{% extends "main.html" %} {% from "macros.html" import known_content_details %} {% from "macros.html" import ressource_legitimacy_details %} {% from "macros.html" import indexed_cookies %} {% from "macros.html" import popup_icons_request %} {% from "macros.html" import popup_icons_response %} {% from "macros.html" import shorten_string %} {% from "macros.html" import other_captures_table %} {% from "macros.html" import get_ressource_button %} {% from "macros.html" import context_form %} {% from "macros.html" import pandora_submit %} {% block title %}Details for {% if hostnode.idna %}{{hostnode.idna}} {%else%} {{ hostnode.name }} {%endif%}{% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {# Headers #}
{% if hostnode.idna %}


{% else %}


{% endif %}
{% if uwhois_available %} Download whois entry {% endif %} Download all URLs as text Download all Hashes as text

{% if hostnode.cname %}
Chain of CNAME(s) for this domain:
    {% for cname in hostnode.cname %}
  • {{ cname }}{% if uwhois_available %} (whois){% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if hostnode.resolved_ips %}
Domain IPs from a standalone DNS lookup:
{% if 'v4' in hostnode.resolved_ips and 'v6' in hostnode.resolved_ips%}
    {% for ip in hostnode.resolved_ips['v4'] %}
  • {{ ip }}{% if uwhois_available %} (whois){% endif %} {% if 'ipasn' in hostnode.features and hostnode.ipasn.get(ip) %}- AS{{ hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'] }} {% if uwhois_available %} (whois){% endif %}{% endif %} {% if 'cloudflare' in hostnode.features and hostnode.cloudflare.get(ip) %} - Known Cloudflare IP{% endif %}
  • {% endfor %} {% for ip in hostnode.resolved_ips['v6'] %}
  • {{ ip }}{% if uwhois_available %} (whois){% endif %} {% if 'ipasn' in hostnode.features and hostnode.ipasn.get(ip) %}- AS{{ hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'] }} {% if uwhois_available %} (whois){% endif %}{% endif %} {% if 'cloudflare' in hostnode.features and hostnode.cloudflare.get(ip) %} - Known Cloudflare IP{% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
    {% for ip in hostnode.resolved_ips %}
  • {{ ip }}{% if uwhois_available %} (whois){% endif %} {% if 'ipasn' in hostnode.features and hostnode.ipasn.get(ip) %}- AS{{ hostnode.ipasn[ip]['asn'] }} {% if uwhois_available %} (whois){% endif %}{% endif %}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if hostnode.soa %}
SOA record for {{hostnode.soa[0]}}:
  • {{ hostnode.soa[1] }}
{% endif %} {% if hostnode.mx %}
MX record for {{hostnode.mx[0]}}:
    {% for record in hostnode.mx[1] %}
  • {{ record }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% if hostnode.ns %}
NS record for {{hostnode.ns[0]}}:
    {% for record in hostnode.ns[1] %}
  • {{ record }}
  • {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{# Start list of URLs #} {% endblock %}