baseurl: '' exclude: [''] permalink: pretty title: 'Jekyll Serif' google_analytics_id: "" homepage: show_call_box: true logo: mobile: "images/logo/logo-mobile.svg" desktop: "images/logo/logo.svg" desktop_height: "36px" footer: copyright_text: 'Free Jekyll theme by' seo: meta_og_title: "Jekyll Serif Theme" meta_og_type: "website" meta_og_url: "" meta_og_image: "" meta_og_description: "Jekyll Serif is a modern business theme for Hugo. It contains content types for the archetypical business website. The theme is fully responsive, blazing fast and artfully illustrated." meta_twitter_card: "summary" meta_twitter_site: "@zerostaticio" meta_twitter_creator: "@zerostaticio" collections: services: output: true team: output: true sass: indentWidth: 4 style: compact # possible values: nested expanded compact compressed precision: 10 plugins: - jekyll-environment-variables