mirror of https://github.com/CIRCL/url-abuse
345 lines
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345 lines
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(function () {
'use strict';
var app = angular.module('URLabuseApp', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.factory("flash", function($rootScope) {
var queue = [];
var currentMessage = "";
$rootScope.$on("newFlashMessage", function() {
currentMessage = queue.shift() || "";
return {
setMessage: function(message) {
getMessage: function() {
return currentMessage;
app.factory('globFct', [ '$log', '$http', '$timeout', function($log, $http, $timeout){
return {
poller: function myself(jobID, callback) {
var timeout = "";
// fire another request
$http.get('_result/' + jobID.data).
then(function(data) {
if(data.status === 202) {
$log.log(data, status);
} else if (data.status === 200){
if (data.data === "null"){
$log.log('Got null data');
} else {
// continue to call the poller() function every 2 seconds
// until the timout is cancelled
timeout = $timeout(function() {myself(jobID, callback);}, 2000);
query: function(path, data, callback) {
$http.post(path, data).
then(callback, function(error) {
app.controller('URLabuseController', function($scope, $log, globFct, flash) {
$scope.poller = globFct.poller;
$scope.query = globFct.query;
$scope.flash = flash;
var get_redirects = function(jobID) {
$scope.poller(jobID, function(data){
$scope.urls = data;
$scope.getResults = function() {
// get the URL from the input
$scope.query_url = '';
$scope.urls = '';
// Reset the message
$scope.$emit('newFlashMessage', '');
var userInput = $scope.input_url;
var check_validity = function(jobID) {
$scope.poller(jobID, function(data){
$scope.query_url = data[1];
if(data[0] === false){
$scope.error = data[2];
} else {
$scope.query('urls', {"url": data[1]}, get_redirects);
$scope.query('start', {"url": userInput}, check_validity);
$scope.submit_email = function() {
$scope.query('submit', {"url": $scope.query_url}, function(){
$scope.query_url = '';
$scope.urls = '';
$scope.input_url = '';
flash.setMessage("Mail sent to CIRCL");
$scope.$emit('newFlashMessage', '');
app.directive('uqUrlreport', function(globFct) {
return {
scope: {
url: '=uqUrlreport',
// status: {isFirstOpen: true, isFirstDisabled: false}
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var get_ips = function(jobID) {
globFct.poller(jobID, function(data){
scope.ipv4 = data[0];
scope.ipv6 = data[1];
if (!scope.ipv4){
scope.ipv4 = ['Unable to resolve in IPv4'];
if (!scope.ipv6){
scope.ipv6 = ['Unable to resolve in IPv6'];
globFct.query('resolve', {"url": scope.url}, get_ips);
templateUrl: 'urlreport',
app.directive('uqPhishtank', function(globFct) {
return {
scope: {
query: '=data',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var get_response = function(jobID) {
globFct.poller(jobID, function(data){
scope.response = data;
globFct.query('phishtank', {"query": scope.query}, get_response);
template: function(elem, attr){
return '<div ng-show="response" class="animate-show"><alert type="danger">Known phishing website on Phishtank. <a target="_blank" ng-href="{{response}}">More details</a>.</alert></div>';}
app.directive('uqVirustotal', function(globFct) {
return {
scope: {
query: '=data',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var get_response = function(jobID) {
globFct.poller(jobID, function(data){
scope.message = data[0];
scope.link = data[1];
scope.positives = data[2];
scope.total = data[3];
if(scope.link && scope.positives === null){
scope.alert_val = "info";
scope.message = "Scan request successfully queued, report available soon.";
} else if (scope.link && scope.positives === 0){
scope.message = "None of the " + data[3] + " scanners know this URL as malicious.";
scope.alert_val = "success";
} else if (scope.link && scope.positives < scope.total/3){
scope.message = data[2] + " of the " + data[3] + " scanners know this URL as malicious.";
scope.alert_val = "warning";
} else if (scope.link && scope.positives >= scope.total/3){
scope.message = data[2] + " of the " + data[3] + " scanners know this URL as malicious.";
scope.alert_val = "danger";
globFct.query('virustotal_report', {"query": scope.query}, get_response);
template: function(elem, attr){
return '<div ng-show="message" class="animate-show"><alert type="{{alert_val}}">{{message}} <a ng-if="link" target="_blank" ng-href="{{link}}">More details</a>.</alert></div>';}
app.directive('uqGooglesafebrowsing', function(globFct) {
