package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/binary" "flag" "fmt" "io" "log" "os" "strconv" "time" //BSD 3 uuid "" ) const ( // Version Size VERSION_SIZE = 1 // Type Size TYPE_SIZE = 1 // UUID v4 Size UUID_SIZE = 16 // Timestamp Size TIMESTAMP_SIZE = 8 // HMAC-SHA256 MAC Size HMAC_SIZE = 32 // Payload size Size SSIZE = 4 HDR_SIZE = VERSION_SIZE + TYPE_SIZE + UUID_SIZE + HMAC_SIZE + TIMESTAMP_SIZE + SSIZE ) type ( // A d4 writer implements the io.Writer Interface by implementing Write() and Close() // it accepts an io.Writer as sink d4Writer struct { w io.Writer } d4S struct { src io.Reader dst io.Writer confdir string d4error uint8 errnoCopy uint8 conf d4params //header d4Header d4header []byte payload []byte } d4params struct { uuid []byte snaplen uint32 key string version uint8 source string destination string ttype uint8 } ) var ( // verbose buf bytes.Buffer logger = log.New(&buf, "INFO: ", log.Lshortfile) infof = func(info string) { logger.Output(2, info) } confdir = flag.String("c", "", "configuration directory") debug = flag.Bool("v", false, "Set to True, true, TRUE, 1, or t to enable verbose output on stdout") ) func newD4Writer(writer io.Writer) *d4Writer { return &d4Writer{w: writer} } func main() { var d4 d4S d4p := &d4 flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Printf("d4 - d4 client\n") fmt.Printf("Read data from the configured and send it to \n") fmt.Printf("\n") fmt.Printf("Usage: d4 -c config_directory\n") fmt.Printf("\n") fmt.Printf("Configuration\n\n") fmt.Printf("The configuration settings are stored in files in the configuration directory\n") fmt.Printf("specified with the -c command line switch.\n\n") fmt.Printf("Files in the configuration directory\n") fmt.Printf("\n") fmt.Printf("key - is the private HMAC-SHA-256-128 key.\n") fmt.Printf(" The HMAC is computed on the header with a HMAC value set to 0\n") fmt.Printf(" which is updated later.\n") fmt.Printf("snaplen - the length of bytes that is read from the \n") fmt.Printf("version - the version of the d4 client\n") fmt.Printf("type - the type of data that is send. pcap, netflow, ...\n") fmt.Printf("source - the source where the data is read from\n") fmt.Printf("destination - the destination where the data is written to\n") fmt.Printf("\n") fmt.Printf("-v [TRUE] for verbose output on stdout") flag.PrintDefaults() } flag.Parse() if flag.NFlag() == 0 || *confdir == "" { flag.Usage() os.Exit(1) } // Output logging before closing if debug is enabled if *debug == true { defer fmt.Print(&buf) } d4.confdir = *confdir //var d4 = d4loadConfig(confdir) if d4loadConfig(d4p) == true { initHeader(d4p) //d4transfer(d4p) } } func readConfFile(d4 *d4S, fileName string) []byte { f, err := os.Open((*d4).confdir + "/" + fileName) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } data := make([]byte, 100) count, err := f.Read(data) if err != nil { if err != io.EOF { log.Fatal(err) } } infof(fmt.Sprintf("read %d bytes: %q\n", count, data[:count])) if err := f.Close(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // removes 1 for \n return data[:count-1] } func d4loadConfig(d4 *d4S) bool { // populate the map (*d4).conf = d4params{} (*d4).conf.source = string(readConfFile(d4, "source")) (*d4).conf.destination = string(readConfFile(d4, "destination")) (*d4).conf.uuid = readConfFile(d4, "uuid") // parse snaplen to uint32 tmp, _ := strconv.ParseUint(string(readConfFile(d4, "snaplen")), 10, 32) (*d4).conf.snaplen = uint32(tmp) (*d4).conf.key = string(readConfFile(d4, "key")) // parse version to uint8 tmp, _ = strconv.ParseUint(string(readConfFile(d4, "version")), 10, 8) (*d4).conf.version = uint8(tmp) // parse type to uint8 tmp, _ = strconv.ParseUint(string(readConfFile(d4, "type")), 10, 8) (*d4).conf.ttype = uint8(tmp) return d4checkConfig(d4) } // QUICK IMPLEM, REVISE func d4checkConfig(d4 *d4S) bool { //TODO implement other destination file, fifo unix_socket ... switch (*d4).conf.source { case "stdin": (*d4).src = os.Stdin case "pcap": f, _ := os.Open("capture.pcap") (*d4).src = f } switch (*d4).conf.destination { case "stdout": (*d4).dst = newD4Writer(os.Stdout) case "file": f, _ := os.Create("test.txt") (*d4).dst = newD4Writer(f) } if len((*d4).conf.uuid) == 0 { // UUID not set, generate a new one (*d4).conf.uuid = generateUUIDv4() // And push it into the conf file f, err := os.OpenFile((*d4).confdir+"/uuid", os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0666) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } f.WriteString(string((*d4).conf.uuid) + "\n") f.Close() } return true } func generateUUIDv4() []byte { uuid, err := uuid.NewV4() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } infof(fmt.Sprintf("UUIDv4: %s\n", uuid)) return []byte(uuid[:]) } //TODO turn this ugly mess into a Framer func initHeader(d4 *d4S) bool { // zero out the header (*d4).d4header = make([]byte, HDR_SIZE) // put version a type into the header (*d4).d4header[0] = (*d4).conf.version (*d4).d4header[1] = (*d4).conf.ttype // put uuid into the header ps := 2 pe := ps + UUID_SIZE copy((*d4).d4header[ps:pe], (*d4).conf.uuid) // timestamp timeUnix := time.Now().UnixNano() ps = pe pe = ps + TIMESTAMP_SIZE binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64((*d4).d4header[ps:pe], uint64(timeUnix)) // hmac is set to zero during hmac operations, so leave it alone // still, we move the pointers ps = pe pe = ps + HMAC_SIZE ps = pe pe = ps + 4 // TODO put nread size instead of snaplen binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32((*d4).d4header[ps:pe], (*d4).conf.snaplen) // LittleEndian // toto := append(make([]byte, 0), byte((*d4).conf.snaplen), byte((*d4).conf.snaplen>>8), byte((*d4).conf.snaplen>>16), byte((*d4).conf.snaplen>>24)) // BigEndian // toto := append(make([]byte, 0), byte((*d4).conf.snaplen>>24), byte((*d4).conf.snaplen>>16), byte((*d4).conf.snaplen>>8), byte((*d4).conf.snaplen)) // tmpi := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(toto) // tmpt := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(others) // fmt.Println(tmpi) fmt.Println((*d4).d4header) return true } func d4transfer(d4 *d4S) { src := (*d4).src dst := (*d4).dst buf := make([]byte, (*d4).conf.snaplen) //for { //n, _ := src.Read(buf) _, _ = src.Read(buf) dst.Write(buf) // if n > 0 { // update the header // timestamp /* h := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte((*d4).conf.key)) h.Write((*d4).header.version) h.Write((*d4).header.ttype) h.Write((*d4).header.uuid) h.Write((*d4).header.timestamp) h.Write((*d4).header.hhmac) h.Write((*d4).header.size) h.Write([]byte(buf)) */ //Add it to the header // fmt.Println(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))) // Write the packet in the sink //} //fmt.Println(n) //fmt.Println(string(buf)) //} //io.Copy((*d4).dst, (*d4).src) } func (d4w *d4Writer) Write(bs []byte) (int, error) { d4w.w.Write(bs) return len(bs), nil } func (d4w *d4Writer) Close() error { // nothing ATM return nil }