263 lines
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263 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import TypeVar, Union
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from dateutil.parser import parse
from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import json
from redis import StrictRedis
from .libs.helpers import get_socket_path, get_config_path
from .libs.exceptions import InvalidDateFormat
from .libs.statsripe import StatsRIPE
Dates = TypeVar('Dates', datetime.datetime, datetime.date, str)
class Querying():
def __init__(self, loglevel: int=logging.DEBUG):
self.storage = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('storage'), decode_responses=True)
self.ranking = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('storage'), db=1)
self.asn_meta = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('storage'), db=2, decode_responses=True)
self.cache = StrictRedis(unix_socket_path=get_socket_path('cache'), db=1, decode_responses=True)
def __init_logger(self, loglevel: int):
self.logger = logging.getLogger(f'{self.__class__.__name__}')
def __normalize_date(self, date: Dates):
if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime):
return date.date().isoformat()
elif isinstance(date, datetime.date):
return date.isoformat()
elif isinstance(date, str):
return parse(date).date().isoformat()
except ValueError:
raise InvalidDateFormat('Unable to parse the date. Should be YYYY-MM-DD.')
def _ranking_cache_wrapper(self, key):
if not self.cache.exists(key):
if self.ranking.exists(key):
key_dump = self.ranking.dump(key)
# Cache for 10 hours
self.cache.restore(key, 36000, key_dump, True)
def asns_global_ranking(self, date: Dates=datetime.date.today(), source: Union[list, str]='',
ipversion: str='v4', limit: int=100):
'''Aggregated ranking of all the ASNs known in the system, weighted by source.'''
to_return = {'meta': {'ipversion': ipversion, 'limit': limit}, 'source': source,
'response': set()}
d = self.__normalize_date(date)
to_return['meta']['date'] = d
if source:
if isinstance(source, list):
keys = []
for s in source:
key = f'{d}|{s}|asns|{ipversion}'
# union the ranked sets
key = '|'.join(sorted(source)) + f'|{d}|asns|{ipversion}'
if not self.cache.exists(key):
self.cache.zunionstore(key, keys)
key = f'{d}|{source}|asns|{ipversion}'
key = f'{d}|asns|{ipversion}'
to_return['response'] = self.cache.zrevrange(key, start=0, end=limit, withscores=True)
return to_return
def asn_details(self, asn: int, date: Dates= datetime.date.today(), source: Union[list, str]='',
ipversion: str='v4'):
'''Aggregated ranking of all the prefixes anounced by the given ASN, weighted by source.'''
to_return = {'meta': {'asn': asn, 'ipversion': ipversion, 'source': source},
'response': set()}
d = self.__normalize_date(date)
to_return['meta']['date'] = d
if source:
if isinstance(source, list):
keys = []
for s in source:
key = f'{d}|{s}|{asn}|{ipversion}|prefixes'
# union the ranked sets
key = '|'.join(sorted(source)) + f'|{d}|{asn}|{ipversion}'
if not self.cache.exists(key):
self.cache.zunionstore(key, keys)
key = f'{d}|{source}|{asn}|{ipversion}|prefixes'
key = f'{d}|{asn}|{ipversion}'
to_return['response'] = self.cache.zrevrange(key, start=0, end=-1, withscores=True)
return to_return
def asn_rank(self, asn: int, date: Dates=datetime.date.today(), source: Union[list, str]='',
ipversion: str='v4', with_position: bool=False):
'''Get the rank of a single ASN, weighted by source.'''
to_return = {'meta': {'asn': asn, 'ipversion': ipversion,
'source': source, 'with_position': with_position},
'response': 0.0}
d = self.__normalize_date(date)
to_return['meta']['date'] = d
if source:
to_return['meta']['source'] = source
if isinstance(source, list):
keys = []
for s in source:
key = f'{d}|{s}|{asn}|{ipversion}'
r = sum(float(self.cache.get(key)) for key in keys if self.cache.exists(key))
key = f'{d}|{source}|{asn}|{ipversion}'
r = self.cache.get(key)
key = f'{d}|asns|{ipversion}'
r = self.cache.zscore(key, asn)
if not r:
r = 0
if with_position and not source:
to_return['response'] = {'rank': float(r), 'position': self.cache.zrank(key, asn),
'total_known_asns': self.cache.zcard(key)}
to_return['response'] = float(r)
return to_return
def get_sources(self, date: Dates=datetime.date.today()):
'''Get the sources availables for a specific day (default: today).'''