return {
scope: {
query: '=data',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var get_response = function(jobID) {
globFct.poller(jobID, function(data){
scope.response = data;
globFct.query('googlesafebrowsing', {"query": scope.query}, get_response);
template: function(elem, attr){
return '<div ng-show="response" class="animate-show"><alert type="danger">Known {{response}} website on Google Safe Browsing. <a target="_blank" ng-href="https://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site={{query}}">More details</a>.</alert></div>';}
app.directive('uqEupi', function(globFct) {
return {
scope: {
query: '=data',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var get_response = function(jobID) {
globFct.poller(jobID, function(data){
if (data === "inconnu"){
scope.response = data;
if(data === "clean"){
scope.alert_val = "success";
ascope.alert_val = "danger";
globFct.query('eupi', {"query": scope.query}, get_response);
template: function(elem, attr){
return '<div ng-show="response" class="animate-show"><alert type="{{alert_val}}">Known as {{response}} by the European Union antiphishing initiative.</alert></div>';}
app.directive('uqUrlquery', function(globFct) {
return {
scope: {
query: '=data',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var get_response = function(jobID) {
globFct.poller(jobID, function(data){
scope.response = data;
globFct.query('urlquery', {"query": scope.query}, get_response);
template: function(elem, attr){
return '<div ng-show="response" class="animate-show"><alert type="danger">The total alert count on URLquery is {{response}}.</alert></div>';}
app.directive('uqTicket', function(globFct) {
return {
scope: {
query: '=data',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var get_response = function(jobID) {
globFct.poller(jobID, function(data){
scope.response = data;
globFct.query('ticket', {"query": scope.query}, get_response);
template: '<div ng-show="response.length > 0" class="animate-show">Tickets: <ul><div ng-repeat="ticket in response"><li><a target="_blank" ng-href={{ticket}}>{{ticket}}</a></li></div></ul></div>'
app.directive('uqWhois', function(globFct) {
return {
scope: {
query: '=data',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var get_response = function(jobID) {
globFct.poller(jobID, function(data){
scope.response = data.join();
globFct.query('whois', {"query": scope.query}, get_response);
template: '<div ng-show="response" class="animate-show">Contact points from Whois: {{ response }}</div>'
app.directive('uqPdnscircl', function(globFct) {
return {
scope: {
query: '=data',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var get_response = function(jobID) {
globFct.poller(jobID, function(data){
scope.nbentries = data[0];
scope.lastentries = data[1];
globFct.query('pdnscircl', {"query": scope.query}, get_response);
template: '<div ng-show="nbentries" class="animate-show">Has {{nbentries}} unique entries in CIRCL Passive DNS. {{lastentries.length}} most recent one(s): <ul><div ng-repeat="domain in lastentries"><li>{{domain}}</li></div></ul></div>'
app.directive('uqPsslcircl', function(globFct) {
return {
scope: {
query: '=data',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var get_response = function(jobID) {
globFct.poller(jobID, function(data){
scope.entries = data;
globFct.query('psslcircl', {"query": scope.query}, get_response);
template: '<div ng-show="entries" class="animate-show">SSL certificates related to this IP: <ul><div ng-repeat="(sha1, subject) in entries"><li><b>{{sha1}}</b>: {{subject[0]}}</li></div></ul></div>'
app.directive('uqBgpranking', function(globFct) {
return {
scope: {
query: '=data',
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
var get_response = function(jobID) {
globFct.poller(jobID, function(data){
scope.asndesc = data[2];
scope.asn = data[0];
scope.prefix = data[1];
scope.position = data[4];
scope.total = data[5];
scope.value = data[3];
if (scope.position < 100){
scope.alert_val = "danger";
} else if (scope.position < 1000){
scope.alert_val = "warning";
} else {
scope.alert_val = "info";
globFct.query('bgpranking', {"query": scope.query}, get_response);
template: '<div ng-show="asn" class="animate-show"><alert type="{{alert_val}}">Information from BGP Ranking: <ul><li>Announced by: {{asndesc}} (<a target="_blank" ng-href="http://bgpranking-ng.circl.lu/asn?asn={{asn}}">{{asn}}</a>)</li><li>This ASN is at position {{position}} in the list of {{total}} known ASNs ({{value}}).</li></ul></alert></div>'