{% extends "main.html" %} {% from "macros.html" import known_content_details %} {% from "macros.html" import ressource_legitimacy_details %} {% from "macros.html" import indexed_cookies %} {% from "macros.html" import popup_icons_request %} {% from "macros.html" import popup_icons_response %} {% from "macros.html" import shorten_string %} {% from "macros.html" import other_captures_table %} {% from "macros.html" import get_ressource_button %} {% from "macros.html" import context_form %} {% from "macros.html" import pandora_submit %} {% block title %}Details for {% if hostnode.idna %}{{hostnode.idna}} {%else%} {{ hostnode.name }} {%endif%}{% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {# Headers #}
{{ popup_icons_request(url['url_object'], tree_uuid) }} {% if url['url_object'].posted_data %} Download posted data {% if url['url_object'].posted_data is string %} Posted data size: {{ sizeof_fmt(url['url_object'].posted_data|length) }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if url['cookies_sent'] %}This request contains cookies.
Response (Status code: {{ url['url_object'].response['status'] }}) - Load time: {{ url['url_object'].time.total_seconds() }}s
{{ popup_icons_response(url['url_object'], tree_uuid) }} {% if url['url_object'].downloaded_filename %}See other captures with the same HTTP Headers Hash
{% endif %} {% endif %} {% if enable_context_by_users %} {{ context_form(tree_uuid, url['url_object'].uuid, url['url_object'].body_hash, 'hostnode_popup') }} {% endif %} {% if url['embedded_ressources'] %} {# Details on embedded resources #}This response contains cookies.