#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # ICMP Passive Analyzer for D4 # # Copyright (C) 2019 Romain Kieffer # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import redis import os import time import configparser import logging from lib.inspection import get_cap, get_raw_cap, get_protocol, check_icmp_checksum, get_icmp_payload, get_icmp_ip, \ unassigned_icmp_types, deprecated_icmp_types, get_src_port, get_dst_port, list_caps, init_cap_list class Analyzer: """ Defines a parser to make bulk statistics on a large dataset of network captures. """ def __init__(self, dataset_path: str=None): config = configparser.RawConfigParser() config.read('../etc/analyzer.conf') logging_level = config.get('global', 'logging-level') self.logger = logging.getLogger('ipa') self.ch = logging.StreamHandler() if logging_level == 'DEBUG': self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif logging_level == 'INFO': self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') self.ch.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(self.ch) analyzer_redis_host = os.getenv('D4_ANALYZER_REDIS_HOST', '') analyzer_redis_port = int(os.getenv('D4_ANALYZER_REDIS_PORT', 6405)) self.r = redis.Redis(host=analyzer_redis_host, port=analyzer_redis_port) self.dataset = dataset_path if not self.dataset: self.uuid = config.get('global', 'my-uuid') self.queue = "analyzer:1:{}".format(self.uuid) self.logger.info("Starting and using FIFO {} from D4 server".format(self.queue)) d4_server, d4_port = config.get('global', 'd4-server').split(':') host_redis_metadata = os.getenv('D4_REDIS_METADATA_HOST', d4_server) port_redis_metadata = int(os.getenv('D4_REDIS_METADATA_PORT', d4_port)) self.r_d4 = redis.Redis(host=host_redis_metadata, port=port_redis_metadata, db=2) else: self.logger.info("Starting local analyzer") self.queue = "to_scan" self.cap_list = [] self.logger.info("Adding dataset caps to local queue") self.cap_list = init_cap_list(self.dataset) self.logger.info('Added ' + str(len(self.cap_list)) + ' caps.') self.update_queue() self.logger.info("Processing...") self.process_local() self.logger.info("Done.") time.sleep(15) c = self.update_queue() if c == 0: self.enqueue_caps(cap_list=list_caps('scanning', self.r)) self.r.delete('scanning') self.process_local() def enqueue_caps(self, cap_list: list): p = self.r.pipeline() for cap in cap_list: p.rpush(self.queue, cap) p.execute() def update_queue(self): remaining_caps = list_caps(self.queue, self.r) current_caps = list_caps('scanning', self.r) parsed_caps = list_caps('scanned', self.r) caps_to_add = [] if remaining_caps: self.logger.info('Queue already populated.') if self.cap_list: for cap in self.cap_list: if cap not in remaining_caps and cap not in parsed_caps and cap not in current_caps: caps_to_add.append(cap) if not caps_to_add: self.logger.info('Already up to date.') return 1 self.logger.info('Queue updated.') else: if self.cap_list: caps_to_add = self.cap_list elif current_caps: return 0 self.enqueue_caps(caps_to_add) return 2 def parse_cap(self, cap): """ Dissects the cap file to extract info. """ if cap is None: self.logger.info('No caps to parse!') return 0 self.logger.info('Parsing cap ' + cap.input_filename[-15:]) pipeline = self.r.pipeline() for packet in cap: ip_layer = packet.ip icmp_layer = packet.icmp icmp_type = str(icmp_layer.type) # icmp_code = str(icmp_layer.code) protocol = get_protocol(packet) # checksum_status = check_icmp_checksum(packet.icmp_raw.value) if protocol == '1 : icmp': payload = get_icmp_payload(packet) pipeline.zadd('data', {'total': 1}, incr=True) pipeline.zadd('data', {payload: 1}, incr=True) if 'ip_src' in packet.icmp.field_names: ip = get_icmp_ip(packet) pipeline.hset('sources', ip, ip_layer.src) pipeline.hincrby('icmp', 'total') if icmp_type in unassigned_icmp_types: pipeline.hincrby('icmp', icmp_type + ' (unassigned)') elif icmp_type in deprecated_icmp_types: pipeline.hincrby('icmp', icmp_type + ' (deprecated)') else: pipeline.hincrby('icmp', icmp_type) # pipeline.hincrby('checksum', 'total') # pipeline.hincrby('checksum', checksum_status) # entry = str(get_src_port(packet)) + ':' + protocol + ':' + icmp_type + ':' + icmp_code # pipeline.zadd(source_ip, {entry: 1}, incr=True) pipeline.zadd('protocols', {protocol: 1}, incr=True) # pipeline.zadd(protocol, {source_ip: 1}, incr=True) dst_port = get_dst_port(packet) if int(dst_port) == 80 | int(dst_port) == 443: pass # TODO pipeline.execute() self.logger.debug('Pipelining to redis.') return 0 def pop_cap(self): if not self.dataset: absolute_path = self.r_d4.rpop(self.queue).decode() else: absolute_path = self.r.lpop('to_scan').decode() return get_cap(absolute_path), get_raw_cap(absolute_path) def process_d4(self): while True: d4_cap, d4_raw_cap = self.pop_cap() if d4_cap is None: time.sleep(1) continue self.logger.debug('Parsing file {}'.format(d4_cap.input_filename)) self.parse_cap(d4_cap) d4_cap.close() def process_local(self): while self.r.llen(self.queue) != 0: cap, raw_cap = self.pop_cap() self.r.rpush('scanning', cap.input_filename) self.parse_cap(cap) self.r.lrem('scanning', 0, cap.input_filename) self.r.rpush('scanned', cap.input_filename) cap.close()