2021-05-27 12:49:34 +02:00
import argparse
import json
import redis
import os
import requests
import uuid
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MITRE CTI (ATT&CK) import for CyCAT')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--path', help='Path to the CTI git repository')
args = parser.parse_args()
rdb = redis.Redis(host='', port='3033')
# CTI parent c7001e65-fefe-55cb-84a3-97ec2620137
if not args.path:
def additem(uuidref=None, data=None, project=None):
if uuidref is None or data is None:
return None
rdb.set("u:{}".format(uuidref), 3)
d = {"{}".format(uuidref): 1}
k = "t:{}".format(3)
rdb.zadd(k, d, nx=False)
rdb.hmset("{}:{}".format(3, uuidref), data)
if project is not None:
rdb.sadd("parent:{}".format(uuidref), project)
rdb.sadd("child:{}".format(project), uuidref)
2021-05-29 11:38:41 +02:00
if 'capec' in data:
addexternalid(uuidsource=uuidref, namespace='capec', namespaceid=data['capec'])
if 'mitre-attack-id' in data:
addexternalid(uuidsource=uuidref, namespace='mitre-attack-id', namespaceid=data['mitre-attack-id'])
2021-05-27 12:49:34 +02:00
return True
def addrelationship(uuidsource=None, uuiddest=None, data=None):
if uuidsource is None or uuiddest is None:
return None
rdb.sadd("r:{}".format(uuidsource), uuiddest)
rdb.sadd("rd:{}:{}".format(uuidsource, uuiddest), data)
return True
2021-05-29 11:38:41 +02:00
def addexternalid(uuidsource=None, namespace=None, namespaceid=None):
if uuidsource is None or namespace is None or namespaceid is None:
return None
k = "id:{}:{}".format(namespace.lower(), namespaceid)
rdb.sadd(k, uuidsource)
k = "idk:{}".format(namespace)
rdb.sadd(k, namespaceid)
2021-05-29 16:24:30 +02:00
rdb.sadd("idnamespace", namespace)
2021-05-29 11:38:41 +02:00
2021-05-27 12:49:34 +02:00
models = ['enterprise-attack', 'mobile-attack', 'ics-attack', 'pre-attack']
for model in models:
path = "{}/{}/{}.json".format(args.path, model, model)
f = open(path, mode='r')
m = json.loads(f.read())
for obj in m['objects']:
(obj_type, obj_id) = obj['id'].split('--')
if obj_type != 'relationship':
data = {}
data['raw'] = str(obj)
data['mitre-cti:type'] = obj['type']
if 'description' in obj:
data['mitre-cti:description'] = obj['description']
if 'name' in obj:
data['mitre-cti:name'] = obj['name']
2021-05-29 11:38:41 +02:00
if 'external_references' in obj:
for ref in obj['external_references']:
if ref['source_name'] == 'mitre-attack':
data['mitre-attack-id'] = ref['external_id']
if ref['source_name'] == 'capec':
data['capec'] = ref['external_id']
2021-05-27 12:49:34 +02:00
additem(uuidref=obj_id, project=projectuuid, data=data)
elif obj_type == 'relationship':
(source_type, source_id) = obj['source_ref'].split('--')
(destination_type, destination_id) = obj['target_ref'].split('--')
addrelationship(uuidsource=source_id, uuiddest=destination_id, data=str(obj))