mirror of https://github.com/CIRCL/lookyloo
195 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File
195 lines
7.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import base64
import ipaddress
import json
import logging
import socket
from io import BufferedIOBase
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Dict, Optional, Tuple, List
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from defang import refang # type: ignore
from redis import Redis
from scrapysplashwrapper import crawl
from lookyloo.abstractmanager import AbstractManager
from lookyloo.helpers import (splash_status, get_socket_path,
load_cookies, safe_create_dir, get_config, get_splash_url,
from lookyloo.lookyloo import Lookyloo
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s',
level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%I:%M:%S')
class AsyncCapture(AbstractManager):
def __init__(self, loglevel: int=logging.INFO):
self.lookyloo = Lookyloo()
self.script_name = 'async_capture'
self.only_global_lookups: bool = get_config('generic', 'only_global_lookups')
self.capture_dir: Path = get_captures_dir()
self.splash_url: str = get_splash_url()
self.redis = Redis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('cache'), decode_responses=True)
def process_capture_queue(self) -> None:
'''Process a query from the capture queue'''
value: Optional[List[Tuple[str, int]]] = self.redis.zpopmax('to_capture') # type: ignore
if not value or not value[0]:
# The queue was consumed by an other process.
uuid, _score = value[0]
queue: Optional[str] = self.redis.get(f'{uuid}_mgmt')
self.redis.sadd('ongoing', uuid)
lazy_cleanup = self.redis.pipeline()
if queue:
# queue shouldn't be none, but if it is, just ignore.
lazy_cleanup.zincrby('queues', -1, queue)
to_capture: Dict[str, str] = self.redis.hgetall(uuid)
to_capture['perma_uuid'] = uuid
if 'cookies' in to_capture:
to_capture['cookies_pseudofile'] = to_capture.pop('cookies')
if self._capture(**to_capture): # type: ignore
self.logger.info(f'Processed {to_capture["url"]}')
self.logger.warning(f'Unable to capture {to_capture["url"]}')
lazy_cleanup.srem('ongoing', uuid)
# make sure to expire the key if nothing was processed for a while (= queues empty)
lazy_cleanup.expire('queues', 600)
def _capture(self, url: str, *, perma_uuid: str, cookies_pseudofile: Optional[Union[BufferedIOBase, str]]=None,
depth: int=1, listing: bool=True, user_agent: Optional[str]=None,
referer: str='', proxy: str='', os: Optional[str]=None,
browser: Optional[str]=None, parent: Optional[str]=None) -> bool:
'''Launch a capture'''
url = url.strip()
url = refang(url)
if not url.startswith('http'):
url = f'http://{url}'
if self.only_global_lookups:
splitted_url = urlsplit(url)
if splitted_url.netloc:
if splitted_url.hostname:
if splitted_url.hostname.split('.')[-1] != 'onion':
ip = socket.gethostbyname(splitted_url.hostname)
except socket.gaierror:
self.logger.info('Name or service not known')
return False
if not ipaddress.ip_address(ip).is_global:
return False
return False
cookies = load_cookies(cookies_pseudofile)
if not user_agent:
# Catch case where the UA is broken on the UI, and the async submission.
ua: str = get_config('generic', 'default_user_agent')
ua = user_agent
if int(depth) > int(get_config('generic', 'max_depth')):
self.logger.warning(f'Not allowed to capture on a depth higher than {get_config("generic", "max_depth")}: {depth}')
depth = int(get_config('generic', 'max_depth'))
self.logger.info(f'Capturing {url}')
items = crawl(self.splash_url, url, cookies=cookies, depth=depth, user_agent=ua,
referer=referer, proxy=proxy, log_enabled=True, log_level=get_config('generic', 'splash_loglevel'))
except Exception as e:
self.logger.critical(f'Something went terribly wrong when capturing {url}.')
raise e
if not items:
# broken
self.logger.critical(f'Something went terribly wrong when capturing {url}.')
return False
width = len(str(len(items)))
now = datetime.now()
dirpath = self.capture_dir / str(now.year) / f'{now.month:02}' / now.isoformat()
if os or browser:
meta = {}
if os:
meta['os'] = os
if browser:
meta['browser'] = browser
with (dirpath / 'meta').open('w') as _meta:
json.dump(meta, _meta)
# Write UUID
with (dirpath / 'uuid').open('w') as _uuid:
# Write no_index marker (optional)
if not listing:
(dirpath / 'no_index').touch()
# Write parent UUID (optional)
if parent:
with (dirpath / 'parent').open('w') as _parent:
for i, item in enumerate(items):
if 'error' in item:
with (dirpath / 'error.txt').open('w') as _error:
json.dump(item['error'], _error)
# The capture went fine
harfile = item['har']
png = base64.b64decode(item['png'])
html = item['html']
last_redirect = item['last_redirected_url']
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.har'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _har:
json.dump(harfile, _har)
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.png'.format(i, width=width)).open('wb') as _img:
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.html'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _html:
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.last_redirect.txt'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _redir:
if 'childFrames' in item:
child_frames = item['childFrames']
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.frames.json'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _iframes:
json.dump(child_frames, _iframes)
if 'cookies' in item:
cookies = item['cookies']
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.cookies.json'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _cookies:
json.dump(cookies, _cookies)
self.redis.hset('lookup_dirs', perma_uuid, str(dirpath))
return True
def _to_run_forever(self):
while self.redis.exists('to_capture'):
status, message = splash_status()
if not status:
self.logger.critical(f'Splash is not running, unable to process the capture queue: {message}')
if self.shutdown_requested():
def main():
m = AsyncCapture()
if __name__ == '__main__':