
352 lines
16 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import annotations
import hashlib
import logging
# import re
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from har2tree import CrawledTree # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from redis import ConnectionPool, Redis
from redis.connection import UnixDomainSocketConnection
from .default import get_socket_path, get_config
# from .helpers import get_public_suffix_list
class Indexing():
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.logger = logging.getLogger(f'{self.__class__.__name__}')
self.logger.setLevel(get_config('generic', 'loglevel'))
self.redis_pool: ConnectionPool = ConnectionPool(connection_class=UnixDomainSocketConnection,
path=get_socket_path('indexing'), decode_responses=True)
def clear_indexes(self) -> None:
def redis(self) -> Redis: # type: ignore[type-arg]
return Redis(connection_pool=self.redis_pool)
def new_internal_uuids(self, crawled_tree: CrawledTree) -> None:
# only trigger this method if the capture was already indexed.
if self.redis.sismember('indexed_cookies', crawled_tree.uuid):
self.logger.debug(f'Cookies index: update internal UUIDs for {crawled_tree.uuid}')
if self.redis.sismember('indexed_body_hashes', crawled_tree.uuid):
self.logger.debug(f'Body hashes index: update internal UUIDs for {crawled_tree.uuid}')
if self.redis.sismember('indexed_hhhashes', crawled_tree.uuid):
self.logger.debug(f'HTTP Headers hashes index: update internal UUIDs for {crawled_tree.uuid}')
# ###### Cookies ######
def cookies_names(self) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
return self.redis.zrevrange('cookies_names', 0, -1, withscores=True)
def cookies_names_number_domains(self, cookie_name: str) -> int:
return self.redis.zcard(f'cn|{cookie_name}')
def cookies_names_domains_values(self, cookie_name: str, domain: str) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
return self.redis.zrevrange(f'cn|{cookie_name}|{domain}', 0, -1, withscores=True)
def get_cookie_domains(self, cookie_name: str) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
return self.redis.zrevrange(f'cn|{cookie_name}', 0, -1, withscores=True)
def get_cookies_names_captures(self, cookie_name: str) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
return [uuids.split('|') for uuids in self.redis.smembers(f'cn|{cookie_name}|captures')]
def _reindex_cookies_capture(self, crawled_tree: CrawledTree) -> None:
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
already_loaded: set[tuple[str, str]] = set()
already_cleaned_up: set[str] = set()
for urlnode in crawled_tree.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse():
if 'cookies_received' not in urlnode.features:
for domain, cookie, _ in urlnode.cookies_received:
name, value = cookie.split('=', 1)
if (name, domain) in already_loaded:
# Only add cookie name once / capture
already_loaded.add((name, domain))
if name not in already_cleaned_up:
# We only run this srem once per name for a capture,
# before adding it for the first time
to_remove = [key for key in self.redis.sscan_iter(f'cn|{name}|captures', f'{crawled_tree.uuid}|*')]
if to_remove:
pipeline.srem(f'cn|{name}|captures', *to_remove)
pipeline.sadd(f'cn|{name}|captures', f'{crawled_tree.uuid}|{urlnode.uuid}')
def index_cookies_capture(self, crawled_tree: CrawledTree) -> None:
if self.redis.sismember('indexed_cookies', crawled_tree.uuid):
# Do not reindex
self.redis.sadd('indexed_cookies', crawled_tree.uuid)
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
already_loaded: set[tuple[str, str]] = set()
for urlnode in crawled_tree.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse():
if 'cookies_received' not in urlnode.features:
for domain, cookie, _ in urlnode.cookies_received:
name, value = cookie.split('=', 1)
if (name, domain) in already_loaded:
# Only add cookie name once / capture
already_loaded.add((name, domain))
pipeline.zincrby('cookies_names', 1, name)
pipeline.zincrby(f'cn|{name}', 1, domain)
pipeline.sadd(f'cn|{name}|captures', f'{crawled_tree.uuid}|{urlnode.uuid}')
pipeline.zincrby(f'cn|{name}|{domain}', 1, value)
pipeline.sadd('lookyloo_domains', domain)
pipeline.sadd(domain, name)
