#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from bgpranking.libs.helpers import get_homedir, check_running from subprocess import Popen import time from pathlib import Path import argparse def launch_cache(storage_directory: Path=None): if not storage_directory: storage_directory = get_homedir() if not check_running('ris') and not check_running('prefixes'): Popen(["./run_redis.sh"], cwd=(storage_directory / 'cache')) def shutdown_cache(storage_directory: Path=None): if not storage_directory: storage_directory = get_homedir() Popen(["./shutdown_redis.sh"], cwd=(storage_directory / 'cache')) def launch_temp(storage_directory: Path=None): if not storage_directory: storage_directory = get_homedir() if not check_running('intake') and not check_running('prepare'): Popen(["./run_redis.sh"], cwd=(storage_directory / 'temp')) def shutdown_temp(storage_directory: Path=None): if not storage_directory: storage_directory = get_homedir() Popen(["./shutdown_redis.sh"], cwd=(storage_directory / 'temp')) def launch_storage(storage_directory: Path=None): if not storage_directory: storage_directory = get_homedir() if not check_running('storage'): Popen(["./run_ardb.sh"], cwd=(storage_directory / 'storage')) def shutdown_storage(storage_directory: Path=None): if not storage_directory: storage_directory = get_homedir() Popen(["./shutdown_ardb.sh"], cwd=(storage_directory / 'storage')) def launch_all(): launch_cache() launch_temp() launch_storage() def check_all(stop=False): backends = [['ris', False], ['prefixes', False], ['storage', False], ['intake', False], ['prepare', False]] while True: for b in backends: try: b[1] = check_running(b[0]) except Exception: b[1] = False if stop: if not any(b[1] for b in backends): break else: if all(b[1] for b in backends): break for b in backends: if not stop and not b[1]: print(f"Waiting on {b[0]}") if stop and b[1]: print(f"Waiting on {b[0]}") time.sleep(1) def stop_all(): shutdown_cache() shutdown_temp() shutdown_storage() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Manage backend DBs.') parser.add_argument("--start", action='store_true', default=False, help="Start all") parser.add_argument("--stop", action='store_true', default=False, help="Stop all") parser.add_argument("--status", action='store_true', default=True, help="Show status") args = parser.parse_args() if args.start: launch_all() if args.stop: stop_all() if not args.stop and args.status: check_all()