
155 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import sys
from typing import Any
from redis import Redis
from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError
from rich.console import Console
from rich.padding import Padding
from pylacus import PyLacus
from lookyloo.default import get_socket_path, AbstractManager, get_config
# NOTE: run with watch:
# watch --color tools/monitoring.py
console = Console(color_system="256")
class Monitoring():
lacus: PyLacus | None = None
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.redis_cache: Redis = Redis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('cache'), decode_responses=True) # type: ignore[type-arg]
self.redis_indexing: Redis = Redis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('indexing'), decode_responses=True) # type: ignore[type-arg]
# try to connect to a remote lacus if lookyloo is configured this way
if remote_lacus_config := get_config('generic', 'remote_lacus'):
if remote_lacus_config.get('enable'):
remote_lacus_url = remote_lacus_config.get('url')
self.lacus = PyLacus(remote_lacus_url)
if not self.lacus.is_up:
self.lacus = None
console.print(f'[red]WARNING[/red]: Remote lacus is configured but not reachable: {remote_lacus_url}.')
def backend_status(self) -> bool:
socket_path_cache = get_socket_path('cache')
socket_path_index = get_socket_path('indexing')
backend_up = True
if not os.path.exists(socket_path_cache):
console.print(f'Socket path for the [blue]cache[/blue] redis DB [red]does not exists[/red] ({socket_path_cache}).')
backend_up = False
if not os.path.exists(socket_path_index):
console.print(f'Socket path for the [blue]indexing[/blue] redis DB [red]does not exists[/red] ({socket_path_index}).')
backend_up = False
if backend_up:
cache_reachable = True if self.redis_cache.ping() else False
if not cache_reachable:
console.print('Unable to ping the redis cache db.')
backend_up = False
except ConnectionError:
console.print('Unable to connect to the redis cache db.')
backend_up = False
indexing_reachable = True if self.redis_indexing.ping() else False
if not indexing_reachable:
console.print('Unable to ping the redis indexing db.')
backend_up = False
except ConnectionError:
console.print('Unable to connect to the redis indexing db.')
backend_up = False
return backend_up
def queues(self) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
return self.redis_cache.zrevrangebyscore('queues', 'Inf', '-Inf', withscores=True)
def ongoing_captures(self) -> list[tuple[str, float, dict[str, Any]]]:
captures_uuid: list[tuple[str, float]] = self.redis_cache.zrevrangebyscore('to_capture', 'Inf', '-Inf', withscores=True)
if not captures_uuid:
return []
to_return = []
for uuid, rank in captures_uuid:
capture_params = self.redis_cache.hgetall(uuid)
if 'document' in capture_params:
if capture_params:
to_return.append((uuid, rank, capture_params))
return to_return
def tree_cache(self) -> dict[str, str]:
to_return = {}
for pid_name, value in self.redis_cache.hgetall('tree_cache').items():
pid, name = pid_name.split('|', 1)
os.kill(int(pid), 0)
except OSError:
self.redis_cache.hdel('tree_cache', pid_name)
to_return[pid_name] = value
return to_return
def lacus_status(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
if not self.lacus:
return {}
to_return = {}
to_return['is_busy'] = self.lacus.is_busy()
status = self.lacus.status()
to_return['max_concurrent_captures'] = status['max_concurrent_captures']
to_return['ongoing_captures'] = status['ongoing_captures']
to_return['enqueued_captures'] = status['enqueued_captures']
return to_return
if __name__ == '__main__':
m = Monitoring()
backend_up = m.backend_status
if not backend_up:
console.print('[bold red]Backend not up, breaking.[/bold red]')
console.print('Services currently running:')
running = AbstractManager.is_running()
for service, number in running:
s = Padding(f'{service} ({int(number)} service(s))', (0, 2))
console.print('Current cache status:')
for name, status in m.tree_cache.items():
s = Padding(f'{name}: {status}', (0, 2))
if m.lacus is not None:
lacus_status = m.lacus_status()
console.print('Lacus status:')
if lacus_status['is_busy']:
console.print(Padding('[red]WARNING[/red]: Lacus is busy.', (0, 2)))
console.print(Padding(f'Ongoing captures: {lacus_status["ongoing_captures"]}', (0, 2)))
console.print(Padding(f'Enqueued captures: {lacus_status["enqueued_captures"]}', (0, 2)))
console.print('Current queues:')
for q, priority in m.queues:
s = Padding(f'{q} Recently enqueued captures: {int(priority)}', (0, 2))
# ------------------
console.print('Captures details:')
captures = m.ongoing_captures
console.print(f'Queue length: [yellow]{len(captures)}[/yellow]')
for uuid, rank, d in captures:
a = Padding(f'{uuid} Rank: {int(rank)}', (0, 2))