#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "others/uuid/uuid.h" #include "d4.h" // void usage(void) { printf("d4 - d4 client\n"); printf("Read data from the configured and send it to \n"); printf("\n"); printf("Usage: d4 -c config_directory\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Configuration\n\n"); printf("The configuration settings are stored in files in the configuration directory\n"); printf("specified with the -c command line switch.\n\n"); printf("Files in the configuration directory\n"); printf("\n"); printf("key - is the private HMAC-SHA-256-128 key.\n"); printf(" The HMAC is computed on the header with a HMAC value set to 0\n"); printf(" which is updated later.\n"); printf("snaplen - the length of bytes that is read from the \n"); printf("version - the version of the d4 client\n"); printf("type - the type of data that is send. pcap, netflow, ...\n"); printf("source - the source where the data is read from\n"); printf("destination - the destination where the data is written to\n"); } /* * Generate a uuid if no one was set. * If no errors occured textual representation of uuid is stored in the * configuration array */ void d4_update_uuid(d4_t* d4) { uuid_t uuid; int fd,ret; char* filename; char* uuid_text; if (d4->conf[UUID][0] == 0){ uuid_generate(uuid); filename = calloc(1,2*FILENAME_MAX); uuid_text = calloc(1, SZUUID_TEXT); if ((filename != NULL) && (uuid != NULL)) { snprintf(filename, 2*FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s",d4->confdir, d4params[UUID]); fd = open(filename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR |S_IWUSR); if (fd > 0) { uuid_unparse(uuid, uuid_text); ret = write(fd, uuid_text, SZUUID_TEXT-1); if (ret > 0) { memcpy(d4->conf[UUID], uuid_text, SZUUID_TEXT); } else { d4->errno_copy = errno; } close(fd); } else { // Cannot open file d4->errno_copy = errno; } } /* If there is an error the uuid is not stored and a new one is * generated for the next boot */ } } int d4_check_config(d4_t* d4) { // TODO implement other sources, file, fifo, unix_socket ... if (strlen(d4->conf[SOURCE]) >= strlen(STDIN)) { if (!strncmp(d4->conf[SOURCE],STDIN, strlen(STDIN))) { d4->source.fd = STDIN_FILENO; } } //TODO implement other destinations file, fifo unix_socket ... if (strlen(d4->conf[DESTINATION]) >= strlen(STDOUT)) { if (!strncmp(d4->conf[DESTINATION],STDOUT, strlen(STDOUT))) { d4->destination.fd = STDOUT_FILENO; } } d4->snaplen = atoi(d4->conf[SNAPLEN]); d4_update_uuid(d4); if ((d4->snaplen < 0) || (d4->snaplen > MAXSNAPLEN)) { d4->snaplen = 0; } //FIXME Check other parameters if ((atoi(d4->conf[VERSION])>0) && ( d4->destination.fd > 0 ) && ( d4->snaplen >0 )) { return 1; } return -1; } //Returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise int d4_load_config(d4_t* d4) { int i; int fd; int n; int j; char *buf; buf=calloc(1,2*FILENAME_MAX); if (buf) { for (i=0; i < ND4PARAMS; i++) { snprintf(buf,2*FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s",d4->confdir, d4params[i]); fd = open(buf,O_RDONLY); if (fd > 0) { //FIXME error handling n = read(fd, d4->conf[i], SZCONFVALUE); if (n > 0) { //Remove the last new line for (j=n; j>=0; --j) { if (d4->conf[i][j]== '\n') { d4->conf[i][j] = '\0'; break; } } } close(fd); } else { d4->errno_copy = errno; INSERT_ERROR("Failed to load %s", d4params[i]); } } } return d4_check_config(d4); } d4_t* d4_init(char* confdir) { d4_t* out; int i; out = calloc(1,sizeof(d4_t)); if (out) { strncpy(out->confdir, confdir, FILENAME_MAX); } for (i=0; i< ND4PARAMS; i++) { bzero(out->conf[i],SZCONFVALUE); } // Do other inititalization stuff here return out; } void d4_prepare_header(d4_t* d4) { char uuid_text[24]; uuid_t uuid; bzero(&d4->header,sizeof(d4->header)); bzero(&uuid_text, 24); d4->header.version = atoi(d4->conf[VERSION]); if (!uuid_parse(d4->conf[UUID],uuid)) { memcpy(d4->header.uuid, uuid, SZUUID); } // If UUID cannot be parsed it is set to 0 d4->header.type = atoi(d4->conf[TYPE]); d4->ctx = calloc(sizeof(hmac_sha256_ctx),1); if (d4->ctx) { //FIXME check cast of the key hmac_sha256_init(d4->ctx, (uint8_t*)d4->conf[KEY], strlen(d4->conf[KEY])); } } void d4_update_header(d4_t* d4, ssize_t nread) { struct timeval tv; bzero(&tv,sizeof(struct timeval)); gettimeofday(&tv,NULL); d4->header.timestamp = tv.tv_sec; d4->header.size=nread; } //Core routine. Transfers data from the source to the destinations void d4_transfert(d4_t* d4) { ssize_t nread; ssize_t n; char* buf; unsigned char* hmac; unsigned char* hmaczero; buf = calloc(1, d4->snaplen); hmac = calloc(1,SZHMAC); hmaczero = calloc(1,SZHMAC); //TODO error handling -> insert error message if ((buf == NULL) && (hmac == NULL) && (hmaczero == NULL)) return; d4_prepare_header(d4); while ( 1 ) { //In case of errors see block of 0 bytes bzero(buf, d4->snaplen); nread = read(d4->source.fd, buf, d4->snaplen); if ( nread > 0 ) { d4_update_header(d4, nread); //Do HMAC on header and payload. HMAC field is 0 during computation if (d4->ctx) { hmac_sha256_reinit(d4->ctx); hmac_sha256_update(d4->ctx, (const unsigned char*)&d4->header.version, sizeof(uint8_t)); hmac_sha256_update(d4->ctx, (const unsigned char*)&d4->header.type, sizeof(uint8_t)); hmac_sha256_update(d4->ctx, (const unsigned char*)&d4->header.uuid, SZUUID); hmac_sha256_update(d4->ctx, (const unsigned char*)&d4->header.timestamp, sizeof(uint64_t)); hmac_sha256_update(d4->ctx, (const unsigned char*) hmaczero, SZHMAC); hmac_sha256_update(d4->ctx, (const unsigned char*)&d4->header.size, sizeof(uint32_t)); hmac_sha256_update(d4->ctx, (const unsigned char*)buf, nread); hmac_sha256_final(d4->ctx, hmac, SZHMAC); //Add it to the header memcpy(d4->header.hmac, hmac, SZHMAC); } n = 0; n+=write(d4->destination.fd, &d4->header.version, sizeof(uint8_t)); n+=write(d4->destination.fd, &d4->header.type, sizeof(uint8_t)); n+=write(d4->destination.fd, &d4->header.uuid, SZUUID); n+=write(d4->destination.fd, &d4->header.timestamp, sizeof(uint64_t)); n+=write(d4->destination.fd, &d4->header.hmac, SZHMAC); n+=write(d4->destination.fd, &d4->header.size, sizeof(uint32_t)); n+=write(d4->destination.fd,buf,nread); if (n != SZD4HDR + nread) { fprintf(stderr,"Incomplete header written. abort to let consumer known that the packet is corrupted\n"); abort(); } } else{ //FIXME no data available, sleep, abort, retry break; } } } int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { int opt; char* confdir; d4_t* d4; confdir=calloc(1,FILENAME_MAX); if (!confdir) return EXIT_FAILURE; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "c:h")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'h': usage(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; case 'c': strncpy(confdir, optarg, FILENAME_MAX); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"An invalid command line argument was specified\n"); } } if (!confdir[0]){ fprintf(stderr,"A config directory must be specified\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } d4 = d4_init(confdir); free(confdir); if (d4_load_config(d4)) { d4_transfert(d4); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }