Flushing and Closing connections - see #3

Jean-Louis Huynen 2019-03-12 12:03:18 +00:00
parent 8fdae4a7d1
commit 65f173dc93
1 changed files with 11 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -47,8 +47,12 @@ var outCerts = flag.String("w", "", "Folder to write certificates into")
var outJSON = flag.String("j", "", "Folder to write certificates into, stdin if not set")
var jobQ chan d4tls.TLSSession
const closeTimeout time.Duration = time.Hour * 24 // Closing inactive: TODO: from CLI
const timeout time.Duration = time.Minute * 5 // Pending bytes: TODO: from CLI
// flushing
var flushEvery = flag.Int("flush", 5000, "Flush every N packets")
var dtf, _ = time.ParseDuration("5m")
var dtc, _ = time.ParseDuration("48h")
var flushTf = flag.Duration("flushtf", dtf, "Flush older than t")
var flushTc = flag.Duration("flushtc", dtc, "Close older that t")
var assemblerOptions = reassembly.AssemblerOptions{
MaxBufferedPagesPerConnection: 16,
@ -227,11 +231,9 @@ func (t *tcpStream) ReassembledSG(sg reassembly.ScatterGather, ac reassembly.Ass
// If the handshake is considered finished and we have not yet outputted it we ship it to output.
if t.tlsSession.HandshakeComplete() && !t.queued {
@ -373,9 +375,11 @@ func main() {
assembler.AssembleWithContext(packet.NetworkLayer().NetworkFlow(), tcp, &c)
//ref := packet.Metadata().CaptureInfo.Timestamp
//flushed, closed := assembler.FlushWithOptions(reassembly.FlushOptions{T: ref.Add(time.Minute * 30), TC: ref.Add(time.Minute * 5)})
//Debug("Forced flush: %d flushed, %d closed (%s)", flushed, closed, ref)
if count%*flushEvery == 0{
ref := packet.Metadata().CaptureInfo.Timestamp
flushed, closed := assembler.FlushWithOptions(reassembly.FlushOptions{T: ref.Add(-*flushTf), TC: ref.Add(-*flushTc)})
Debug("Forced flush: %d flushed, %d closed (%s)", flushed, closed, ref)