from canari.maltego.transform import Transform # from canari.framework import EnableDebugWindow from MISP_maltego.transforms.common.entities import MISPEvent, MISPGalaxy from MISP_maltego.transforms.common.util import get_misp_connection, galaxycluster_to_entity, get_galaxy_cluster, get_galaxies_relating, mapping_galaxy_icon from canari.maltego.message import UIMessageType, UIMessage __author__ = 'Christophe Vandeplas' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2018, MISP_maltego Project' __credits__ = [] __license__ = 'AGPLv3' __version__ = '0.1' __maintainer__ = 'Christophe Vandeplas' __email__ = '' __status__ = 'Development' # @EnableDebugWindow class GalaxyToEvents(Transform): """Expands a Galaxy to multiple MISP Events.""" # The transform input entity type. input_type = MISPGalaxy def do_transform(self, request, response, config): maltego_misp_galaxy = request.entity misp = get_misp_connection(config) if maltego_misp_galaxy.tag_name: tag_name = maltego_misp_galaxy.tag_name else: tag_name = maltego_misp_galaxy.value events_json ='events', tags=tag_name, withAttachments=False) for e in events_json['response']: response += MISPEvent(e['Event']['id'], uuid=e['Event']['uuid'], info=e['Event']['info']) return response def on_terminate(self): """This method gets called when transform execution is prematurely terminated. It is only applicable for local transforms. It can be excluded if you don't need it.""" pass # @EnableDebugWindow class GalaxyToRelations(Transform): """Expans a Galaxy to related Galaxies and Clusters""" input_type = MISPGalaxy def do_transform(self, request, response, config): maltego_misp_galaxy = request.entity if maltego_misp_galaxy.uuid: current_cluster = get_galaxy_cluster(uuid=maltego_misp_galaxy.uuid) elif maltego_misp_galaxy.tag_name: current_cluster = get_galaxy_cluster(tag=maltego_misp_galaxy.tag_name) elif current_cluster = get_galaxy_cluster( if not current_cluster: response += UIMessage("Galaxy Cluster UUID not in local mapping. Please update local cache; non-public UUID are not supported yet.", type=UIMessageType.Inform) return response c = current_cluster # update existing object # import json # print(json.dumps(c, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) # return response galaxy_cluster = get_galaxy_cluster(c['uuid']) icon_url = None import os if 'icon' in galaxy_cluster: # LATER further investigate if using icons locally is a good idea. # map the 'icon' name from the cluster to the icon filename of the intelligence-icons repository try: icon_url = 'file://{}/{}.png'.format(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'MISP_maltego', 'resources', 'images', 'intelligence-icons'), mapping_galaxy_icon[galaxy_cluster['icon']]) except Exception: # it's not in our mapping, just ignore and leave the default Galaxy icon pass if c['meta'].get('synonyms'): synonyms = ', '.join(c['meta']['synonyms']) else: synonyms = '' = '{}\n{}'.format(c['type'], c['value']) request.entity.uuid = c['uuid'] request.entity.description = c.get('description') request.entity.cluster_type = c.get('type') request.entity.cluster_value = c.get('value') request.entity.synonyms = synonyms request.entity.tag_name = c['tag_name'] request.entity.icon_url = icon_url # response += request.entity # find related objects if 'related' in current_cluster: for related in current_cluster['related']: related_cluster = get_galaxy_cluster(related['dest-uuid']) if related_cluster: response += galaxycluster_to_entity(related_cluster, link_label=related['type']) # find objects that are relating to this one # for related in get_galaxies_relating(current_cluster['uuid']): # response += galaxycluster_to_entity(related, link_label="FIXME opposite of ".format(related['type'])) # FIXME link_label should be opposite return response