#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys from typing import List, Tuple from redis import Redis from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError from rich.console import Console from rich.padding import Padding from lookyloo.helpers import get_socket_path, splash_status from lookyloo.abstractmanager import AbstractManager # NOTE: run with watch: # watch --color tools/monitoring.py console = Console(color_system="256") class Monitoring(): def __init__(self) -> None: self.redis_cache: Redis = Redis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('cache'), decode_responses=True) self.redis_indexing: Redis = Redis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('indexing'), decode_responses=True) @property def backend_status(self): socket_path_cache = get_socket_path('cache') socket_path_index = get_socket_path('indexing') backend_up = True if not os.path.exists(socket_path_cache): console.print(f'Socket path for the [blue]cache[/blue] redis DB [red]does not exists[/red] ({socket_path_cache}).') backend_up = False if not os.path.exists(socket_path_index): console.print(f'Socket path for the [blue]indexing[/blue] redis DB [red]does not exists[/red] ({socket_path_index}).') backend_up = False if backend_up: try: cache_reachable = True if self.redis_cache.ping() else False if not cache_reachable: console.print('Unable to ping the redis cache db.') backend_up = False except ConnectionError: console.print('Unable to connect to the redis cache db.') backend_up = False try: indexing_reachable = True if self.redis_indexing.ping() else False if not indexing_reachable: console.print('Unable to ping the redis indexing db.') backend_up = False except ConnectionError: console.print('Unable to connect to the redis indexing db.') backend_up = False return backend_up @property def queues(self): return self.redis_cache.zrevrangebyscore('queues', 'Inf', '-Inf', withscores=True) @property def ongoing_captures(self): captures_uuid: List[Tuple[str, float]] = self.redis_cache.zrevrangebyscore('to_capture', 'Inf', '-Inf', withscores=True) if not captures_uuid: return [] to_return = [] for uuid, rank in captures_uuid: capture_params = self.redis_cache.hgetall(uuid) if capture_params: to_return.append((uuid, rank, capture_params)) return to_return if __name__ == '__main__': status, message = splash_status() if status: console.print(f'[green]{message}[/green]') else: console.print('Splash is [bold red]down[/bold red]: ', message) m = Monitoring() backend_up = m.backend_status if not backend_up: console.print('[bold red]Backend not up, breaking.[/bold red]') sys.exit() console.print('Services currently running:') running = AbstractManager.is_running() for service, number in running: s = Padding(f'{service} ({int(number)} service(s))', (0, 2)) console.print(s) console.print('Current queues:') for q, priority in m.queues: s = Padding(f'{q} Recently enqueued captures: {int(priority)}', (0, 2)) console.print(s) # ------------------ console.print('Captures details:') captures = m.ongoing_captures console.print(f'Queue length: [yellow]{len(captures)}[/yellow]') for uuid, rank, d in captures: a = Padding(f'{uuid} Rank: {int(rank)}', (0, 2)) console.print(a) console.print(d)