
81 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from cabby import create_client
from pyaml import yaml
import argparse
import os
import logging
import sys
# Create an argument parser for our program
# Will just take in a config file and logging options
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run MISP taxii pull.')
parser.add_argument('-c', "--configdir", default="~/.misptaxii", help='Config directory')
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="More verbose logging")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--stdout", action="store_true", help="Log to STDOUT")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Set up a logger for logging's sake
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO)
# If we want, print the output to stdout
if args.stdout:
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
# Read in the remote server configurations
configFile = "{}/remote-servers.yml".format(os.path.expanduser(args.configdir))
log.debug("Opening config file %s", configFile)
with open(configFile, "r") as f:
config = yaml.load(f.read())
log.debug("Config read %s", config)
# Read in the local server configuration
localConfig = "{}/local-server.yml".format(os.path.expanduser(args.configdir))
log.debug("Reading local server config")
with open(localConfig, "r") as f:
localConfig = yaml.load(f.read())
# Attempt to make contact with the local server
log.info("Connecting to local server...")
localClient = create_client(host = localConfig["host"],
port = localConfig["port"],
discovery_path = localConfig["discovery_path"],
use_https = localConfig["use_https"],
version = localConfig["taxii_version"],
headers = localConfig["headers"])
localClient.username = localConfig["auth"]["username"]
localClient.password = localConfig["auth"]["password"]
# Check that we're all good and authenticated
except Exception as ex:
log.fatal("Could not connect to local server")
for server in config:
log.info("== %s ==", server["name"])
cli = create_client(host = server["host"],
port = server["port"],
discovery_path = server["discovery_path"],
use_https = server["use_https"],
version = server["taxii_version"],
headers = server["headers"])
cli.username = server["auth"]["username"]
cli.password = server["auth"]["password"]
for collection in server["collections"]:
for content_block in cli.poll(collection):
log.debug("Pushing block %s", content_block)
localClient.push(content_block.content.decode("utf-8"), content_binding=content_block.binding)