.", example=''), 'listing': fields.Integer(description="Display the capture on the index", min=0, max=1, example=1), 'allow_tracking': fields.Integer(description="Attempt to let the website violate your privacy", min=0, max=1, example=0), 'user_agent': fields.String(description="User agent to use for the capture", example=''), 'browser_name': fields.String(description="Use this browser. Must be chromium, firefox or webkit.", example=''), 'device_name': fields.String(description="Use the pre-configured settings for this device. Get a list from /json/devices.", example=''), 'referer': fields.String(description="Referer to pass to the capture", example=''), 'headers': fields.String(description="Headers to pass to the capture", example='Accept-Language: en-US;q=0.5, fr-FR;q=0.4'), 'proxy': fields.Url(description="Proxy to use for the capture. Format: [scheme]://[username]:[password]@[hostname]:[port]", example=''), 'cookies': fields.String(description="JSON export of a list of cookies as exported from an other capture", example=''), 'auto_report': fields.Nested(auto_report_model, description="The settings for the automatic reporting.") }) @api.route('/submit') class SubmitCapture(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('url', 'The URL to capture', required=True) # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('listing', 'Display the capture on the index', default=1) # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('allow_tracking', 'Attempt to let the website violate your privacy', default=1) # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('user_agent', 'User agent to use for the capture') # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('browser_name', 'Use this browser. Must be chromium, firefox or webkit.') # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('device_name', 'Use the pre-configured settings for this device') # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('referer', 'Referer to pass to the capture') # type: ignore[misc] @api.param('proxy', 'Proxy to use for the the capture') # type: ignore[misc] @api.produces(['text/text']) # type: ignore[misc] def get(self) -> str | tuple[dict[str, str], int]: if flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated: user = flask_login.current_user.get_id() else: user = src_request_ip(request) if 'url' not in request.args or not request.args.get('url'): return {'error': 'No "url" in the URL params, nothting to capture.'}, 400 to_query: dict[str, Any] = { 'url': request.args['url'], 'listing': False if 'listing' in request.args and request.args['listing'] in [0, '0'] else True, 'allow_tracking': False if 'allow_tracking' in request.args and request.args['allow_tracking'] in [0, '0'] else True } if request.args.get('user_agent'): to_query['user_agent'] = request.args['user_agent'] if request.args.get('browser_name'): to_query['browser_name'] = request.args['browser_name'] if request.args.get('device_name'): to_query['device_name'] = request.args['device_name'] if request.args.get('referer'): to_query['referer'] = request.args['referer'] if request.args.get('headers'): to_query['headers'] = request.args['headers'] if request.args.get('proxy'): to_query['proxy'] = request.args['proxy'] perma_uuid = lookyloo.enqueue_capture(CaptureSettings(**to_query), source='api', user=user, authenticated=flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated) return perma_uuid @api.doc(body=submit_fields_post) # type: ignore[misc] @api.produces(['text/text']) # type: ignore[misc] def post(self) -> str: if flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated: user = flask_login.current_user.get_id() else: user = src_request_ip(request) to_query: dict[str, Any] = request.get_json(force=True) perma_uuid = lookyloo.enqueue_capture(CaptureSettings(**to_query), source='api', user=user, authenticated=flask_login.current_user.is_authenticated) return perma_uuid # Binary stuff @api.route('/bin//screenshot') @api.doc(description='Get the screenshot associated to the capture.', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class CaptureScreenshot(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] @api.produces(['image/png']) # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> Response: return send_file(lookyloo.get_screenshot(capture_uuid), mimetype='image/png') @api.route('/bin//export') @api.doc(description='Get all the files generated by the capture, except the pickle.', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class CaptureExport(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] @api.produces(['application/zip']) # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> Response: return send_file(lookyloo.get_capture(capture_uuid), mimetype='application/zip') @api.route('/bin//data') @api.doc(description='Get the file downloaded by the capture.', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}) class CaptureData(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] @api.produces(['application/zip']) # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> Response: filename, data = lookyloo.get_data(capture_uuid) if not filename: # This capture didn't trigger a download. filename = 'no_download' data = BytesIO(b"This capture didn't trigger a download") to_return = BytesIO() with ZipFile(to_return, 'w') as z: z.writestr(filename, data.getvalue()) to_return.seek(0) return send_file(to_return, mimetype='application/zip') # Compare captures (WiP) compare_settings_mapping = api.model('CompareSettings', { 'ressources_ignore_domains': fields.List(fields.String(description="A domain to ignore")), 'ressources_ignore_regexes': fields.List(fields.String(description="A regex to match anything in a URL")) }) compare_captures_fields = api.model('CompareCapturesFields', { 'capture_left': fields.String(description="Left capture to compare.", required=True), 'capture_right': fields.String(description="Right capture to compare.", required=True), 'compare_settings': fields.Nested(compare_settings_mapping, description="The settings to compare captures.") }) @api.route('/json/compare_captures') @api.doc(description='Compare two captures') class CompareCaptures(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] @api.doc(body=compare_captures_fields) # type: ignore[misc] def post(self) -> dict[str, Any]: parameters: dict[str, Any] = request.get_json(force=True) left_uuid = parameters.get('capture_left') right_uuid = parameters.get('capture_right') if not left_uuid or not right_uuid: return {'error': 'UUIDs of captures to compare missing', 'details': f'Left: {left_uuid} / Right: {right_uuid}'} try: different, result = comparator.compare_captures(left_uuid, right_uuid, settings=parameters.get('compare_settings')) except MissingUUID as e: # UUID non-existent, or capture still ongoing. if left_uuid and right_uuid: status_left = lookyloo.get_capture_status(left_uuid) status_right = lookyloo.get_capture_status(right_uuid) return {'error': str(e), 'details': {left_uuid: status_left, right_uuid: status_right}} else: return {'error': str(e), 'details': 'Invalid request (left/right UUIDs missing.)'