import argparse import json import redis import os import requests import uuid parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='GitHub import for CyCAT') parser.add_argument('-o', '--org', help='GitHub organisation (fallback to user if not existing as org) to import') parser.add_argument('-f', '--full', help='Import all repositories as project in CyCAT', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument('-r', '--repo', help='Limit to a single GitHub repository import', default=None) args = parser.parse_args() rdb = redis.Redis(host='', port='3033') if not parser.print_usage() os.sys.exit(1) r = requests.get("{}".format( urlpath = 'orgs' org = r.json() if 'node_id' not in org: r = requests.get("{}".format( org = r.json() urlpath = 'users' print(org['node_id']) # 39d6e10c-dac7-40e2-8e99-1ab1cefea6f4 (UUIDv5) orguuid = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.UUID("39d6e10c-dac7-40e2-8e99-1ab1cefea6f4"), "{}".format(org['node_id']))) print(orguuid) rdb.set("u:{}".format(orguuid), 1) d = {"{}".format(orguuid): 1} k = "t:{}".format(1) rdb.zadd(k, d, nx=False) orgh = {} orgh['github:name'] = org['name'] if 'description' in org: orgh['github:description'] = org['description'] if 'bio' in org: orgh['github:bio'] = org['bio'] orgh['github:html_url'] = org['html_url'] if org['email'] is not None: orgh['github:email'] = org['email'] orgh['github:login'] = org['login'] if org['location'] is not None: orgh['github:location'] = org['location'] orgh['cycat-oid'] = str(orguuid) print(orgh) rdb.hmset("{}:{}".format(1, orguuid), orgh) def cycatoid(node_id=None): if node_id is None: return False _cycatoid = uuid.uuid5(uuid.UUID("39d6e10c-dac7-40e2-8e99-1ab1cefea6f4"), "{}".format(node_id)) return str(_cycatoid) if args.full: r = requests.get("{}/{}/repos?per_page=100".format(urlpath, for repo in r.json(): if args.repo is not None: if args.repo != repo['name']: print("Skip {}".format(repo['name'])) continue print(repo) projectuuid = cycatoid(node_id=repo['node_id']) rdb.set("u:{}".format(projectuuid), 2) d = {"{}".format(projectuuid): 1} k = "t:{}".format(2) rdb.zadd(k, d, nx=False) print(repo['node_id']) print(repo['name']) print(cycatoid(node_id=repo['node_id'])) print(repo['description']) print() projecth = {} projecth['github:name'] = repo['name'] if repo['description'] is None: repo['description'] = "" projecth['github:description'] = repo['description'] projecth['github:html_url'] = repo['html_url'] projecth['cycat-oid'] = str(projectuuid) rdb.hmset("{}:{}".format(2, projectuuid), projecth) rdb.sadd("parent:{}".format(projectuuid), orguuid) rdb.sadd("child:{}".format(orguuid), projectuuid)