mirror of https://github.com/MISP/MISP-maltego
new: [config] Check updates of MISP-maltego
Only checks once a day/reboot and if check_updates set in config.pull/40/head
@ -5,4 +5,6 @@ misp_key = very_secret_key
misp_verify = True
misp_debug = False
check_updates = True
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from canari.maltego.entities import Unknown
from canari.maltego.transform import Transform
# from canari.framework import EnableDebugWindow
from MISP_maltego.transforms.common.util import get_misp_connection, event_to_entity, object_to_entity, get_attribute_in_event, get_attribute_in_object, attribute_to_entity, get_entity_property
from MISP_maltego.transforms.common.util import check_update, get_misp_connection, event_to_entity, object_to_entity, get_attribute_in_event, get_attribute_in_object, attribute_to_entity, get_entity_property
from canari.maltego.message import LinkDirection
__author__ = 'Christophe Vandeplas'
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class AttributeInMISP(Transform):
input_type = Unknown
def do_transform(self, request, response, config):
response += check_update(config)
maltego_misp_attribute = request.entity
# skip MISP Events (value = int)
@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ class AttributeToEvent(Transform):
input_type = Unknown
def do_transform(self, request, response, config):
response += check_update(config)
# skip some Entities
skip = ['properties.mispevent']
for i in skip:
@ -1,60 +1,18 @@
from canari.maltego.entities import Hash, Domain, IPv4Address, URL, DNSName, AS, Website, NSRecord, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress, File, Person, Hashtag, Location, Company, Alias, Port, Twitter
from canari.maltego.message import Label, LinkStyle, MaltegoException, Bookmark, LinkDirection, UIMessage, UIMessageType
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from MISP_maltego.transforms.common.entities import MISPEvent, MISPObject, MISPGalaxy
from canari.maltego.message import Label, LinkStyle, MaltegoException, Bookmark, LinkDirection
from pymisp import ExpandedPyMISP as PyMISP
import json
import os
import os.path
import requests
import tempfile
import time
# FIXME from galaxy 'to MISP Event' is confusing
# mapping_maltego_to_misp = {
# 'maltego.Hash': ['md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'sha224', 'sha384', 'sha512', 'sha512/224', 'sha512/256'],
# # 'maltego.Banner': [''],
# # 'maltego.WebTitle': [''],
# 'maltego.Domain': ['domain', 'hostname'],
# # 'maltego.Netblock': [''],
# # 'maltego.MXRecord': [''],
# 'maltego.IPv4Address': ['ip-src', 'ip-dst', 'ip'],
# 'maltego.URL': ['url', 'uri'],
# 'maltego.DNSName': ['domain', 'hostname'],
# 'maltego.AS': ['AS'],
# # 'maltego.UniqueIdentifier': [''],
# 'maltego.Website': ['domain', 'hostname'],
# 'maltego.NSRecord': ['domain', 'hostname'],
# # 'maltego.Document': [''],
# 'maltego.PhoneNumber': ['phone-number'],
# 'maltego.EmailAddress': ['email-src', 'email-dst'],
# # 'maltego.Image': [''], # TODO file image
# # 'maltego.Phrase': [''],
# 'maltego.File': ['filename'],
# # 'maltego.Person': [''],
# # 'maltego.Sentiment': [''],
# # 'maltego.Alias': [''],
# # 'maltego.GPS': [''],
# # 'maltego.CircularArea': [''],
# # 'maltego.NominatimLocation': [''],
# # 'maltego.Location': [''],
# # 'maltego.Device': [''],
# # 'maltego.affiliation.Flickr': [''],
# # 'maltego.FacebookObject': [''],
# # 'maltego.hashtag': [''],
# # 'maltego.affiliation.Twitter': [''],
# # 'maltego.affiliation.Facebook': [''],
# # 'maltego.Twit': [''],
# # 'maltego.Port': [''],
# # 'maltego.Service': [''],
# # 'maltego.BuiltWithTechnology': [''],
# }
# mapping_misp_to_maltego = {}
# for key, vals in mapping_maltego_to_misp.items():
# for val in vals:
# if val not in mapping_misp_to_maltego:
# mapping_misp_to_maltego[val] = []
# mapping_misp_to_maltego[val].append(key)
__version__ = '1.3.4'
mapping_misp_to_maltego = {
'AS': [AS],
@ -127,6 +85,40 @@ mapping_galaxy_icon = {
tag_note_prefixes = ['tlp:', 'PAP:', 'de-vs:', 'euci:', 'fr-classif:', 'nato:']
misp_connection = None
update_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MISP/MISP-maltego/master/setup.py'
local_path_root = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'MISP-maltego')
local_path_version = os.path.join(local_path_root, 'versioncheck')
if not os.path.exists(local_path_root):
def check_update(config):