} result['different'] = different return result comparables_nodes_model = api.model('ComparablesNodeModel', { 'url': fields.String, 'hostname': fields.String, 'ip_address': fields.String, }) redirects_model = api.model('RedirectsModel', { 'length': fields.Integer, 'nodes': fields.List(fields.Nested(comparables_nodes_model)), }) comparables_model = api.model('ComparablesModel', { 'root_url': fields.String, 'final_url': fields.String, 'final_hostname': fields.String, 'final_status_code': fields.Integer, 'redirects': fields.Nested(redirects_model), 'ressources': fields.List(fields.List(fields.String)), }) @api.route('/json//comparables') @api.doc(description='Get the data we can compare across captures') class Comparables(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] @api.marshal_with(comparables_model) # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any]: return comparator.get_comparables_capture(capture_uuid) # Get information for takedown takedown_fields = api.model('TakedownFields', { 'capture_uuid': fields.String(description="The UUID of the capture.", required=True), 'filter': fields.Boolean(description="If true, the response is a list of emails.", default=False), }) @api.route('/json/takedown') @api.doc(description='Get information for triggering a takedown request') class Takedown(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] @api.doc(body=takedown_fields) # type: ignore[misc] def post(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]] | dict[str, str] | list[str]: if not lookyloo.uwhois.available: return {'error': 'UWhois not available, cannot get contacts.'} parameters: dict[str, Any] = request.get_json(force=True) capture_uuid = parameters.get('capture_uuid') if not capture_uuid: return {'error': f'Invalid request: {parameters}'} if parameters.get('filter'): return list(lookyloo.contacts_filtered(capture_uuid)) else: return lookyloo.contacts(capture_uuid) # Admin stuff @api.route('/admin/rebuild_all') @api.doc(description='Rebuild all the trees. WARNING: IT IS GOING TO TAKE A VERY LONG TIME.', security='apikey') class RebuildAll(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] method_decorators = [api_auth_check] def post(self) -> dict[str, str] | tuple[dict[str, str], int]: try: lookyloo.rebuild_all() except Exception as e: return {'error': f'Unable to rebuild all captures: {e}'}, 400 return {'info': 'Captures successfully rebuilt.'} @api.route('/admin/rebuild_all_cache') @api.doc(description='Rebuild all the caches. It will take a while, but less that rebuild all.', security='apikey') class RebuildAllCache(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] method_decorators = [api_auth_check] def post(self) -> dict[str, str] | tuple[dict[str, str], int]: try: lookyloo.rebuild_cache() except Exception as e: return {'error': f'Unable to rebuild all the caches: {e}'}, 400 return {'info': 'All caches successfully rebuilt.'} @api.route('/admin//rebuild') @api.doc(description='Rebuild the tree.', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}, security='apikey') class CaptureRebuildTree(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] method_decorators = [api_auth_check] def post(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, str] | tuple[dict[str, str], int]: try: lookyloo.remove_pickle(capture_uuid) lookyloo.get_crawled_tree(capture_uuid) except Exception as e: return {'error': f'Unable to rebuild tree: {e}'}, 400 return {'info': f'Tree {capture_uuid} successfully rebuilt.'} @api.route('/admin//hide') @api.doc(description='Hide the capture from the index.', params={'capture_uuid': 'The UUID of the capture'}, security='apikey') class CaptureHide(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] method_decorators = [api_auth_check] def post(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, str] | tuple[dict[str, str], int]: try: lookyloo.hide_capture(capture_uuid) except Exception as e: return {'error': f'Unable to hide the tree: {e}'}, 400 return {'info': f'Capture {capture_uuid} successfully hidden.'} @api.route('/json/recent_captures') @api.route('/json/recent_captures/') @api.doc(description='Get uuids of the most recent captures.', params={'timestamp': 'The timestamp up to which we want to have the current captures'}, required=False) class RecentCaptures(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, timestamp: str | float | None=None) -> list[str]: return lookyloo.get_recent_captures(since=timestamp) @api.route('/json/categories') @api.route('/json/categories/') @api.doc(description='Get uuids for a specific category.', params={'category': 'The category according to which the uuids are to be returned.'}, required=False) class CategoriesCaptures(Resource): # type: ignore[misc] def get(self, category: str | None=None) -> list[str] | dict[str, list[str]] | tuple[dict[str, str], int]: existing_categories = get_indexing(flask_login.current_user).categories if category: if category not in existing_categories: return {'error': f'Invalid category: {category}, must be in {", ".join(existing_categories)}.'}, 400 return list(get_indexing(flask_login.current_user).get_captures_category(category)) return {c: list(get_indexing(flask_login.current_user).get_captures_category(c)) for c in existing_categories}