Generate easy to copy/paste digest for the email

Raphaël Vinot 2015-03-13 11:30:56 +01:00
parent c06e87019e
commit 00dea1c497
1 changed files with 41 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -279,9 +279,46 @@ def create_app(configfile=None):
dumped = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
return dumped
def digest(data):
to_return = ''
all_mails = set()
for entry in data:
for url, info in entry.iteritems():
to_return += '\n{}\n'.format(url)
if info.get('whois'):
to_return += '\tContacts: {}\n'.format(', '.join(info.get('whois')))
if info.get('vt') and len(info.get('vt')) == 4:
vtstuff = info.get('vt')
to_return += '\t{} out of {} positive detections in VT - {}\n'.format(
vtstuff[2], vtstuff[3], vtstuff[1])
if info.get('gsb'):
to_return += '\tKnown as malicious on Google Safe Browsing: {}\n'.format(info.get('gsb'))
if info.get('phishtank'):
to_return += '\tKnown as malicious on PhishTank\n'
if info.get('dns'):
ipv4, ipv6 = info.get('dns')
if ipv4 is not None:
for ip in ipv4:
to_return += '\t' + ip + '\n'
data = info[ip]
if data.get('bgp'):
to_return += '\t\t(PTR: {}) is announced by {} ({}).\n'.format(*(data.get('bgp')[:3]))
if data.get('whois'):
to_return += '\t\tContacts: {}\n'.format(', '.join(data.get('whois')))
if ipv6 is not None:
for ip in ipv6:
to_return += '\t' + ip + '\n'
data = info[ip]
if data.get('whois'):
to_return += '\t\tContacts: {}\n'.format(', '.join(data.get('whois')))
to_return += '\tAll contacts: {}\n'.format(', '.join(all_mails))
return to_return
def send(url, ip='', autosend=False):
if not get_mail_sent(url):
print 'Send mail'
data = cached(url)
if not autosend:
@ -289,7 +326,9 @@ def create_app(configfile=None):
subject = 'URL Abuse report sent automatically'
msg = Message(subject, sender='', recipients=[""])
msg.body = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
msg.body = digest(data)
msg.body += '\n\n'
msg.body += json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
@app.route('/submit', methods=['POST'])