# analyzer-d4-log This analyzer processes loglines ingested by d4 (as type 3). # Architecture analyzer-d4-log relies on redis to consume grokked loglines. To grok the loglines, analyzer-d4-log relies on an external tool: both logstash https://www.elastic.co/logstash and nifi https://nifi.apache.org/ have been tested for this purpose (using this nifi template https://github.com/D4-project/d4-nifi-templates). These tools poll directly d4 server's redis for loglines and push the results into a specific redis queue that the analyzer consumes. ![Grokking D4 loglines in nifi](assets/nifi.png) analyzer-d4-log polls this queue periodically to produce counts and statistics of the data. At the moment, only sshd logs are supported but more will come in the future. # SSHD log analysis ## Output generation Every once in a while, analyzer-d4-log compiles the result into a svg images and csv files. It will also produce a minimalist webpage to navigate the data with a datarangepicker.; ![](assets/analyzer-d4-log.png) ## MISP export I addition to this graphical view, the repository contains a MISP_export folder that allows for the publication of a MISP feed of daily events. It compiles the TOP 100 usernames and sources seen in ssh login failure by D4 sensors. ![](assets/dailyMISPevent.png) ![](assets/d4_auth_MISPobject.png) Since MISP 2.4.128, MISP can conveniently display this data through specialized widgets. ![](assets/MISP_widgets.png)