from canari.maltego.entities import Unknown, Hash, Domain, IPv4Address, URL, DNSName, AS, Website, NSRecord, PhoneNumber, EmailAddress, File, Person, Hashtag from MISP_maltego.transforms.common.entities import MISPEvent, MISPObject, MISPGalaxy from canari.maltego.message import UIMessageType, UIMessage, Label from pymisp import PyMISP import json import tempfile import os # mapping_maltego_to_misp = { # 'maltego.Hash': ['md5', 'sha1', 'sha256', 'sha224', 'sha384', 'sha512', 'sha512/224', 'sha512/256'], # # 'maltego.Banner': [''], # # 'maltego.WebTitle': [''], # 'maltego.Domain': ['domain', 'hostname'], # # 'maltego.Netblock': [''], # # 'maltego.MXRecord': [''], # 'maltego.IPv4Address': ['ip-src', 'ip-dst', 'ip'], # 'maltego.URL': ['url', 'uri'], # 'maltego.DNSName': ['domain', 'hostname'], # 'maltego.AS': ['AS'], # # 'maltego.UniqueIdentifier': [''], # 'maltego.Website': ['domain', 'hostname'], # 'maltego.NSRecord': ['domain', 'hostname'], # # 'maltego.Document': [''], # 'maltego.PhoneNumber': ['phone-number'], # 'maltego.EmailAddress': ['email-src', 'email-dst'], # # 'maltego.Image': [''], # LATER file image # # 'maltego.Phrase': [''], # 'maltego.File': ['filename'], # # 'maltego.Person': [''], # # 'maltego.Sentiment': [''], # # 'maltego.Alias': [''], # # 'maltego.GPS': [''], # # 'maltego.CircularArea': [''], # # 'maltego.NominatimLocation': [''], # # 'maltego.Location': [''], # # 'maltego.Device': [''], # # 'maltego.affiliation.Flickr': [''], # # 'maltego.FacebookObject': [''], # # 'maltego.hashtag': [''], # # 'maltego.affiliation.Twitter': [''], # # 'maltego.affiliation.Facebook': [''], # # 'maltego.Twit': [''], # # 'maltego.Port': [''], # # 'maltego.Service': [''], # # 'maltego.BuiltWithTechnology': [''], # } # mapping_misp_to_maltego = {} # for key, vals in mapping_maltego_to_misp.items(): # for val in vals: # if val not in mapping_misp_to_maltego: # mapping_misp_to_maltego[val] = [] # mapping_misp_to_maltego[val].append(key) mapping_misp_to_maltego = { 'AS': [AS], 'domain': [Domain, NSRecord, Website, DNSName], 'email-dst': [EmailAddress], 'email-src': [EmailAddress], 'filename': [File], 'hostname': [Website, NSRecord, Domain, DNSName], 'ip': [IPv4Address], 'ip-dst': [IPv4Address], 'ip-src': [IPv4Address], 'md5': [Hash], 'phone-number': [PhoneNumber], 'sha1': [Hash], 'sha224': [Hash], 'sha256': [Hash], 'sha384': [Hash], 'sha512': [Hash], 'sha512/224': [Hash], 'sha512/256': [Hash], 'uri': [URL], 'url': [URL], 'whois-registrant-email': [EmailAddress], # object mappings 'nameserver': [NSRecord], # FIXME add more object mappings # custom types created internally for technical reasons # 'rekey_value': [Unknown] } def get_misp_connection(config): if config['MISP_maltego.local.misp_verify'] in ['True', 'true', 1, 'yes', 'Yes']: misp_verify = True else: misp_verify = False if config['MISP_maltego.local.misp_debug'] in ['True', 'true', 1, 'yes', 'Yes']: misp_debug = True else: misp_debug = False return PyMISP(config['MISP_maltego.local.misp_url'], config['MISP_maltego.local.misp_key'], misp_verify, 'json', misp_debug) def entity_obj_to_entity(entity_obj, v, t, **kwargs): if entity_obj == Hash: return entity_obj(v, _type=t, **kwargs) # FIXME type is conflicting with type of Entity, Report this as bug see line 326 /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/canari/maltego/ return entity_obj(v, **kwargs) def attribute_to_entity(a): # prepare some attributes to a better form a['data'] = None # empty the file content as we really don't need this here # FIXME feature request for misp.get_event() to not get attachment content if a['type'] == 'malware-sample': a['type'] = 'filename|md5' if a['type'] == 'regkey|value': a['type'] = 'regkey' # FIXME regkey|value => needs to be a special non-combined object # attribute is from an object, and a relation gives better understanding of the type of attribute if a.get('object_relation') and mapping_misp_to_maltego.get(a['object_relation']): entity_obj = mapping_misp_to_maltego[a['object_relation']][0] yield entity_obj(a['value'], labels=[Label('comment', a['comment'])]) # combined attributes elif '|' in a['type']: t_1, t_2 = a['type'].split('|') v_1, v_2 = a['value'].split('|') if t_1 in mapping_misp_to_maltego: entity_obj = mapping_misp_to_maltego[t_1][0] labels = [Label('comment', a['comment'])] if entity_obj == File: labels.append(Label('hash', v_2)) yield entity_obj_to_entity(entity_obj, v_1, t_1, labels=labels) # TODO change the comment to include the second part of the regkey else: yield UIMessage("Type {} of combined type {} not supported for attribute: {}".format(t_1, a['type'], a), type=UIMessageType.Inform) if t_2 in mapping_misp_to_maltego: entity_obj = mapping_misp_to_maltego[t_2][0] labels = [Label('comment', a['comment'])] if