
646 lines
17 KiB

package main
import (
config "github.com/D4-project/d4-golang-utils/config"
uuid "github.com/D4-project/d4-golang-utils/crypto/hash"
_ "github.com/D4-project/d4-golang-utils/inputreader"
const (
// SSIZE payload size size
// HDR_SIZE total header size
// MH_FILE_LIMIT defines in bytes the max size of the json meta header file
MH_FILE_LIMIT = 100000
type (
// A d4 writer implements the io.Writer Interface by implementing Write() and Close()
// it accepts an io.Writer as sink
d4Writer struct {
w io.Writer
key []byte
fb []byte
pb []byte
d4S struct {
src io.Reader
dst d4Writer
confdir string
cka time.Duration
ct time.Duration
ce bool
retry time.Duration
rate time.Duration
cc bool
ca x509.CertPool
d4error uint8
errnoCopy uint8
debug bool
conf d4params
mhb *bytes.Buffer
mh []byte
redisInputPool *redis.Pool
redisCon redis.Conn
d4params struct {
uuid []byte
snaplen uint32
key []byte
version uint8
source string
destination string
ttype uint8
redisHost string
redisPort string
redisQueue string
redisDB int
var (
// Verbose mode and logging
buf bytes.Buffer
logger = log.New(&buf, "INFO: ", log.Lshortfile)
debugger = log.New(&buf, "DEBUG: ", log.Lmicroseconds)
debugf = func(debug string) {
debugger.Println("", debug)
tmpct, _ = time.ParseDuration("5mn")
tmpcka, _ = time.ParseDuration("30s")
tmpretry, _ = time.ParseDuration("30s")
tmprate, _ = time.ParseDuration("200ms")
confdir = flag.String("c", "", "configuration directory")
debug = flag.Bool("v", false, "Set to True, true, TRUE, 1, or t to enable verbose output on stdout - Don't use in production")
ce = flag.Bool("ce", true, "Set to True, true, TRUE, 1, or t to enable TLS on network destination")
ct = flag.Duration("ct", tmpct, "Set timeout in human format")
cka = flag.Duration("cka", tmpcka, "Keep Alive time human format, 0 to disable")
retry = flag.Duration("rt", tmpretry, "Time in human format before retry after connection failure, set to 0 to exit on failure")
rate = flag.Duration("rl", tmprate, "Rate limiter: time in human format before retry after EOF")
cc = flag.Bool("cc", false, "Check TLS certificate against rootCA.crt")
func main() {
var d4 d4S
d4p := &d4
// Setting up log file
f, err := os.OpenFile("d4-goclient.log", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error opening file: %v", err)
defer f.Close()
logger.SetFlags(log.LstdFlags | log.Lshortfile)
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Printf("d4 - d4 client\n")
fmt.Printf("Read data from the configured <source> and send it to <destination>\n")
fmt.Printf("Usage: d4 -c config_directory\n")
fmt.Printf("The configuration settings are stored in files in the configuration directory\n")
fmt.Printf("specified with the -c command line switch.\n\n")
fmt.Printf("Files in the configuration directory\n")
fmt.Printf("key - is the private HMAC-SHA-256-128 key.\n")
fmt.Printf(" The HMAC is computed on the header with a HMAC value set to 0\n")
fmt.Printf(" which is updated later.\n")
fmt.Printf("snaplen - the length of bytes that is read from the <source>\n")
fmt.Printf("version - the version of the d4 client\n")
fmt.Printf("type - the type of data that is send. pcap, netflow, ...\n")
fmt.Printf("source - the source where the data is read from\n")
fmt.Printf("destination - the destination where the data is written to\n")
fmt.Printf("redis_d4 - location of redis d4 server\n")
fmt.Printf("redis_queue - analyzer:type:queueuuid to pop\n")
if flag.NFlag() == 0 || *confdir == "" {
} else {
*confdir = strings.TrimSuffix(*confdir, "/")
*confdir = strings.TrimSuffix(*confdir, "\\")
d4.confdir = *confdir
d4.ce = *ce
d4.ct = *ct
d4.cc = *cc
d4.cka = *cka
d4.retry = *retry
d4.rate = *rate
s := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(s, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)
errchan := make(chan error)
eofchan := make(chan string)
metachan := make(chan string)
// Launching the Rate limiters
rateLimiter := time.Tick(d4.rate)
retryLimiter := time.Tick(d4.retry)
if !d4loadConfig(d4p) {
panic("Could not load Config.")
if !setReaderWriters(d4p, false) {
panic("Could not Init Inputs Outputs.")
if !d4.dst.initHeader(d4p) {
panic("Could not Init Headers.")
