package logparser import ( "fmt" "html/template" "io/ioutil" "log" "math" "os" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) // SshdParser Holds a struct that corresponds to a sshd log line // and the redis connection type SshdParser struct { // Write r1 *redis.Conn // Read r2 *redis.Conn } // Set set the redic connection to this parser func (s *SshdParser) Set(rconn1 *redis.Conn, rconn2 *redis.Conn) { s.r1 = rconn1 s.r2 = rconn2 } // Flush recomputes statistics and recompile HTML output func (s *SshdParser) Flush() error { log.Println("Flushing") r1 := *s.r1 r0 := *s.r2 // writing in database 1 if _, err := r1.Do("SELECT", 1); err != nil { r0.Close() r1.Close() return err } // flush stats DB if _, err := r1.Do("FLUSHDB"); err != nil { r0.Close() r1.Close() return err } log.Println("Statistics Database Flushed") // reading from database 0 if _, err := r0.Do("SELECT", 0); err != nil { r0.Close() r1.Close() return err } // Compile statistics / html output for each line keys, err := redis.Strings(r0.Do("KEYS", "*")) if err != nil { r0.Close() r1.Close() return err } for _, v := range keys { dateHost := strings.Split(v, ":") kkeys, err := redis.StringMap(r0.Do("HGETALL", v)) if err != nil { r0.Close() r1.Close() return err } dateInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(dateHost[0], 10, 64) if err != nil { r0.Close() r1.Close() return err } parsedTime := time.Unix(dateInt, 0) err = compileStats(s, parsedTime, kkeys["src"], kkeys["username"], dateHost[1]) if err != nil { r0.Close() r1.Close() return err } } return nil } // Parse parses a line of sshd log func (s *SshdParser) Parse(logline string) error { r := *s.r1 re := regexp.MustCompile(`^(?P[[:alpha:]]{3} {1,2}\d{1,2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) (?P[^ ]+) sshd\[[[:alnum:]]+\]: Invalid user (?P.*) from (?P.*$)`) n1 := re.SubexpNames() r2 := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(logline, -1)[0] // Build the group map for the line md := map[string]string{} for i, n := range r2 { // fmt.Printf("%d. match='%s'\tname='%s'\n", i, n, n1[i]) md[n1[i]] = n } // Assumes the system parses logs recorded during the current year md["date"] = fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", md["date"], time.Now().Year()) // TODO Make this automatic or a config parameter loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Europe/Luxembourg") parsedTime, _ := time.ParseInLocation("Jan 2 15:04:05 2006", md["date"], loc) md["date"] = string(strconv.FormatInt(parsedTime.Unix(), 10)) // Pushing loglines in database 0 if _, err := r.Do("SELECT", 0); err != nil { r.Close() return err } // Writing logs _, err := redis.Bool(r.Do("HSET", fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", md["date"], md["host"]), "username", md["username"], "src", md["src"])) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } err = compileStats(s, parsedTime, md["src"], md["username"], md["host"]) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } return nil } func compileStats(s *SshdParser, parsedTime time.Time, src string, username string, host string) error { r := *s.r1 // Pushing statistics in database 1 if _, err := r.Do("SELECT", 1); err != nil { r.Close() return err } // Daily dstr := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v%v", parsedTime.Year(), fmt.Sprintf("%02d", int(parsedTime.Month())), fmt.Sprintf("%02d", int(parsedTime.Day()))) // Check current entry date as oldest if older than the current if oldest, err := redis.String(r.Do("GET", "oldest")); err == redis.ErrNil { r.Do("SET", "oldest", dstr) } else if err != nil { r.Close() return err } else { // Check if dates are the same if oldest != dstr { // Check who is the oldest parsedOldest, _ := time.Parse("20060102", oldest) if parsedTime.Before(parsedOldest) { r.Do("SET", "oldest", dstr) } } } // Check current entry date as oldest if older than the current if newest, err := redis.String(r.Do("GET", "newest")); err == redis.ErrNil { r.Do("SET", "newest", dstr) } else if err != nil { r.Close() return err } else { // Check if dates are the same if newest != dstr { // Check who is the newest parsedNewest, _ := time.Parse("20060102", newest) if parsedTime.After(parsedNewest) { r.Do("SET", "newest", dstr) } } } err := compileStat(s, dstr, "daily", src, username, host) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } // Monthly mstr := fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", parsedTime.Year(), fmt.Sprintf("%02d", int(parsedTime.Month()))) err = compileStat(s, mstr, "daily", src, username, host) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } // Yearly ystr := fmt.Sprintf("%v", parsedTime.Year()) err = compileStat(s, ystr, "daily", src, username, host) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } return nil } func compileStat(s *SshdParser, datestr string, mode string, src string, username string, host string) error { r := *s.r1 _, err := redis.String(r.Do("ZINCRBY", fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", datestr, "statssrc"), 1, src)) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } _, err = redis.String(r.Do("ZINCRBY", fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", datestr, "statsusername"), 1, username)) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } _, err = redis.String(r.Do("ZINCRBY", fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", datestr, "statshost"), 1, host)) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } _, err = redis.Int(r.Do("SADD", fmt.Sprintf("toupdate:%v", mode), fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", datestr, "statssrc"))) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } _, err = redis.Int(r.Do("SADD", fmt.Sprintf("toupdate:%v", mode), fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", datestr, "statsusername"))) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } _, err = redis.Int(r.Do("SADD", fmt.Sprintf("toupdate:%v", mode), fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", datestr, "statshost"))) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } return nil } // Compile create graphs of the results func (s *SshdParser) Compile() error { r := *s.r2 // Pulling statistics from database 1 if _, err := r.Do("SELECT", 1); err != nil { r.Close() return err } // List days for which we need to update statistics toupdateD, err := redis.Strings(r.Do("SMEMBERS", "toupdate:daily")) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } // Plot statistics for each day to update for _, v := range toupdateD { err = plotStats(s, v) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } } // List months for which we need to update statistics toupdateM, err := redis.Strings(r.Do("SMEMBERS", "toupdate:monthly")) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } // Plot statistics for each month to update for _, v := range toupdateM { err = plotStats(s, v) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } } // List years for which we need to update statistics toupdateY, err := redis.Strings(r.Do("SMEMBERS", "toupdate:yearly")) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } // Plot statistics for each year to update for _, v := range toupdateY { err = plotStats(s, v) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } } // Get oldest / newest entries var newest string var oldest string if newest, err = redis.String(r.Do("GET", "newest")); err == redis.ErrNil { r.Close() return err } if oldest, err = redis.String(r.Do("GET", "oldest")); err == redis.ErrNil { r.Close() return err } parsedOldest, _ := time.Parse("20060102", oldest) parsedNewest, _ := time.Parse("20060102", newest) parsedOldestStr := parsedOldest.Format("2006-01-02") parsedNewestStr := parsedNewest.Format("2006-01-02") // Gettings list of years for which we have statistics reply, err := redis.Values(r.Do("SCAN", "0", "MATCH", "????:*", "COUNT", 1000)) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } var cursor int64 var items []string _, err = redis.Scan(reply, &cursor, &items) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } var years []string for _, v := range items { yearSplit := strings.Split(v, ":") found := false for _, y := range years { if y == yearSplit[0] { found = true } } if !found { years = append(years, yearSplit[0]) } } // Gettings list of months for which we have statistics months := make(map[string][]string) for _, v := range years { var mraw []string reply, err = redis.Values(r.Do("SCAN", "0", "MATCH", v+"??:*", "COUNT", 1000)) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } _, err = redis.Scan(reply, &cursor, &mraw) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } for _, m := range mraw { m = strings.TrimPrefix(m, v) monthSplit := strings.Split(m, ":") found := false for _, y := range months[v] { if y == monthSplit[0] { found = true } } if !found { months[v] = append(months[v], monthSplit[0]) } } } // Parse Template t, err := template.ParseFiles(filepath.Join("logparser", "sshd", "statistics.gohtml")) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } daily := struct { Title string MinDate string MaxDate string CurrentTime string }{ Title: "sshd failed logins - daily statistics", MinDate: parsedOldestStr, MaxDate: parsedNewestStr, CurrentTime: parsedNewestStr, } monthly := struct { Title string MonthList map[string][]string CurrentTime string }{ Title: "sshd failed logins - monthly statistics", MonthList: months, CurrentTime: parsedNewestStr, } yearly := struct { Title string YearList []string CurrentTime string }{ Title: "sshd failed logins - yearly statistics", YearList: years, CurrentTime: parsedNewestStr, } // Create folder to store resulting files if _, err := os.Stat("data"); os.IsNotExist(err) { err := os.Mkdir("data", 0700) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } } if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join("data", "sshd")); os.IsNotExist(err) { err := os.Mkdir(filepath.Join("data", "sshd"), 0700) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } } _ = os.Remove(filepath.Join("data", "sshd", "dailystatistics.html")) _ = os.Remove(filepath.Join("data", "sshd", "monthlystatistics.html")) _ = os.Remove(filepath.Join("data", "sshd", "yearlystatistics.html")) f, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join("data", "sshd", "dailystatistics.html"), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0666) defer f.Close() // err = t.Execute(f, daily) err = t.ExecuteTemplate(f, "headertpl", daily) err = t.ExecuteTemplate(f, "dailytpl", daily) err = t.ExecuteTemplate(f, "footertpl", daily) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } f, err = os.OpenFile(filepath.Join("data", "sshd", "monthlystatistics.html"), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0666) defer f.Close() // err = t.Execute(f, monthly) err = t.ExecuteTemplate(f, "headertpl", monthly) err = t.ExecuteTemplate(f, "monthlytpl", monthly) err = t.ExecuteTemplate(f, "footertpl", monthly) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } f, err = os.OpenFile(filepath.Join("data", "sshd", "yearlystatistics.html"), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0666) defer f.Close() // err = t.Execute(f, yearly) err = t.ExecuteTemplate(f, "headertpl", yearly) err = t.ExecuteTemplate(f, "yearlytpl", yearly) err = t.ExecuteTemplate(f, "footertpl", yearly) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } // Copy js asset file input, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join("logparser", "sshd", "load.js")) if err != nil { log.Println(err) } err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join("data", "sshd", "load.js"), input, 0644) if err != nil { log.Println(err) } return nil } func plotStats(s *SshdParser, v string) error { r := *s.r2 zrank, err := redis.Strings(r.Do("ZRANGEBYSCORE", v, "-inf", "+inf", "WITHSCORES")) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } // Split keys and values - keep these ordered values := plotter.Values{} keys := make([]string, 0, len(zrank)/2) for k, v := range zrank { // keys if (k % 2) == 0 { keys = append(keys, zrank[k]) // values } else { fv, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64) values = append(values, fv) } } p, err := plot.New() if err != nil { r.Close() return err } stype := strings.Split(v, ":") switch stype[1] { case "statsusername": p.Title.Text = "Usernames" case "statssrc": p.Title.Text = "Source IP" case "statshost": p.Title.Text = "Host" default: p.Title.Text = "" log.Println("We should not reach this point, open an issue.") } p.Y.Label.Text = "Count" w := 0.5 * vg.Centimeter bc, err := plotter.NewBarChart(values, w) bc.Horizontal = true if err != nil { return err } bc.LineStyle.Width = vg.Length(0) bc.Color = plotutil.Color(0) p.Add(bc) p.NominalY(keys...) // Create folder to store plots if _, err := os.Stat("data"); os.IsNotExist(err) { err := os.Mkdir("data", 0700) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } } if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join("data", "sshd")); os.IsNotExist(err) { err := os.Mkdir(filepath.Join("data", "sshd"), 0700) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } } if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join("data", "sshd", stype[0])); os.IsNotExist(err) { err := os.Mkdir(filepath.Join("data", "sshd", stype[0]), 0700) if err != nil { r.Close() return err } } xsize := 3 + vg.Length(math.Round(float64(len(keys)/2))) if err := p.Save(15*vg.Centimeter, xsize*vg.Centimeter, filepath.Join("data", "sshd", stype[0], fmt.Sprintf("%v.svg", v))); err != nil { r.Close() return err } return nil }