
248 lines
9.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import pickle
from datetime import datetime
import tempfile
import pathlib
import time
import ipaddress
import socket
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from io import BufferedIOBase, BytesIO
import base64
from uuid import uuid4
from pathlib import Path
from .helpers import get_homedir, get_socket_path, load_cookies
from .exceptions import NoValidHarFile
from redis import Redis
from typing import Union, Dict, List, Tuple, Optional
import logging
from pysanejs import SaneJS
from scrapysplashwrapper import crawl
from har2tree import CrawledTree, Har2TreeError, HarFile
from defang import refang # type: ignore
class Lookyloo():
def __init__(self, splash_url: str='', loglevel: int=logging.DEBUG, only_global_lookups: bool=False) -> None:
self.redis: Redis = Redis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('cache'), decode_responses=True)
self.scrape_dir: Path = get_homedir() / 'scraped'
self.splash_url: str = splash_url
self.only_global_lookups: bool = only_global_lookups
if not self.scrape_dir.exists():
self.scrape_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if not self.redis.exists('cache_loaded'):
# Try to reach sanejs
self.sanejs = SaneJS()
if not self.sanejs.is_up:
self.use_sane_js = False
self.use_sane_js = True
def __init_logger(self, loglevel: int) -> None:
self.logger = logging.getLogger(f'{self.__class__.__name__}')
def _set_report_cache(self, report_dir: Path) -> None:
if self.redis.exists(str(report_dir)):
if (report_dir / 'error.txt').exists():
# Something went wrong
har_files = sorted(report_dir.glob('*.har'))
if not har_files:
self.logger.warning(f'No har files in {report_dir}')
# if (report_dir / 'uuid').exists():
# (report_dir / 'uuid').unlink()
# if (report_dir / 'no_index').exists():
# (report_dir / 'no_index').unlink()
# report_dir.rmdir()
with (report_dir / 'uuid').open() as f:
uuid = f.read().strip()
har = HarFile(har_files[0])
cache: Dict[str, Union[str, int]] = {'uuid': uuid,
'title': har.initial_title,
'timestamp': har.initial_start_time,
'url': har.first_url,
'redirects': json.dumps(har.initial_redirects)}
if (report_dir / 'no_index').exists(): # If the folders claims anonymity
cache['no_index'] = 1
if uuid and not self.redis.exists(str(report_dir)):
self.redis.hmset(str(report_dir), cache)
self.redis.hset('lookup_dirs', uuid, str(report_dir))
def report_cache(self, report_dir: Union[str, Path]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]:
if isinstance(report_dir, Path):
report_dir = str(report_dir)
if (Path(report_dir) / 'error.txt').exists():
with (Path(report_dir) / 'error.txt').open() as _error:
self.logger.warning(f'Capture in ({report_dir}) has an error: {_error.read()}, see https://splash.readthedocs.io/en/stable/scripting-ref.html#splash-go')
cached = self.redis.hgetall(report_dir)
if all(key in cached.keys() for key in ['uuid', 'title', 'timestamp', 'url', 'redirects']):
cached['redirects'] = json.loads(cached['redirects'])
return cached
self.logger.warning(f'Cache ({report_dir}) is invalid: {json.dumps(cached, indent=2)}')
return None
def _init_existing_dumps(self) -> None:
for report_dir in self.report_dirs:
if report_dir.exists():
self.redis.set('cache_loaded', 1)
def report_dirs(self) -> List[Path]:
for report_dir in self.scrape_dir.iterdir():
if report_dir.is_dir() and not report_dir.iterdir():
# Cleanup self.scrape_dir of failed runs.
if not (report_dir / 'uuid').exists():
# Create uuid if missing
with (report_dir / 'uuid').open('w') as f:
return sorted(self.scrape_dir.iterdir(), reverse=True)
def lookup_report_dir(self, uuid) -> Union[Path, None]:
report_dir = self.redis.hget('lookup_dirs', uuid)
if report_dir:
return Path(report_dir)
return None
def enqueue_scrape(self, query: dict) -> str:
perma_uuid = str(uuid4())
p = self.redis.pipeline()
p.hmset(perma_uuid, query)
p.sadd('to_scrape', perma_uuid)
return perma_uuid
def process_scrape_queue(self) -> Union[bool, None]:
uuid = self.redis.spop('to_scrape')
if not uuid:
return None
to_scrape = self.redis.hgetall(uuid)
to_scrape['perma_uuid'] = uuid
if self.scrape(**to_scrape):
self.logger.info(f'Processed {to_scrape["url"]}')
return True
return False
def load_tree(self, report_dir: Path) -> Tuple[str, dict, str, str, str, dict]:
har_files = sorted(report_dir.glob('*.har'))
meta = {}
if (report_dir / 'meta').exists():
with open((report_dir / 'meta'), 'r') as f:
meta = json.load(f)
ct = CrawledTree(har_files)
temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='lookyloo', delete=False)
pickle.dump(ct, temp)
return temp.name, ct.to_json(), ct.start_time.isoformat(), ct.user_agent, ct.root_url, meta
except Har2TreeError as e:
raise NoValidHarFile(e.message)
def cleanup_old_tmpfiles(self):
for tmpfile in pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir()).glob('lookyloo*'):
if time.time() - tmpfile.stat().st_atime > 36000:
def load_image(self, report_dir: Path) -> BytesIO:
with open(list(report_dir.glob('*.png'))[0], 'rb') as f:
return BytesIO(f.read())
def sane_js_query(self, sha512: str) -> Dict:
if self.use_sane_js:
return self.sanejs.sha512(sha512)
return {'response': []}
def scrape(self, url: str, cookies_pseudofile: Optional[BufferedIOBase]=None, depth: int=1, listing: bool=True, user_agent: Optional[str]=None, perma_uuid: str=None,
os: str=None, browser: str=None) -> Union[bool, str]:
if not url.startswith('http'):
url = f'http://{url}'
url = refang(url)
if self.only_global_lookups:
splitted_url = urlsplit(url)
if splitted_url.netloc:
if splitted_url.hostname:
ip = socket.gethostbyname(splitted_url.hostname)
if not ipaddress.ip_address(ip).is_global:
return False
return False
cookies = load_cookies(cookies_pseudofile)
items = crawl(self.splash_url, url, cookies=cookies, depth=depth, user_agent=user_agent, log_enabled=True, log_level='INFO')
if not items:
# broken
return False
if not perma_uuid:
perma_uuid = str(uuid4())
width = len(str(len(items)))
dirpath = self.scrape_dir / datetime.now().isoformat()
for i, item in enumerate(items):
if not listing: # Write no_index marker
(dirpath / 'no_index').touch()
with (dirpath / 'uuid').open('w') as _uuid:
if os or browser:
meta = {}
if os:
meta['os'] = os
if browser:
meta['browser'] = browser
with (dirpath / 'meta').open('w') as _meta:
json.dump(meta, _meta)
if 'error' in item:
with (dirpath / 'error.txt').open('w') as _error:
# The capture went fine
harfile = item['har']
png = base64.b64decode(item['png'])
html = item['html']
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.har'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _har:
json.dump(harfile, _har)
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.png'.format(i, width=width)).open('wb') as _img:
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.html'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _html:
if 'childFrames' in item:
child_frames = item['childFrames']
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.frames.json'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _iframes:
json.dump(child_frames, _iframes)
if 'cookies' in item:
cookies = item['cookies']
with (dirpath / '{0:0{width}}.cookies.json'.format(i, width=width)).open('w') as _cookies:
json.dump(cookies, _cookies)
return perma_uuid