// force is a flag that forces the creation of a new connection
force := false
// On the first run, we send d4 meta header for type 2/254
if d4.conf.ttype == 254 || d4.conf.ttype == 2 {
go sendMeta(d4p, errchan, metachan)
for {
select {
case <-errchan:
select {
case <-retryLimiter:
go sendMeta(d4p, errchan, metachan)
case <-s:
exit(d4p, 0)
case <-metachan:
break H
// Launch copy routine
go d4Copy(d4p, errchan, eofchan)
// Handle signals
for {
select {
// Case where the input ran out of data to consume1
case <-eofchan:
// We wait for ratelimiter before polling again
for {
select {
case <-rateLimiter:
// copy routine
go d4Copy(d4p, errchan, eofchan)
break EOF
// Exit signal
case <-s:
exit(d4p, 0)
// ERROR, we check first whether it is network related
case err := <-errchan:
// On connection errors, we force setReaderWriter to reset the connection
force = false
switch t := err.(type) {
case *net.OpError:
force = true
if t.Op == "dial" {
logger.Println("Unknown Host")
} else if t.Op == "read" {
logger.Println("Connection Refused")
} else if t.Op == "write" {
logger.Println("Write error")
case syscall.Errno:
if t == syscall.ECONNREFUSED {
force = true
logger.Println("Connection Refused")
// We wait for retryLimiter before writing again
for {
select {
case <-retryLimiter:
if !setReaderWriters(d4p, force) {
// Can't connect, we break to retry
// force is still true
if !d4.dst.initHeader(d4p) {
panic("Could not Init Headers.")
if (d4.conf.ttype == 254 || d4.conf.ttype == 2) && force {
// setReaderWriter is happy, we should have a working
// connection from now on.
force = false
// Sending meta header for the first time on this new connection
go sendMeta(d4p, errchan, metachan)
break RETRY
// Exit signal
case <-s:
exit(d4p, 0)
// metaheader sent, launch the copy routine
case <-metachan:
go d4Copy(d4p, errchan, eofchan)
// Exit signal
case <-s:
exit(d4p, 0)
func exit(d4 *d4S, exitcode int) {
// Output debug info in the log before closing if debug is enabled
if *debug == true {
(*d4).debug = true
func d4Copy(d4 *d4S, errchan chan error, eofchan chan string) {
nread, err := io.CopyBuffer(&d4.dst, d4.src, d4.dst.pb)
// Always retry
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("D4copy: %s", err)
errchan <- err
eofchan <- fmt.Sprintf("EOF: Nread: %d", nread)
func sendMeta(d4 *d4S, errchan chan error, metachan chan string) {
// Fill metaheader buffer with metaheader data
d4.mhb = bytes.NewBuffer(d4.mh)
// Ugly hack to skip bytes.Buffer WriteTo check that bypasses my fixed lenght buffer
nread, err := io.CopyBuffer(&d4.dst, struct{ io.Reader }{d4.mhb}, d4.dst.pb)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("Cannot sent meta-header: %s", err)
errchan <- err
logger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Meta-Header sent: %d bytes", nread))
metachan <- "Header Sent"
func readConfFile(d4 *d4S, fileName string) []byte {
return config.ReadConfigFile((*d4).confdir, fileName)
func d4loadConfig(d4 *d4S) bool {
// populate the map
(*d4).conf = d4params{}
(*d4).conf.source = string(readConfFile(d4, "source"))
if len((*d4).conf.source) < 1 {
log.Fatal("Unsupported source")
if (*d4).conf.source == "d4server" {
// Parse Input Redis Config
tmp := string(readConfFile(d4, "redis_d4"))
ss := strings.Split(string(tmp), "/")
if len(ss) <= 1 {
log.Fatal("Missing Database in Redis input config: should be host:port/database_name")
(*d4).conf.redisDB, _ = strconv.Atoi(ss[1])
var ret bool
ret, ss[0] = config.IsNet(ss[0])
if ret {
sss := strings.Split(string(ss[0]), ":")
(*d4).conf.redisHost = sss[0]
(*d4).conf.redisPort = sss[1]
} else {
log.Fatal("Redis config error.")
