
173 lines
4.1 KiB

package inputreader
import (
// FileWatcherReader is an abstraction of a folder watcher
// and behaves like a reader
type FileWatcherReader struct {
// Folder to watch
folderstr string
// Notify Channel
eic chan notify.EventInfo
// TearDown channel
exit chan string
// Chan used to restart the watching channel on a new folder
dailySwitch chan bool
dailySwitchExit chan bool
// Current buffer
json bool
// Current file
curfile *os.File
// Current state Watching / Reading
watching bool
// Insert Separator
insertsep bool
// logging
log * log.Logger
// NewFileWatcherReader creates a new FileWatcherReader
// json specifies whether we now we handle json files
func NewFileWatcherReader(f string, j bool, daily bool, logger *log.Logger) (*FileWatcherReader, error) {
r := &FileWatcherReader{
folderstr: f,
eic: make(chan notify.EventInfo, 4096),
dailySwitch: make(chan bool),
dailySwitchExit: make(chan bool),
json: j,
watching: true,
insertsep: false,
log: logger,
// go routine holding the watcher
go setUpWatcher(r, daily)
// cron task to add daily folder to watch
if daily {
c := cron.New()
c.AddFunc("@midnight", func() {
//c.AddFunc("@every 10s", func() {
// Sending exit signal to setUpWatcher
r.dailySwitch <- true
// Waiting for exit signal from setUpWatcher
go setUpWatcher(r, daily)
return r, nil
// setUpWatcher holds the watcher
func setUpWatcher(r *FileWatcherReader, daily bool) {
if daily {
// TODO make it customizable
t, _ := time.ParseDuration("1s")
retryWatch(r, t)
} else {
if err := notify.Watch(fmt.Sprintf("%s/...", r.folderstr), r.eic, notify.InCloseWrite); err != nil {
defer notify.Stop(r.eic)
r.dailySwitchExit <- true
// retryWatch tries to set up the watcher until it works every t
func retryWatch(r *FileWatcherReader, t time.Duration) {
dt := time.Now()
// TODO make it customizable
currentFolder := dt.Format("20060102")
r.log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Watching: %s/%s/...", r.folderstr, currentFolder))
for {
if err := notify.Watch(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/...", r.folderstr, currentFolder), r.eic, notify.InCloseWrite); err != nil {
r.log.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for: %s/%s/... to exist", r.folderstr, currentFolder))
// Read waits for InCloseWrite file event uses a bytes reader to copy
// the resulting file encoded in b64 in p
func (fw *FileWatcherReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
// Watching for new files to read
if fw.watching {
for {
select {
case ei := <-fw.eic:
//r.log.Println("Got event:", ei)
// New File, let's read its content
var err error
fw.curfile, err = os.Open(ei.Path())
if err != nil {
fw.watching = false
break watchloop
case <-fw.exit:
// Exiting
return 0, io.EOF
// Inserting separator
if fw.insertsep {
var buf []byte
buf = append(buf, "\n"...)
rreader := bytes.NewReader(buf)
n, err = rreader.Read(p)
fw.watching = true
fw.insertsep = false
return n, err
// Reading
// if not json it could be anything so we encode it in b64
if !fw.json {
// base64 stream encoder
b64buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
b64encoder := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, b64buffer)
// max buffer size is then 3072 = 4096/4*3
buf := make([]byte, 3072)
bytesread, err := fw.curfile.Read(buf)
// buf is the input
// Close the encoder to flush partially written blocks
if err == io.EOF {
fw.insertsep = true
// Copy from b64buffer to p
n, err = b64buffer.Read(p[:len(b64buffer.Bytes())])
} else {
n, err = fw.curfile.Read(p)
if err == io.EOF {
fw.insertsep = true
return n, err
// Teardown is called on error to stop the Reading loop if needed
func (rl *FileWatcherReader) Teardown() {
rl.exit <- "exit"