#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys from pathlib import Path from .exceptions import CreateDirectoryException, MissingEnv from redis import StrictRedis from redis.exceptions import ConnectionError from datetime import datetime, timedelta import time def get_config_path(): return Path(sys.modules['bgpranking'].__file__).parent / 'config' def get_list_storage_path(): if not os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV'): raise MissingEnv("VIRTUAL_ENV is missing. This project really wants to run from a virtual envoronment.") return Path(os.environ['VIRTUAL_ENV']) def get_homedir(): if not os.environ.get('BGPRANKING_HOME'): raise MissingEnv("BGPRANKING_HOME is missing. Run the following from the home directory of the repository: export BGPRANKING_HOME='./'") return Path(os.environ['BGPRANKING_HOME']) def safe_create_dir(to_create: Path): if to_create.exists() and not to_create.is_dir(): raise CreateDirectoryException('The path {} already exists and is not a directory'.format(to_create)) os.makedirs(to_create, exist_ok=True) def set_running(name: str): r = StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6582, db=1, decode_responses=True) r.hset('running', name, 1) def unset_running(name: str): r = StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6582, db=1, decode_responses=True) r.hdel('running', name) def is_running(): r = StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6582, db=1, decode_responses=True) return r.hgetall('running') def shutdown_requested(): try: r = StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6582, db=1, decode_responses=True) return r.exists('shutdown') except ConnectionRefusedError: return True except ConnectionError: return True def long_sleep(sleep_in_sec: int, shutdown_check: int=10): sleep_until = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=sleep_in_sec) while sleep_until > datetime.now(): time.sleep(shutdown_check) if shutdown_requested(): return False return True