First of all, please read the ** script. Running a random piece of shell script that randomly invokes sudo left right and center is dangerous. (Without a sword)
Now read **. This is the generator for **.
If for example you want to modify **, NEVER EVER touch **. This will break the checksum and I will be very, very angry.
** will source the various Markdown files and generate the main installer. Meaning, if changes happen they mostly happen in the .md files.
The advantage being that when the manual documentation is up to date the installer is up to date.
There are 2 scenarios here.
1. There is an issue or improvement to be made in ** for example.
2. A core ** issue or improvement needs to be done.
You will need *xsnippet* that extracts bits of shell code from the .md files:
export PATH="$PATH:~/bin" # By now you are aware that this needs to be in your $PATH, aren't you. #PAAF
You need *rhash* too:
sudo apt install rhash
Now you are ready.
To test if you are really ready, do the following:
git clone
The only file that should have been changed is: **
And nothing on *stdout* should have been displayed, and the exit code would have been obviously 0.
## Scenario 1
The easiest scenario. Everythin between *# <snippet-begin* is relevant to the to be generated installer. Change to your hearts' content, run the ** script and now the following files will have changed:
modified: ../docs/
Perfect, this looks as if it worked. This is typical, if the .md changes, the ** checksum will obviously change too. Important to note, this needs to be reflected on the *2.4* branch.
Otherwise your changes are not taken into account or something might even break if things are out of sync.
If for example you change a markdown file and the checksums have NOT changed. This means either that the changed markdown file is not yet supported by the installer. Or that you changed **
The Ubuntu 18.04 install documentation is the main Ubuntu installer file.
Ideally you merge your changed between the 18.04 and 20.04 and run the generator again.
## Scenario 2
This scenario is more complex. Have you read the ** yet? If no, please do not continue before having read it.
Good, now that you read it you noticed that there are references to the folder *docs/generic* this folder includes generic files that are shared between platforms.
For core changes, the most interesting and important files are:
- **
- **
- **
### globalVariables
This is the most interesting file, it will bootstrap the install environment of the MISP-Server to be.
What I always use, even for just debugging MISP issues in general:
This will expose a standard MISP environment to my current working environment, a few important notes and potential caveats: Familiarize yourself with ":-" variables, static list: