
241 lines
12 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations
import fnmatch
import logging
from typing import Dict, Any, Union, List, Optional, TypedDict, Tuple
from har2tree import URLNode # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from redis import ConnectionPool, Redis
from redis.connection import UnixDomainSocketConnection
from .context import Context
from .capturecache import CapturesIndex
from .default import get_config, get_socket_path, LookylooException
from .exceptions import MissingUUID, TreeNeedsRebuild
class CompareSettings(TypedDict):
'''The settings that can be passed to the compare method to filter out some differences'''
ressources_ignore_domains: tuple[str, ...]
ressources_ignore_regexes: tuple[str, ...]
ignore_ips: bool
class Comparator():
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.logger = logging.getLogger(f'{self.__class__.__name__}')
self.logger.setLevel(get_config('generic', 'loglevel'))
self.redis_pool: ConnectionPool = ConnectionPool(connection_class=UnixDomainSocketConnection,
path=get_socket_path('cache'), decode_responses=True)
self.context = Context()
self._captures_index = CapturesIndex(self.redis, self.context)
self.public_domain = get_config('generic', 'public_domain')
def redis(self) -> Redis: # type: ignore[type-arg]
return Redis(connection_pool=self.redis_pool)
def get_comparables_node(self, node: URLNode) -> dict[str, str]:
to_return = {'url': node.name, 'hostname': node.hostname}
if hasattr(node, 'ip_address'):
to_return['ip_address'] = str(node.ip_address)
return to_return
def _compare_nodes(self, left: dict[str, str], right: dict[str, str], /, different: bool, ignore_ips: bool) -> tuple[bool, dict[str, Any]]:
to_return = {}
if left['url'] != right['url']:
different = True
to_return['url'] = {'message': 'The nodes have different URLs.',
'details': [left['url'], right['url']]}
# Hostname
if left['hostname'] != right['hostname']:
to_return['hostname'] = {'message': 'The nodes have different hostnames.',
'details': [left['hostname'], right['hostname']]}
to_return['hostname'] = {'message': 'The nodes have the same hostname.',
'details': left['hostname']}
to_return['url'] = {'message': 'The nodes have the same URL.',
'details': left['url']}
# IP in HAR
if not ignore_ips and left.get('ip_address') and right.get('ip_address'):
if left['ip_address'] != right['ip_address']:
different = True
to_return['ip'] = {'message': 'The nodes load content from different IPs.',
'details': [left['ip_address'], right['ip_address']]}
to_return['ip'] = {'message': 'The nodes load content from the same IP.',
'details': left['ip_address']}
# IPs in hostnode + ASNs
return different, to_return
def get_comparables_capture(self, capture_uuid: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
if capture_uuid not in self._captures_index:
raise MissingUUID(f'{capture_uuid} does not exists.')
capture = self._captures_index[capture_uuid]
to_return: dict[str, Any]
if capture.error:
# The error on lookyloo is too verbose and contains the UUID of the capture, skip that.
if "has an error: " in capture.error:
_, message = capture.error.split('has an error: ', 1)
message = capture.error
to_return = {'error': message}
to_return = {'root_url': capture.tree.root_url,
'final_url': capture.tree.root_hartree.har.final_redirect,
'final_hostname': capture.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node.hostname,
'final_status_code': capture.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node.response['status'],
'redirects': {'length': len(capture.tree.redirects)}}
to_return['redirects']['nodes'] = [self.get_comparables_node(a) for a in list(reversed(capture.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node.get_ancestors())) + [capture.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node]]
to_return['ressources'] = {(a.name, a.hostname) for a in capture.tree.root_hartree.rendered_node.traverse()}
except TreeNeedsRebuild as e:
self.logger.warning(f"The tree for {capture_uuid} couldn't be built.")
to_return = {'error': str(e)}
except LookylooException as e:
to_return = {'error': str(e)}
return to_return
def compare_captures(self, capture_left: str, capture_right: str, /, *, settings: CompareSettings | None=None) -> tuple[bool, dict[str, Any]]:
if capture_left not in self._captures_index:
raise MissingUUID(f'{capture_left} does not exists.')
if capture_right not in self._captures_index:
raise MissingUUID(f'{capture_right} does not exists.')
