/* * pibs - Passive Identification of BackScatter * * Copyright (C) 2019 Gerard Wagener * Copyright (C) 2019 CIRCL Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg * (SMILE gie). * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "pibs.h" //TODO when attaching the next_item must be recovered if results //of previous runs need to be increased /* * Returns -1 if not found * returns last timestamp if found */ int_fast64_t get_last_timestamp(pibs_t* pibs, uint32_t ip) { uint32_t idx; uint32_t i; //TODO explore alternative hashing functions //https://stackoverflow.com/questions/664014/what-integer-hash-function-are-good-that-accepts-an-integer-hash-key/12996028#12996028 idx = ip % NBINS; HDBG("[TS] Checking for IP %x at index = %d\n", ip, idx); i = pibs->bin_table[idx]; while (i){ if (pibs->items[i].ipaddr == ip) { HDBG("[TS] Found item %x at position %d\n", ip , i); return pibs->items[i].timestamp; } i = pibs->items[i].next_item; } HDBG("[TS] IP: %x was not found return -1\n",ip); return -1; } void insert_ip(pibs_t* pibs, uint32_t ip, uint32_t ts) { uint32_t idx; uint32_t i; uint32_t parent; idx = ip % NBINS; HDBG("[INS] Lookup IP address %x. Hashed value: %d\n", ip, idx); parent = 0; if (pibs->bin_table[idx]){ // There is already someone in the bin i = pibs->bin_table[idx]; HDBG("[INS] Starting searching at position %d\n", i); do { HDBG("[INS] Iterating items at index %d. Current position: %d.\ Next position = %d\n", idx,i,pibs->items[i].next_item); HDBG("[INS] Checking IP at address %p\n",&pibs->items[i]); if (pibs->items[i].ipaddr == ip) { HDBG("[INS] Found item %x at position %d\n", ip , i); HDBG("[INS] New timestamp for ip %x is %d\n",ip,ts); pibs->items[i].timestamp = ts; return; } parent = i; i = pibs->items[i].next_item; } while (i != 0 ); HDBG("[INS] The IP %x was not found in the item list, last parent %d\n", ip, parent); } // The IP was not found in an item list or the hashed value wsa not present // in the bin table, so create a new item pibs->next_item++; if (pibs->next_item > pibs->max_item) { printf("FIXME run out of memory. Do something better than abort\n"); //Go through old timestamps and keep linked list of stuff that can be //reused or do kind of defragmentation abort(); } if (pibs->bin_table[idx] == 0) { pibs->bin_table[idx] = pibs->next_item; } HDBG("[INS] Insert ip %x at position %d, parent = %d\n", ip, pibs->next_item,parent); pibs->items[pibs->next_item].ipaddr = ip; pibs->items[pibs->next_item].timestamp = ts; if (parent) { pibs->items[parent].next_item = pibs->next_item; } } void pibs_dump_raw(pibs_t* pibs) { int i; printf("#RAW table dump\n"); printf("#Index next_item\n"); printf("#BINs\n"); for (i=0; i< NBINS; i++) { printf("%d %d\n", i, pibs->bin_table[i]); } printf("#ITEMS\n"); printf("#Index next_item, timestamp, ipaddr\n"); for (i=0; i < NBINITEMS * NBINS; i++) { printf("%d %d %d %x\n", i, pibs->items[i].next_item, pibs->items[i].timestamp, pibs->items[i].ipaddr); } } void pibs_dump_stats(pibs_t* pibs) { int i; int j; int cnt; uint64_t sum; sum = 0; printf("#Bin table\n"); printf("#Bin number, Item offset, number of items\n"); for (i=0; i < NBINS; i++) { j= pibs->bin_table[i]; cnt = 0; while (j) { cnt++; j=pibs->items[j].next_item; } sum+=cnt; printf("%d %d %d\n", i, pibs->bin_table[i], cnt); } printf("#Number of unique IP addresses: %ld\n", sum); } void synseen_process_frame(pibs_t *pibs, wtap *wth, uint8_t* eth, struct ip* ipv4, struct tcphdr* tcp) { synseen_callback_t synseen_callback; int_fast64_t lastseen; uint32_t ip; struct pcap_pkthdr pchdr; memcpy(&ip, &ipv4->ip_src, 4); if (!pibs->bypass) { // Record only source ips where syn flag is set // TODO check other connection establishment alternatives if (tcp->th_flags == 2 ){ insert_ip(pibs, ip, wth->rec.ts.secs); return; } lastseen = get_last_timestamp(pibs, ip); if (lastseen > 0){ HDBG("IP %x %s was already seen before at %ld. Time difference %ld.\n" , ip, inet_ntoa(ipv4->ip_src), lastseen, wth->rec.ts.secs-lastseen); return; } // TODO keep these IPs in a hashtable and rank them if (pibs->show_backscatter) { printf("%ld,%s,%d,%d\n", wth->rec.ts.secs, inet_ntoa(ipv4->ip_src), tcp->th_flags, ntohs(tcp->th_sport)); } //TODO relative time //Purge old ips? if (pibs->should_writepcap) { pchdr.ts.tv_sec = wth->rec.ts.secs; //TODO other part of the timestamp pchdr.ts.tv_usec = wth->rec.ts.nsecs / 1000; pchdr.caplen = wth->rec.rec_header.packet_header.caplen; pchdr.len = wth->rec.rec_header.packet_header.len; pcap_dump((u_char*)pibs->dumper, &pchdr, eth); } } if (pibs->synseen_callback) { synseen_callback = pibs->synseen_callback; synseen_callback(pibs, wth, eth, ipv4, tcp); } } int synseen_init(pibs_t* pibs) { pibs->data_size = sizeof(pibs_header_t) + NBINSCALE * NBINS * SZBIN * NBINITEMS * sizeof(item_t); pibs->data = calloc(pibs->data_size,1); printf("#Internal look up structure size in bytes: %ld\n", pibs->data_size); // Build header pibs->data[0]='P'; pibs->data[1] = 'I'; pibs->data[2] = 'B'; pibs->data[3] = 'S'; pibs->data[4] = 1; //version 1 pibs->next_block = sizeof(pibs_header_t); pibs->bin_offset = pibs->next_block; printf("#data address is %p\n",pibs->data); pibs->bin_table = (uint32_t*)(pibs->data+pibs->bin_offset); printf("#bin_table address is %p\n", pibs->bin_table); // Create bins pibs->next_block+=SZBIN * NBINS; printf("#next block %d\n", pibs->next_block); pibs->items = (item_t*)(pibs->data+pibs->next_block); pibs->next_item = 0; printf("#items are address %p\n", pibs->items); pibs->max_item = NBINS * NBINITEMS; printf("#max_item: %d\n", pibs->max_item); return 1; }