package main import ( "errors" "flag" "fmt" "log" "net" "os" "os/signal" "strconv" "strings" "" "" ) type ( conf struct { redisHost string redisPort string redisDB int redisQueue string balboaSocket string } ) var ( confdir = flag.String("c", "conf.sample", "configuration directory") connectRedis = true cr redis.Conn ) func main() { // Control Chan s := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(s, os.Interrupt, os.Kill) // Usage and flags flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Printf("analyzer-d4-balboa - export D4 Type 8 to Balboa UNIX socket:\n\n") fmt.Printf("\n") fmt.Printf("Usage:\n\n analyzer-d4-balboa -c config_directory\n") fmt.Printf("\n") fmt.Printf("Configuration:\n\n") fmt.Printf(" The configuration settings are stored in files in the configuration directory\n") fmt.Printf(" specified with the -c command line switch.\n\n") fmt.Printf("Files in the configuration directory:\n") fmt.Printf("\n") fmt.Printf(" redis - d4 server\n") fmt.Printf(" | host:port/db\n") fmt.Printf(" redis_queue - type and uuid of the redis queue\n") fmt.Printf(" | type:uuid \n") fmt.Printf(" balboa_socket - socket file to balboa\n") fmt.Printf(" | /tmp/balboa.sock\n") fmt.Printf("\n") flag.PrintDefaults() } // Config c := conf{} flag.Parse() if flag.NFlag() == 0 || *confdir == "" { flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } else { *confdir = strings.TrimSuffix(*confdir, "/") *confdir = strings.TrimSuffix(*confdir, "\\") } // Parse Redis Config tmp := config.ReadConfigFile(*confdir, "redis") ss := strings.Split(string(tmp), "/") if len(ss) <= 1 { log.Fatal("Missing Database in Redis config: should be host:port/database_name") } c.redisDB, _ = strconv.Atoi(ss[1]) var ret bool ret, ss[0] = config.IsNet(ss[0]) if !ret { sss := strings.Split(string(ss[0]), ":") c.redisHost = sss[0] c.redisPort = sss[1] } c.redisQueue = string(config.ReadConfigFile(*confdir, "redis_queue")) c.balboaSocket = string(config.ReadConfigFile(*confdir, "balboa_socket")) //TODO: handle empty ... initRedis(c.redisHost, c.redisPort, c.redisDB) defer cr.Close() addr, err := net.ResolveUnixAddr("unix", c.balboaSocket) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to resolve: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } cs, err := net.DialUnix("unix", nil, addr) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to dial: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) } defer cs.Close() //defer cs.Close() if err != nil { panic(err) } // pop redis queue for { dnsLine, err := redis.String(cr.Do("LPOP", "analyzer:8:"+c.redisQueue)) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Queue processed.") os.Exit(0) } // Write in Balboa socket if i, err := cs.Write([]byte(dnsLine)); err != nil { fmt.Printf("DIAL: Error: %v\n", err) } else { fmt.Printf("Sent %v bytes\n", i) } // Exit Signal Handle select { case <-s: fmt.Println("Exiting...") os.Exit(0) default: continue } } } func initRedis(host string, port string, d int) { err := errors.New("") cr, err = redis.Dial("tcp", host+":"+port, redis.DialDatabase(d)) if err != nil { panic(err) } }