# ICMP Passive Analyzer - D4 IPA Reads a pcap file and analyze icmp packets to detect potential DDoS attacks (guaranteed gluten free) ## Installation **REQUIREMENTS**: - This analyzer requires [pipenv](https://pipenv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) and [redis 5.0](https://redis.io) or above. - You need at least python3.6 or later to run this. **SETUP**:\ First, you need to install pipenv: ```shell script pip install pipenv ``` Then clone redis where you want it installed: ```shell script git clone https://github.com/antirez/redis.git cd redis git checkout 5.0 make cd .. ``` You can finally clone this repo on your machine and simply setup the virtual environment with pipenv like so: ```shell script git clone https://github.com/D4-project/analyzer-d4-ipa.git cd analyzer-d4-ipa pipenv install ``` ## Usage #### Start the redis server Don't forget to set the DB directory in the redis.conf configuration. By default, the redis for IPA is running on TCP port 6405. ```shell script ../redis/src/redis-server ./etc/redis.conf ``` #### Configure and start the D4 analyzer ```shell script cd ./etc cp analyzer.conf.sample analyzer.conf ``` Edit analyzer.conf to match the UUID of the analyzer queue from your D4 server. ```shell script [global] my-uuid = 6072e072-bfaa-4395-9bb1-cdb3b470d715 d4-server = # INFO|DEBUG logging-level = INFO ``` #### Start the analyzer ```shell script cd ../bin python3 run_ipa.py ``` If you have local pcaps stored in a dataset that you want to analyze, use -p argument and specify the absolute path of the dataset root folder. ```shell script python3 run_ipa.py -p /absolute/path/to/dataset/root ```