import os import zmq import sys import json import pymisp import warnings from pyaml import yaml from cabby import create_client import logging # Set up logger logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Try to load in config if "OPENTAXII_CONFIG" in os.environ: config = yaml.load(open(os.environ["OPENTAXII_CONFIG"], "r")) else: config = { "domain" : "" , "zmq" : { "host" : "", "port" : 50000 } } # Set up our ZMQ socket to recieve MISP JSON on publish context = zmq.Context() socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)"Subscribing to tcp://{}:{}".format( config["zmq"]["host"], config["zmq"]["port"] )) # Connect to the socket socket.connect("tcp://{}:{}".format( config["zmq"]["host"], config["zmq"]["port"] )) # Set the option to subscribe socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '') # Connct to TAXII as well cli = create_client(discovery_path="http://{}/services/discovery".format(config["domain"])) cli.set_auth(username = config["taxii"]["auth"]["username"], password = config["taxii"]["auth"]["password"] ) while True: # Wait for something to come in on the ZMQ socket message = socket.recv().decode("utf-8")[10:]"Recieved a message!") log.debug("Processing...") # Load the message JSON msg = json.loads(message) log.debug(msg) # Load it as a misp object for easy conversion to STIX ev = pymisp.mispevent.MISPEvent() ev.load(msg) # Convert to STIX pkg = log.debug("Loaded successfully!") # Push the package to TAXII cli.push(pkg.to_xml().decode("utf-8"), "", uri="http://{}/services/inbox".format(config["domain"]), collection_names=["collection"])"Pushed!")