entity_obj == Hash: labels.append(Label('filename', v_1)) yield entity_obj_to_entity(entity_obj, v_2, t_2, labels=labels) # TODO change the comment to include the first part of the regkey else: yield UIMessage("Type {} of combined type {} not supported for attribute: {}".format(t_2, a['type'], a), type=UIMessageType.Inform) # normal attributes elif a['type'] in mapping_misp_to_maltego: entity_obj = mapping_misp_to_maltego[a['type']][0] yield entity_obj_to_entity(entity_obj, a['value'], a['type'], labels=[Label('comment', a['comment'])]) # not supported in our maltego mapping else: yield Unknown(a['value'], type=a['type'], labels=[Label('comment', a['comment'])]) yield UIMessage("Type {} not fully supported for attribute: {}".format(a['type'], a), type=UIMessageType.Inform) if 'Galaxy' in a: for g in a['Galaxy']: for c in g['GalaxyCluster']: yield galaxycluster_to_entity(c) if 'Tag' in a: for t in a['Tag']: # ignore all misp-galaxies if t['name'].startswith('misp-galaxy'): continue yield Hashtag(t['name']) def object_to_entity(o): return MISPObject( o['name'], uuid=o['uuid'], event_id=int(o['event_id']), meta_category=o.get('meta_category'), description=o['description'], comment=o['comment'] ) def object_to_attributes(o): # first process attributes from an object that belong together (eg: first-name + last-name), and remove them from the list if o['name'] == 'person': first_name = get_attribute_in_object(o, 'first-name', drop=True).get('value') last_name = get_attribute_in_object(o, 'last-name', drop=True).get('value') yield entity_obj_to_entity(Person, ' '.join([first_name, last_name]).strip(), 'person', lastname=last_name, firstnames=first_name) # process normal attributes for a in o['Attribute']: for item in attribute_to_entity(a): yield item def get_attribute_in_object(o, attribute_type, drop=False): '''Gets the first attribute of a specific type within an object''' found_attribute = {'value': ''} for i, a in enumerate(o['Attribute']): if a['type'] == attribute_type: found_attribute = a.copy() if drop: # drop the attribute from the object o['Attribute'].pop(i) break return found_attribute def event_to_entity(e): return MISPEvent(e['Event']['id'], uuid=e['Event']['uuid'], info=e['Event']['info']) def galaxycluster_to_entity(c, link_label=None): # print(json.dumps(c, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) if c['meta'].get('synonyms'): synonyms = ', '.join(c['meta']['synonyms']) else: synonyms = '' return MISPGalaxy( '{}\n{}'.format(c['type'], c['value']), uuid=c['uuid'], description=c['description'], cluster_type=c['type'], cluster_value=c['value'], synonyms=synonyms, tag_name=c['tag_name'], link_label=link_label ) # FIXME this uses the galaxies from github as the MISP web UI does not fully support the Galaxies in the webui. # See galaxy_archive_url = '' local_path_root = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'MISP-maltego') local_path_uuid_mapping = os.path.join(local_path_root, 'MISP_maltego_galaxy_mapping.json') local_path_clusters = os.path.join(local_path_root, 'misp-galaxy-master', 'clusters') galaxy_cluster_uuids = None def galaxy_update_local_copy(force=False): import io import json import os import requests from zipfile import ZipFile # FIXME put some aging and automatic re-downloading if not os.path.exists(local_path_root): os.mkdir(local_path_root) force = True if force: # download the latest zip of the public galaxy resp = requests.get(galaxy_archive_url) zf = ZipFile(io.BytesIO(resp.content)) zf.extractall(local_path_root) zf.close() # generate the uuid mapping and save it to a file galaxies_fnames = [] for f in os.listdir(local_path_clusters): if '.json' in f: galaxies_fnames.append(f) galaxies_fnames.sort() cluster_uuids = {} for galaxy_fname in galaxies_fnames: fullPathClusters = os.path.join(local_path_clusters, galaxy_fname) with open(fullPathClusters) as fp: galaxy = json.load(fp) for cluster in galaxy['values']: # print(cluster['uuid']) if 'uuid' not in cluster: continue # keep track of the cluster, but also enhance it to look like the cluster we receive when accessing the web. cluster_uuids[cluster['uuid']] = cluster cluster_uuids[cluster['uuid']]['type'] = galaxy['type'] cluster_uuids[cluster['uuid']]['tag_name'] = 'misp-galaxy:{}="{}"'.format(galaxy['type'], cluster['value']) with open(local_path_uuid_mapping, 'w') as f: json.dump(cluster_uuids, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) def galaxy_load_cluster_mapping(): galaxy_update_local_copy() with open(local_path_uuid_mapping, 'r') as f: cluster_uuids = json.load(f) return cluster_uuids def get_galaxy_cluster(uuid): global galaxy_cluster_uuids if not galaxy_cluster_uuids: galaxy_cluster_uuids = galaxy_load_cluster_mapping() return galaxy_cluster_uuids.get(uuid)