{% extends "bootstrap/base.html" %} {% import "bootstrap/wtf.html" as wtf %} {% import "bootstrap/fixes.html" as fixes %} {% block title %}CIRCL URL Abuse{% endblock %} {% block navbar %} {% endblock %} {% block html_attribs %} ng-app="URLabuseApp" {% endblock html_attribs %} {% block body_attribs %} ng-controller="URLabuseController" {% endblock body_attribs %} {% block content %}

URL Abuse testing form

URL Abuse is a public CIRCL service to review URL.
For more information about the service

{{ form.hidden_tag() }} {{ wtf.form_errors(form, hiddens="only") }} {%- for field in form %} {% if not bootstrap_is_hidden_field(field) -%} {{ wtf.form_field(field, form_type=form_type, horizontal_columns=horizontal_columns, button_map={"submit_button": "primary"}) }} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %}
{% raw %}


{{ query_url }}

{% endraw %}
{% raw %}
{% endraw %}
{% endblock %} {% block head %} {{super()}} {{fixes.ie8()}} {% endblock %}