different: bool = False
to_return: dict[str, dict[str, (str |
list[str | dict[str, Any]] |
dict[str, (int | str |
list[int | str | dict[str, Any]])])]] = {}
to_return['lookyloo_urls'] = {'left': f'https://{self.public_domain}/tree/{capture_left}',
'right': f'https://{self.public_domain}/tree/{capture_right}'}
left = self.get_comparables_capture(capture_left)
right = self.get_comparables_capture(capture_right)
if 'error' in left and 'error' in right:
# both captures failed
if left['error'] == right['error']:
to_return['error'] = {'message': 'Both captures failed with the same error message.',
'details': right['error']}
different = True
to_return['error'] = {'message': 'Both captures failed with different error messages',
'details': [left['error'], right['error']]}
elif 'error' in right:
different = True
to_return['error'] = {'message': 'Error in the most recent capture.',
'details': ['The precedent capture worked fine', right['error']]}
elif 'error' in left:
different = True
to_return['error'] = {'message': 'Error in the precedent capture.',
'details': [left['error'], 'The most recent capture worked fine']}
# Just to avoid to put everything below in a else
if 'error' in to_return:
return different, to_return
# ------------------------- Compare working captures
# Compare initial URL (first entry in HAR)
if left['root_url'] != right['root_url']:
different = True
to_return['root_url'] = {'message': 'The captures are for different URLs.',
'details': [left['root_url'], right['root_url']]}
to_return['root_url'] = {'message': 'The captures are the same URL.',
'details': left['root_url']}
# Compare landing page (URL in browser)
if left['final_url'] != right['final_url']:
different = True
to_return['final_url'] = {'message': 'The landing page is different.',
'details': [left['final_url'], right['final_url']]}
# => if different, check if the hostname is the same
if left['final_hostname'] != right['final_hostname']:
to_return['final_hostname'] = {'message': 'The hostname of the rendered page is different.',
'details': [left['final_hostname'], right['final_hostname']]}
to_return['final_hostname'] = {'message': 'The hostname of the rendered page is the same.',
'details': left['final_hostname']}
to_return['final_url'] = {'message': 'The landing page is the same.',
'details': left['final_url']}
if left['final_status_code'] != right['final_status_code']:
different = True
to_return['final_status_code'] = {'message': 'The status code of the rendered page is different.',
'details': [left['final_status_code'], right['final_status_code']]}
to_return['final_status_code'] = {'message': 'The status code of the rendered page is the same.',
'details': left['final_status_code']}
to_return['redirects'] = {'length': {}, 'nodes': []}
if left['redirects']['length'] != right['redirects']['length']:
different = True
to_return['redirects']['length'] = {'message': 'The captures have a different amount of redirects',
'details': [left['redirects']['length'], right['redirects']['length']]}
to_return['redirects']['length'] = {'message': 'The captures have the same number of redirects',
'details': left['redirects']['length']}
# Prepare settings
_settings: CompareSettings | None
if settings:
# cleanup the settings
_ignore_domains = set(settings['ressources_ignore_domains'] if settings.get('ressources_ignore_domains') else [])
_ignore_regexes = set(settings['ressources_ignore_regexes'] if settings.get('ressources_ignore_regexes') else [])
_settings = {
'ressources_ignore_domains': tuple(_ignore_domains),
'ressources_ignore_regexes': tuple(_ignore_regexes),
'ignore_ips': bool(settings.get('ignore_ips'))
_settings = None
# Compare chain of redirects
for redirect_left, redirect_right in zip(right['redirects']['nodes'], left['redirects']['nodes']):
if isinstance(to_return['redirects']['nodes'], list): # NOTE always true, but makes mypy happy.
different, node_compare = self._compare_nodes(redirect_left, redirect_right, different, _settings['ignore_ips'] if _settings is not None else False)
# Compare all ressources URLs
ressources_left = {url for url, hostname in left['ressources']
if not _settings
or (not hostname.endswith(_settings['ressources_ignore_domains'])
and not any(fnmatch.fnmatch(url, regex) for regex in _settings['ressources_ignore_regexes']))}
ressources_right = {url for url, hostname in right['ressources']
if not _settings
or (not hostname.endswith(_settings['ressources_ignore_domains'])
and not any(fnmatch.fnmatch(url, regex) for regex in _settings['ressources_ignore_regexes']))}
to_return['ressources'] = {}
if present_in_both := ressources_left & ressources_right:
to_return['ressources']['both'] = sorted(present_in_both)
if present_left := ressources_left - ressources_right:
different = True
to_return['ressources']['left'] = sorted(present_left)
if present_right := ressources_right - ressources_left:
different = True
to_return['ressources']['right'] = sorted(present_right)
# IP/ASN checks - Note: there is the IP in the HAR, and the ones resolved manually - if the IP is different, but part of the list, it's cool
# For each node up to the landing page
# Compare IPs
# Compare ASNs
return different, to_return