# Passive Identification of BackScatter Read a pcap file and display potential backscatter traffic on standard output This is very early stage and subject to change. # Install dependencies As there were some changes in libwiretap, at least the version 2.6.3-1 is needed. ``` shell apt-get install libwiretap-dev apt-get install libhiredis-dev apt-get install libwsutil-dev apt-get install libpcap-dev apt-get install libglib2.0-dev make ``` # How to use ``` shell ./pibs -r pcapfile.cap -b ./pibs -u e344c4fb-442e-45a6-92b9-d8e30aeef448 -z -p 6379 Consumes the files from the worker queue and write potential backscatter on standard output. The worker queue should include absolute filenames. In the example the redis server server is listening on port 6379 on the interface The string e344c4fb-442e-45a6-92b9-d8e30aeef448 is the uuid that must be inline with the worker. pibs -r source.cap.gz -w backscatter.cap Read the file source.cap.gz, identify potential backscatter and store it in the file backscatter.cap to be further analysed with other tools such as wireshark ```