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\title{Improving Passive DNS collection}
\subtitle{with D4 Project}
\author{Alexandre Dulaunoy}
\institute{Team CIRCL \\ \url{}}
\frametitle{Problem statement}
\item CIRCL (and other CSIRTs) have their own passive DNS\footnote{\url{}} collection mechanisms
\item Current {\bf collection models} are affected with DoH\footnote{DNS over HTTPS} and centralised DNS services
\item DNS answers collection is a tedious process
\item {\bf Sharing Passive DNS stream} between organisation is challenging due to privacy
\frametitle{Potential Strategy}
\item Improve {\bf Passive DNS collection diversity} by being closer to the source and limit impact of DoH (e.g. at the OS resolver level)
\item Increasing diversity and {\bf mixing models} before sharing/storing Passive DNS records
\item Simplify process and tools to install for {\bf Passive DNS collection by relying on D4 sensors} instead of custom mechanisms
\item Provide a distributed infrastructure for mixing streams and filtering out the sharing to the validated partners
\frametitle{First release}
\item analyzer-d4-passivedns\footnote{\url{}} is an analyzer for a D4 network sensor. The analyser can process data produced by D4 sensors (in passivedns CSV format\footnote{\url{}})
\item Ingest these into a {\bf Passive DNS server} which can be queried later to search for the Passive DNS records
\item The lookup server (using on redis-compatible backend) is a Passive DNS REST server compliant to the Common Output Format\footnote{\url{}}
\frametitle{D4 Overview}
\frametitle{Get in touch if you want to join/support the project, host a passive dns sensor or contribute}
\item Collaboration can include research partnership, sharing of collected streams or improving the software.
\item Contact:
\item \url{} - \url{}