(*d4).conf.redisQueue = string(config.ReadConfigFile(*confdir, "redis_queue"))
(*d4).conf.destination = string(readConfFile(d4, "destination"))
if len((*d4).conf.destination) < 1 {
log.Fatal("Unsupported Destination")
tmpu, err := uuid.FromString(string(readConfFile(d4, "uuid")))
if err != nil {
// generate new uuid
(*d4).conf.uuid = generateUUIDv4()
// And push it into the conf file
f, err := os.OpenFile((*d4).confdir+"/uuid", os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
defer f.Close()
if err != nil {
// store as canonical representation
f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s", uuid.FromBytesOrNil((*d4).conf.uuid)) + "\n")
} else {
(*d4).conf.uuid = tmpu.Bytes()
// parse snaplen to uint32
tmp, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(readConfFile(d4, "snaplen")), 10, 32)
if err != nil || tmp < 1 {
(*d4).conf.snaplen = uint32(4096)
} else {
(*d4).conf.snaplen = uint32(tmp)
(*d4).conf.key = readConfFile(d4, "key")
// parse version to uint8
tmp, _ = strconv.ParseUint(string(readConfFile(d4, "version")), 10, 8)
if err != nil || tmp < 1 {
(*d4).conf.version = uint8(1)
} else {
(*d4).conf.version = uint8(tmp)
// parse type to uint8
tmp, _ = strconv.ParseUint(string(readConfFile(d4, "type")), 10, 8)
if err != nil || tmp < 1 {
log.Fatal("Unsupported type")
} else {
(*d4).conf.ttype = uint8(tmp)
// parse meta header file
data := make([]byte, MH_FILE_LIMIT)
if tmp == 254 || tmp == 2 {
file, err := os.Open((*d4).confdir + "/metaheader.json")
defer file.Close()
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to open Meta-Header File.")
} else {
if count, err := file.Read(data); err != nil {
panic("Failed to open Meta-Header File.")
} else {
if json.Valid(data[:count]) {
if checkType(data[:count]) {
if off, err := file.Seek(0, 0); err != nil || off != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot read Meta-Header file: %s", err))
} else {
// create metaheader buffer
d4.mhb = bytes.NewBuffer(d4.mh)
if err := json.Compact((*d4).mhb, data[:count]); err != nil {
logger.Println("Failed to compact meta header file")
// Store the metaheader in d4 struct for subsequent retries
(*d4).mh = data[:count]
} else {
panic("A Meta-Header File should at least contain a 'type' field.")
} else {
panic("Failed to validate open Meta-Header File.")
// Add the custom CA cert in D4 certpool
if (*d4).cc {
certb, _ := ioutil.ReadFile((*d4).confdir + "rootCA.crt")
(*d4).ca = *x509.NewCertPool()
ok := (*d4).ca.AppendCertsFromPEM(certb)
if !ok {
panic("Failed to parse provided root certificate.")
return true
func checkType(b []byte) bool {
var f interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &f); err != nil {
return false
m := f.(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range m {
if k == "type" {
switch v.(type) {
case string:
if v != nil {
return true
return false
func newD4Writer(writer io.Writer, key []byte) d4Writer {
return d4Writer{w: writer, key: key}
func setReaderWriters(d4 *d4S, force bool) bool {
//TODO implement other destination file, fifo unix_socket ...