# Not used anywhere?
def aggregate_domain_cookies(self):
psl = get_public_suffix_list()
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
for cn, cn_freq in self.cookies_names:
for domain, d_freq in self.get_cookie_domains(cn):
tld = psl.publicsuffix(domain)
main_domain_part = re.sub(f'.{tld}$', '', domain).split('.')[-1]
pipeline.zincrby('aggregate_domains_cn', cn_freq, f'{main_domain_part}|{cn}')
pipeline.zincrby('aggregate_cn_domains', d_freq, f'{cn}|{main_domain_part}')
aggregate_domains_cn: List[Tuple[str, float]] = self.redis.zrevrange('aggregate_domains_cn', 0, -1, withscores=True)
aggregate_cn_domains: List[Tuple[str, float]] = self.redis.zrevrange('aggregate_cn_domains', 0, -1, withscores=True)
return {'domains': aggregate_domains_cn, 'cookies': aggregate_cn_domains}
# ###### Body hashes ######
def ressources(self) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
return self.redis.zrevrange('body_hashes', 0, 200, withscores=True)
def ressources_number_domains(self, h: str) -> int:
return self.redis.zcard(f'bh|{h}')
def body_hash_fequency(self, body_hash: str) -> dict[str, int]:
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
pipeline.zscore('body_hashes', body_hash)
hash_freq, hash_domains_freq = pipeline.execute()
to_return = {'hash_freq': 0, 'hash_domains_freq': 0}
if hash_freq:
to_return['hash_freq'] = int(hash_freq)
if hash_domains_freq:
to_return['hash_domains_freq'] = int(hash_domains_freq)
return to_return
def _reindex_body_hashes_capture(self, crawled_tree: CrawledTree) -> None:
# if the capture is regenerated, the hostnodes/urlnodes UUIDs are changed
cleaned_up_hashes: set[str] = set()
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
for urlnode in crawled_tree.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse():
for h in urlnode.resources_hashes:
if h not in cleaned_up_hashes:
# Delete the hash for that capture the first time we see it.
pipeline.zincrby(f'bh|{h}|captures|{crawled_tree.uuid}', 1,
def index_body_hashes_capture(self, crawled_tree: CrawledTree) -> None:
if self.redis.sismember('indexed_body_hashes', crawled_tree.uuid):
# Do not reindex
self.redis.sadd('indexed_body_hashes', crawled_tree.uuid)
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
for urlnode in crawled_tree.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse():
for h in urlnode.resources_hashes:
pipeline.zincrby('body_hashes', 1, h)
pipeline.zincrby(f'bh|{h}', 1, urlnode.hostname)
# set of all captures with this hash
pipeline.sadd(f'bh|{h}|captures', crawled_tree.uuid)
# ZSet of all urlnode_UUIDs|full_url
pipeline.zincrby(f'bh|{h}|captures|{crawled_tree.uuid}', 1,
def get_hash_uuids(self, body_hash: str) -> tuple[str, str, str]:
"""Use that to get a reference allowing to fetch a resource from one of the capture."""
capture_uuid = str(self.redis.srandmember(f'bh|{body_hash}|captures'))
entry = self.redis.zrange(f'bh|{body_hash}|captures|{capture_uuid}', 0, 1)[0]
urlnode_uuid, hostnode_uuid, url = entry.split('|', 2)
return capture_uuid, urlnode_uuid, hostnode_uuid
def get_body_hash_captures(self, body_hash: str, filter_url: str | None=None,
filter_capture_uuid: str | None=None,
limit: int=20,
prefered_uuids: set[str]=set()) -> tuple[int, list[tuple[str, str, str, bool]]]:
'''Get the captures matching the hash.
:param filter_url: URL of the hash we're searching for
:param filter_capture_uuid: UUID of the capture the hash was found in
:param limit: Max matching captures to return, -1 means unlimited.
:param prefered_uuids: UUID cached right now, so we don't rebuild trees.
