{% macro known_content_details(details) %}
The response sould be considered as {% if details[1] is mapping and details[1].get('tag') %} {{ ', '.join(details[1]['tag']) }} {% else %} phishing {%endif%} {% if details[1] is mapping and details[1].get('target') %} and is targeting the following domain(s): {{ ', '.join(details[1]['target']) }} {% else %} unless it is served by the following domain(s): {{ ', '.join(details[1]) }} {%endif%}
{%endif%} {%endif%} {% endmacro %} {% macro indexed_hash(details, identifier_for_toggle) %} {% set total_captures = details[0] %} {% set other_captures = details[1] %} {# Only show details if the hits are in an other capture #} {% if total_captures > 0 %}The same file was seen in {{ total_captures }} other captures.
{# Lists of other captures loading the same content... #}The following captures get the same file from a different URL
{{ other_captures_table(other_captures['different_url']) }}The following captures get the same file from the same URL
{{ other_captures_table(other_captures['same_url']) }}Title | Timestamp | Domain |
{{ title }} | {{ timestamp }} | {{ hostname }} |