switch (*d4).conf.source {
case "stdin":
(*d4).src = os.Stdin
case "pcap":
f, _ := os.Open("capture.pcap")
(*d4).src = f
case "d4server":
// Create a new redis connection pool
(*d4).redisInputPool = newPool((*d4).conf.redisHost+":"+(*d4).conf.redisPort, 16)
var err error
(*d4).redisCon, err = (*d4).redisInputPool.Dial()
if err != nil {
logger.Println("Could not connect to d4 Redis")
return false
(*d4).src, err = inputreader.NewLPOPReader(&(*d4).redisCon, (*d4).conf.redisDB, (*d4).conf.redisQueue)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Could not create d4 Redis Descriptor %q \n", err)
return false
isn, dstnet := config.IsNet((*d4).conf.destination)
if isn {
// We test whether a connection already exist
// (case where the reader run out of data)
// force forces to reset the connections after
// failure to reuse it
if _, ok := (*d4).dst.w.(net.Conn); !ok || force {
//fmt.Println("Creating a new connection")
// We need a connection
dial := net.Dialer{
Timeout: (*d4).ct,
KeepAlive: (*d4).cka,
FallbackDelay: 0,
tlsc := tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
if (*d4).cc {
tlsc = tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: false,
RootCAs: &(*d4).ca,
if (*d4).ce == true {
conn, errc := tls.DialWithDialer(&dial, "tcp", dstnet, &tlsc)
if errc != nil {
return false
(*d4).dst = newD4Writer(conn, (*d4).conf.key)
} else {
conn, errc := dial.Dial("tcp", dstnet)
if errc != nil {
return false
(*d4).dst = newD4Writer(conn, (*d4).conf.key)
} else {
switch (*d4).conf.destination {
case "stdout":
(*d4).dst = newD4Writer(os.Stdout, (*d4).conf.key)
case "file":
f, _ := os.Create("test.txt")
(*d4).dst = newD4Writer(f, (*d4).conf.key)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("No suitable destination found, given :%q", (*d4).conf.destination))
// Create the copy buffer
(*d4).dst.fb = make([]byte, HDR_SIZE+(*d4).conf.snaplen)
(*d4).dst.pb = make([]byte, (*d4).conf.snaplen)
return true
func generateUUIDv4() []byte {
uuid, err := uuid.NewV4()
if err != nil {
logger.Println(fmt.Sprintf("UUIDv4: %s", uuid))
return uuid.Bytes()
func (d4w *d4Writer) Write(bs []byte) (int, error) {
// bs is pb
// zero out moving parts of the frame
copy(d4w.fb[18:62], make([]byte, 44))
copy(d4w.fb[62:], make([]byte, 62+len(bs)))
// update headers
// Copy payload after the header
copy(d4w.fb[62:62+len(bs)], bs)
// Now that the packet is complete, compute hmac
// Eventually write binary in the sink
err := binary.Write(d4w.w, binary.LittleEndian, d4w.fb[:62+len(bs)])
return len(bs), err
// TODO write go idiomatic err return values
func (d4w *d4Writer) updateHeader(lenbs int) bool {
timeUnix := time.Now().Unix()
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(d4w.fb[18:26], uint64(timeUnix))
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(d4w.fb[58:62], uint32(lenbs))
return true
func (d4w *d4Writer) updateHMAC(ps int) bool {
h := hmac.New(sha256.New, d4w.key)
h.Write(make([]byte, 32))
h.Write(d4w.fb[62 : 62+ps])
copy(d4w.fb[26:58], h.Sum(nil))
return true
func (d4w *d4Writer) initHeader(d4 *d4S) bool {
// zero out the header
copy(d4w.fb[:HDR_SIZE], make([]byte, HDR_SIZE))
// put version and type into the header
d4w.fb[0] = (*d4).conf.version
d4w.fb[1] = (*d4).conf.ttype
// put uuid into the header
copy(d4w.fb[2:18], (*d4).conf.uuid)
// timestamp
timeUnix := time.Now().UnixNano()
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(d4w.fb[18:26], uint64(timeUnix))
// hmac is set to zero during hmac operations, so leave it alone
// init size of payload at 0
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(d4w.fb[58:62], uint32(0))
debugf(fmt.Sprintf("Initialized a %d bytes header:\n", HDR_SIZE))
debugf(fmt.Sprintf("%b\n", d4w.fb[:HDR_SIZE]))
return true
// We use type 2 to send the meta header
func (d4w *d4Writer) hijackHeader() bool {
d4w.fb[1] = 2
return true
// Switch back the header to 254
func (d4w *d4Writer) restoreHeader() bool {
d4w.fb[1] = 254
return true
func newPool(addr string, maxconn int) *redis.Pool {
return &redis.Pool{
MaxActive: maxconn,
MaxIdle: 3,
IdleTimeout: 240 * time.Second,
// Dial or DialContext must be set. When both are set, DialContext takes precedence over Dial.
Dial: func() (redis.Conn, error) { return redis.Dial("tcp", addr) },