2019-08-14 13:58:58 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*-coding:UTF-8 -*
Flask functions and routes for the rest api
import os
import re
import sys
2019-09-03 10:43:52 +02:00
import time
2019-08-14 13:58:58 +02:00
import uuid
import json
import redis
2019-09-03 10:43:52 +02:00
import random
2019-08-14 13:58:58 +02:00
import datetime
from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify, request, Blueprint, redirect, url_for, Response
from flask_login import login_required
from functools import wraps
2019-08-14 16:42:15 +02:00
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['D4_HOME'], 'lib'))
import Sensor
2019-11-25 16:28:20 +01:00
import ConfigLoader
2019-08-14 16:42:15 +02:00
2019-08-14 13:58:58 +02:00
# ============ BLUEPRINT ============
restApi = Blueprint('restApi', __name__, template_folder='templates')
# ============ VARIABLES ============
2019-11-25 16:28:20 +01:00
### Config ###
config_loader = ConfigLoader.ConfigLoader()
r_serv_metadata = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Redis_METADATA")
r_serv_db = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Redis_SERV")
r_cache = config_loader.get_redis_conn("Redis_CACHE")
config_loader = None
### ###
2019-09-03 10:43:52 +02:00
2019-08-14 13:58:58 +02:00
# ============ AUTH FUNCTIONS ============
def check_token_format(strg, search=re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]').search):
return not bool(search(strg))
def verify_token(token):
if len(token) != 41:
return False
if not check_token_format(token):
return False
2019-09-03 10:43:52 +02:00
rand_sleep = random.randint(1,300)/1000
2019-08-14 13:58:58 +02:00
if r_serv_db.hexists('user:tokens', token):
return True
return False
def get_user_from_token(token):
return r_serv_db.hget('user:tokens', token)
def verify_user_role(role, token):
user_id = get_user_from_token(token)
if user_id:
if is_in_role(user_id, role):
return True
return False
return False
def is_in_role(user_id, role):
if r_serv_db.sismember('user_role:{}'.format(role), user_id):
return True
return False
# ============ DECORATOR ============
def token_required(user_role):
def actual_decorator(funct):
def api_token(*args, **kwargs):
data = authErrors(user_role)
if data:
return Response(json.dumps(data[0], indent=2, sort_keys=True), mimetype='application/json'), data[1]
return funct(*args, **kwargs)
return api_token
return actual_decorator
def get_auth_from_header():
token = request.headers.get('Authorization').replace(' ', '') # remove space
return token
def authErrors(user_role):
# Check auth
if not request.headers.get('Authorization'):
return ({'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Authentication needed'}, 401)
token = get_auth_from_header()
data = None
# verify token format
# brute force protection
current_ip = request.remote_addr
login_failed_ip = r_cache.get('failed_login_ip_api:{}'.format(current_ip))
# brute force by ip
if login_failed_ip:
login_failed_ip = int(login_failed_ip)
if login_failed_ip >= 5:
return ({'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Max Connection Attempts reached, Please wait {}s'.format(r_cache.ttl('failed_login_ip_api:{}'.format(current_ip)))}, 401)
authenticated = False
if verify_token(token):
authenticated = True
# check user role
if not verify_user_role(user_role, token):
data = ({'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Access Forbidden'}, 403)
if not authenticated:
2019-09-03 10:43:52 +02:00
r_cache.expire('failed_login_ip_api:{}'.format(current_ip), 300)
2019-08-14 13:58:58 +02:00
data = ({'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Authentication failed'}, 401)
except Exception as e:
data = ({'status': 'error', 'reason': 'Malformed Authentication String'}, 400)
if data:
return data
return None
# ============ FUNCTIONS ============
def is_valid_uuid_v4(header_uuid):
header_uuid=header_uuid.replace('-', '')
uuid_test = uuid.UUID(hex=header_uuid, version=4)
return uuid_test.hex == header_uuid
return False
2020-11-10 11:11:23 +01:00
def build_json_response(resp_data, resp_code):
return Response(json.dumps(resp_data, indent=2, sort_keys=True), mimetype='application/json'), resp_code
2019-08-14 13:58:58 +02:00
# ============= ROUTES ==============
2019-08-14 16:42:15 +02:00
@restApi.route("/api/v1/add/sensor/register", methods=['POST'])
def add_sensor_register():
2019-08-14 13:58:58 +02:00
data = request.get_json()
2019-08-14 16:42:15 +02:00
res = Sensor.register_sensor(data)
2019-08-14 13:58:58 +02:00
return Response(json.dumps(res[0], indent=2, sort_keys=True), mimetype='application/json'), res[1]
2020-11-10 11:11:23 +01:00
@restApi.route("/api/v1/sensors/monitoring/errors", methods=['GET'])
2020-11-10 14:41:44 +01:00
2020-11-10 11:11:23 +01:00
def get_all_sensors_connection_errors():
res = Sensor.api_get_all_sensors_connection_errors()
return build_json_response(res[0], res[1])