# only raise the alert once a day/reboot to the user.
if time.time() - os.path.getmtime(local_path_version) > 60 * 60 * 24: # check the timestamp of the file
recheck = True
recheck = False
except Exception: # file does not exist, so check version
recheck = True
if not recheck:
return None
# remember we checked the version
from pathlib import Path
# UIMessageType must be Fatal as otherwise it is not shown to the user.
if 'MISP_maltego.local.check_updates' not in config:
return UIMessage("'check_updates' parameter missing in '.canari/MISP_maltego.conf'. Please set 'check_updates = True/False'.", type=UIMessageType.Fatal)
if config['MISP_maltego.local.check_updates']:
# check the version
r = requests.get(update_url)
for l in r.text.splitlines():
if 'version=' in l:
online_ver = l.strip().strip(',').split('=').pop().strip("'")
if StrictVersion(online_ver) > StrictVersion(__version__):
return UIMessage("A new version of MISP-Maltego is available. Use pip3 --upgrade MISP-maltego to upgrade.", type=UIMessageType.Fatal)
return None
def get_misp_connection(config=None):
@ -427,7 +419,6 @@ def galaxycluster_to_entity(c, link_label=None, link_direction=LinkDirection.Inp
# LATER this uses the galaxies from github as the MISP web UI does not fully support the Galaxies in the webui.
# See https://github.com/MISP/MISP/issues/3801
galaxy_archive_url = 'https://github.com/MISP/misp-galaxy/archive/master.zip'
local_path_root = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'MISP-maltego')
local_path_uuid_mapping = os.path.join(local_path_root, 'MISP_maltego_galaxy_mapping.json')
local_path_clusters = os.path.join(local_path_root, 'misp-galaxy-master', 'clusters')
galaxy_cluster_uuids = None
@ -441,13 +432,10 @@ def galaxy_update_local_copy(force=False):
from zipfile import ZipFile
# some aging and automatic re-downloading
if not os.path.exists(local_path_root):
force = True
if not os.path.exists(local_path_uuid_mapping):
force = True
# force update if cache is older thn 24 hours
# force update if cache is older than 24 hours
if time.time() - os.path.getmtime(local_path_uuid_mapping) > 60 * 60 * 24:
force = True
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from canari.maltego.entities import Hashtag
from canari.maltego.transform import Transform
# from canari.framework import EnableDebugWindow
from MISP_maltego.transforms.common.entities import MISPEvent, MISPObject
from MISP_maltego.transforms.common.util import get_misp_connection, attribute_to_entity, event_to_entity, galaxycluster_to_entity, object_to_entity, object_to_attributes, object_to_relations, tag_matches_note_prefix
from MISP_maltego.transforms.common.util import check_update, get_misp_connection, attribute_to_entity, event_to_entity, galaxycluster_to_entity, object_to_entity, object_to_attributes, object_to_relations, tag_matches_note_prefix
from canari.maltego.message import LinkStyle
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ class EventToTransform(Transform):
self.request = request
self.response = response
self.config = config
self.response += check_update(config)
maltego_misp_event = request.entity
self.misp = get_misp_connection(config)
event_id = maltego_misp_event.id
@ -166,6 +167,7 @@ class ObjectToAttributes(Transform):
description = 'Expands an Object to Attributes'
def do_transform(self, request, response, config):
response += check_update(config)
maltego_object = request.entity
misp = get_misp_connection(config)
event_json = misp.get_event(maltego_object.event_id)
@ -188,6 +190,7 @@ class ObjectToRelations(Transform):
description = 'Expands an Object to Relations'
def do_transform(self, request, response, config):
response += check_update(config)
maltego_object = request.entity
misp = get_misp_connection(config)
event_json = misp.get_event(maltego_object.event_id)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from canari.maltego.transform import Transform
# from canari.framework import EnableDebugWindow
from MISP_maltego.transforms.common.entities import MISPEvent, MISPGalaxy
from MISP_maltego.transforms.common.util import get_misp_connection, galaxycluster_to_entity, get_galaxy_cluster, get_galaxies_relating, search_galaxy_cluster, mapping_galaxy_icon
from MISP_maltego.transforms.common.util import check_update, get_misp_connection, galaxycluster_to_entity, get_galaxy_cluster, get_galaxies_relating, search_galaxy_cluster, mapping_galaxy_icon
from canari.maltego.message import UIMessageType, UIMessage, LinkDirection
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ class GalaxyToEvents(Transform):
input_type = MISPGalaxy
def do_transform(self, request, response, config):
response += check_update(config)
maltego_misp_galaxy = request.entity
misp = get_misp_connection(config)
if maltego_misp_galaxy.tag_name:
@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ class GalaxyToRelations(Transform):
input_type = MISPGalaxy
def do_transform(self, request, response, config):
response += check_update(config)
maltego_misp_galaxy = request.entity
if maltego_misp_galaxy.uuid:
Reference in New Issue