to_return = {'meta': {}, 'response': set()}
d = self.__normalize_date(date)
to_return['meta']['date'] = d
key = f'{d}|sources'
to_return['response'] = self.storage.smembers(key)
return to_return
def get_asn_descriptions(self, asn: int, all_descriptions=False):
to_return = {'meta': {'asn': asn, 'all_descriptions': all_descriptions},
'response': []}
descriptions = self.asn_meta.hgetall(f'{asn}|descriptions')
if all_descriptions or not descriptions:
to_return['response'] = descriptions
to_return['response'] = descriptions[sorted(descriptions.keys(), reverse=True)[0]]
return to_return
def get_prefix_ips(self, asn: int, prefix: str, date: Dates=datetime.date.today(),
source: Union[list, str]='', ipversion: str='v4'):
to_return = {'meta': {'asn': asn, 'prefix': prefix, 'ipversion': ipversion,
'source': source},
'response': defaultdict(list)}
d = self.__normalize_date(date)
to_return['meta']['date'] = d
if source:
to_return['meta']['source'] = source
if isinstance(source, list):
sources = source
sources = [source]
sources = self.get_sources(d)['response']
for source in sources:
ips = set([ip_ts.split('|')[0]
for ip_ts in self.storage.smembers(f'{d}|{source}|{asn}|{prefix}')])
[to_return['response'][ip].append(source) for ip in ips]
return to_return
def get_asn_history(self, asn: int, period: int=100, source: Union[list, str]='',
ipversion: str='v4', date: Dates=datetime.date.today()):
to_return = {'meta': {'asn': asn, 'period': period, 'ipversion': ipversion,
'source': source},
'response': []}
if isinstance(date, str):
date = parse(date).date()
if date + timedelta(days=period / 3) > datetime.date.today():
# the period to display will be around the date passed at least 2/3 before the date, at most 1/3 after
# FIXME: That is not doing what it is supposed to...
date = datetime.date.today()
to_return['meta']['date'] = date.isoformat()
for i in range(period):
d = date - timedelta(days=i)
rank = self.asn_rank(asn, d, source, ipversion)
if 'response' not in rank:
rank = 0
to_return['response'].insert(0, (d.isoformat(), rank['response']))
return to_return
def country_rank(self, country: str, date: Dates=datetime.date.today(), source: Union[list, str]='',
ipversion: str='v4'):
to_return = {'meta': {'country': country, 'ipversion': ipversion,
'source': source},
'response': []}
d = self.__normalize_date(date)
to_return['meta']['date'] = d
ripe = StatsRIPE()
response = ripe.country_asns(country, query_time=d, details=1)
if (not response.get('data') or not response['data'].get('countries') or not
logging.warning(f'Invalid response: {response}')
# FIXME: return something
return 0, [(0, 0)]
routed_asns = response['data']['countries'][0]['routed']
ranks = [self.asn_rank(asn, d, source, ipversion)['response'] for asn in routed_asns]
to_return['response'] = [sum(ranks), zip(routed_asns, ranks)]
return to_return
def country_history(self, country: Union[list, str], period: int=30, source: Union[list, str]='',
ipversion: str='v4', date: Dates=datetime.date.today()):
to_return = {}
to_return = {'meta': {'country': country, 'ipversion': ipversion,
'source': source},
'response': defaultdict(list)}
if isinstance(date, str):
date = parse(date).date()
if date + timedelta(days=period / 3) > datetime.date.today():
# the period to display will be around the date passed at least 2/3 before the date, at most 1/3 after
date = datetime.date.today()
if isinstance(country, str):
country = [country]
for c in country:
for i in range(period):
d = date - timedelta(days=i)
rank, details = self.country_rank(c, d, source, ipversion)['response']
if rank is None:
rank = 0
to_return['response'][c].insert(0, (d.isoformat(), rank, list(details)))
return to_return
def get_source_config(self):
def get_sources_configs(self):
config_dir = get_config_path() / 'modules'
loaded = []
for modulepath in config_dir.glob('*.json'):
with open(modulepath) as f:
return {'{}-{}'.format(config['vendor'], config['name']): config for config in loaded}