# analyzer-d4-passivedns analyzer-d4-passivedns is an analyzer for a D4 network sensor. The analyser can process data produced by D4 sensors (in [passivedns](https://github.com/gamelinux/passivedns) CSV format (more to come)) and ingest these into a Passive DNS server which can be queried later to search for the Passive DNS records. # Features - A D4 analyzer which can be plugged to one or more [D4 servers](https://github.com/D4-project/d4-core) to get a stream of DNS records - A compliant [Passive DNS ReST server compliant to Common Output Format](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-dulaunoy-dnsop-passive-dns-cof-04) - A flexible and simple analyser which can be configured to collect the required records from DNS records # Overview ## Requirements - Python 3 - Redis >5.0 - Tornado - iptools ## Install ~~~~ ./install_server.sh ~~~~ All the Python 3 code will be installed in a virtualenv (PDNSENV). ## Running ### Start the redis server Don't forget to set the DB directory in the redis.conf configuration. By default, the redis for Passive DNS is running on TCP port 6400 ~~~~ ./redis/src/redis-server ./etc/redis.conf ~~~~ ### Start the Passive DNS COF server ~~~~ . ./PDNSENV/bin/activate cd ./bin/ python3 ./pdns-cof-server.py ~~~~ ### Configure and start the D4 analyzer ~~~~ cd ./etc cp analyzer.conf.sample analyzer.conf ~~~~ Edit the analyzer.conf to match the UUID of the analyzer queue from your D4 server. ~~~~ [global] my-uuid = 6072e072-bfaa-4395-9bb1-cdb3b470d715 d4-server = # INFO|DEBUG logging-level = INFO ~~~~ then you can start the analyzer which will fetch the data from the analyzer, parse it and populate the Passive DNS database. ~~~~ . ./PDNSENV/bin/activate/ cd ./bin/ python3 pdns-ingestion.py ~~~~ # License The software is free software/open source released under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.