to_return: list[tuple[str, str, str, bool]] = []
len_captures = self.redis.scard(f'bh|{body_hash}|captures')
unlimited = False
if limit == -1:
unlimited = True
for capture_uuid in self.redis.sscan_iter(f'bh|{body_hash}|captures'):
if capture_uuid == filter_capture_uuid:
# Used to skip hits in current capture
len_captures -= 1
if prefered_uuids and capture_uuid not in prefered_uuids:
if not unlimited:
limit -= 1
for entry in self.redis.zrevrange(f'bh|{body_hash}|captures|{capture_uuid}', 0, -1):
url_uuid, hostnode_uuid, url = entry.split('|', 2)
hostname: str = urlsplit(url).hostname
if filter_url:
to_return.append((capture_uuid, hostnode_uuid, hostname, url == filter_url))
to_return.append((capture_uuid, hostnode_uuid, hostname, False))
if not unlimited and limit <= 0:
return len_captures, to_return
def get_body_hash_domains(self, body_hash: str) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
return self.redis.zrevrange(f'bh|{body_hash}', 0, -1, withscores=True)
def get_body_hash_urls(self, body_hash: str) -> dict[str, list[dict[str, str]]]:
all_captures: set[str] = self.redis.smembers(f'bh|{body_hash}|captures')
urls = defaultdict(list)
for capture_uuid in list(all_captures):
for entry in self.redis.zrevrange(f'bh|{body_hash}|captures|{capture_uuid}', 0, -1):
url_uuid, hostnode_uuid, url = entry.split('|', 2)
urls[url].append({'capture': capture_uuid, 'hostnode': hostnode_uuid, 'urlnode': url_uuid})
return urls
# ###### HTTP Headers Hashes ######
def http_headers_hashes(self) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
return self.redis.zrevrange('hhhashes', 0, -1, withscores=True)
def http_headers_hashes_number_captures(self, hhh: str) -> int:
return self.redis.scard(f'hhhashes|{hhh}|captures')
def get_http_headers_hashes_captures(self, hhh: str) -> list[tuple[str, str]]:
return [uuids.split('|') for uuids in self.redis.smembers(f'hhhashes|{hhh}|captures')]
def _reindex_http_headers_hashes_capture(self, crawled_tree: CrawledTree) -> None:
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
already_loaded: set[str] = set()
already_cleaned_up: set[str] = set()
for urlnode in crawled_tree.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse():
if 'hhhash' not in urlnode.features:
if urlnode.hhhash in already_loaded:
# Only add cookie name once / capture
if urlnode.hhhash not in already_cleaned_up:
# We only run this srem once per name for a capture,
# before adding it for the first time
to_remove = [key for key in self.redis.sscan_iter(f'hhhashes|{urlnode.hhhash}|captures', f'{crawled_tree.uuid}|*')]
if to_remove:
pipeline.srem(f'hhhashes|{urlnode.hhhash}|captures', * to_remove)
pipeline.sadd(f'hhhashes|{urlnode.hhhash}|captures', f'{crawled_tree.uuid}|{urlnode.uuid}')
def index_http_headers_hashes_capture(self, crawled_tree: CrawledTree) -> None:
if self.redis.sismember('indexed_hhhashes', crawled_tree.uuid):
# Do not reindex
self.redis.sadd('indexed_hhhashes', crawled_tree.uuid)
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
already_loaded: set[str] = set()
for urlnode in crawled_tree.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse():
if 'hhhash' not in urlnode.features:
if urlnode.hhhash in already_loaded:
# Only add cookie name once / capture
pipeline.zincrby('hhhashes', 1, urlnode.hhhash)
pipeline.sadd(f'hhhashes|{urlnode.hhhash}|captures', f'{crawled_tree.uuid}|{urlnode.uuid}')
# ###### URLs and Domains ######
def urls(self) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
return self.redis.zrevrange('urls', 0, 200, withscores=True)
def hostnames(self) -> list[tuple[str, float]]:
return self.redis.zrevrange('hostnames', 0, 200, withscores=True)
def index_url_capture(self, crawled_tree: CrawledTree) -> None:
if self.redis.sismember('indexed_urls', crawled_tree.uuid):
# Do not reindex
self.redis.sadd('indexed_urls', crawled_tree.uuid)
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
for urlnode in crawled_tree.root_hartree.url_tree.traverse():
if not urlnode.hostname or not urlnode.name:
pipeline.zincrby('hostnames', 1, urlnode.hostname)
pipeline.sadd(f'hostnames|{urlnode.hostname}|captures', crawled_tree.uuid)
pipeline.zincrby('urls', 1, urlnode.name)
# set of all captures with this URL
# We need to make sure the keys in redis aren't too long.
md5 = hashlib.md5(urlnode.name.encode()).hexdigest()
pipeline.sadd(f'urls|{md5}|captures', crawled_tree.uuid)
def get_captures_url(self, url: str) -> set[str]:
md5 = hashlib.md5(url.encode()).hexdigest()
return self.redis.smembers(f'urls|{md5}|captures')
def get_captures_hostname(self, hostname: str) -> set[str]:
return self.redis.smembers(f'hostnames|{hostname}|captures')
# ###### Categories ######
def categories(self) -> list[tuple[str, int]]:
return [(c, int(score))
for c, score in self.redis.zrevrange('categories', 0, 200, withscores=True)]
def index_categories_capture(self, capture_uuid: str, categories: Iterable[str]) -> None:
if not categories:
if self.redis.sismember('indexed_categories', capture_uuid):
# do not reindex
self.redis.sadd('indexed_categories', capture_uuid)
if not categories:
pipeline = self.redis.pipeline()
for category in categories:
pipeline.zincrby('categories', 1, category)
pipeline.sadd(category, capture_uuid)
def get_captures_category(self, category: str) -> set[str]:
return self.redis.smembers(category)