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App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
App::uses('ConnectionManager', 'Model');
App::uses('Sanitize', 'Utility');
class Sightingdb extends AppModel
public $errors = array(
1 => 'Invalid SightingDB.',
2 => 'No response from SightingDB.',
3 => 'Invalid or unexpected response from SightingDB.',
4 => 'DNS error - name resolution error.',
5 => 'Could not connect to the SightingDB. Error unspecified.'
public $actsAs = array(
2021-01-22 13:01:23 +01:00
'SysLogLogable.SysLogLogable' => array(
'userModel' => 'User',
'userKey' => 'user_id',
'change' => 'full'),
public $validate = array(
'name' => array(
'notBlank' => array(
'rule' => array('notBlank'),
'required' => array('create'),
'message' => 'Name not set.'
'host' => array(
'notBlank' => array(
'rule' => array('notBlank'),
'required' => array('create'),
'message' => 'Host not set.'
'port' => array(
'numeric' => array(
'rule' => array('numeric'),
'message' => 'Port needs to be numeric.'
'owner' => array(
'notBlank' => array(
'rule' => array('notBlank'),
'required' => array('create'),
'message' => 'Owner not set.'
public $hasMany = array(
'SightingdbOrg' => array(
'className' => 'SightingdbOrg',
'foreignKey' => 'sightingdb_id',
'dependent' => true
private $__sightingdbs = false;
private $__connectionStatus = array();
* Load all sightingDBs into a persistent array
* Helps with repeated lookups
private function __loadSightingdbs($user)
$this->__sightingdbs = $this->find('all', array(
'recursive' => -1,
'contain' => array('SightingdbOrg'),
'conditions' => array('Sightingdb.enabled' => 1)
$this->__sightingdbs = $this->extractOrgIdsFromList($this->__sightingdbs);
foreach ($this->__sightingdbs as $k => $sightingdb) {
if (
empty($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) &&
!empty($sightingdb['Sightingdb']['org_id']) &&
!in_array($user['org_id'], $sightingdb['Sightingdb']['org_id'])
) {
if (empty($this->__connectionStatus[$sightingdb['Sightingdb']['id']])) {
$this->__connectionStatus[$sightingdb['Sightingdb']['id']] = $this->requestStatus($sightingdb);
if (!is_array($this->__connectionStatus[$sightingdb['Sightingdb']['id']])) {
$this->__sightingdbs = array_values($this->__sightingdbs);
* Loop through a list of attributes, and pass each value to SightingDB.
* If there's a hit, append the data directly to the attributes
public function attachToAttributes($attributes, $user)
if (!empty(Configure::read('Plugin.Sightings_sighting_db_enable'))) {
if ($this->__sightingdbs === false) {
if (!empty($this->__sightingdbs)) {
$values = array();
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$values[$attribute['Attribute']['value']] = array();
foreach ($this->__sightingdbs as $sightingdb) {
$values = $this->queryValues($values, $sightingdb);
foreach ($attributes as &$attribute) {
if (!empty($values[$attribute['Attribute']['value']])) {
$attribute['Attribute']['Sightingdb'] = array_values($values[$attribute['Attribute']['value']]);
return $attributes;
* Loop through all attributes of an event, including those in objects
* and pass each value to SightingDB. If there's a hit, append the data
* directly to the attributes
public function attachToEvent($event, $user)
if (!empty(Configure::read('Plugin.Sightings_sighting_db_enable'))) {
if ($this->__sightingdbs === false) {
if (!empty($this->__sightingdbs)) {
$values = $this->__collectValues($event);
foreach ($this->__sightingdbs as $sightingdb) {
$values = $this->queryValues($values, $sightingdb);
$event = $this->__attachValuesToEvent($event, $values);
return $event;
* Extract all attribute values from an event.
* Also accepts the meta format from after pagination
private function __collectValues($event)
$values = array();
if (!empty($event['Attribute'])) {
foreach ($event['Attribute'] as $attribute) {
$values[$attribute['value']] = array();
if (!empty($event['Object'])) {
foreach ($event['Object'] as $object) {
if (!empty($object['Attribute'])) {
foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $attribute) {
$values[$attribute['value']] = array();
if (!empty($event['objects'])) {
foreach ($event['objects'] as $object) {
if ($object['objectType'] === 'attribute') {
$values[$object['value']] = array();
} else if ($object['objectType'] === 'object') {
foreach ($object['Attribute'] as $attribute) {
$values[$attribute['value']] = array();
return $values;
* Reattach the sightingDB results where applicable to all attriutes in an event
private function __attachValuesToEvent($event, $values)
if (!empty($event['Attribute'])) {
foreach ($event['Attribute'] as &$attribute) {
if (!empty($values[$attribute['value']])) {
$attribute['Sightingdb'] = array_values($values[$attribute['value']]);
if (!empty($event['Object'])) {
foreach ($event['Object'] as &$object) {
if (!empty($object['Attribute'])) {
foreach ($object['Attribute'] as &$attribute) {
if (!empty($values[$attribute['value']])) {
$attribute['Sightingdb'] = array_values($values[$attribute['value']]);
if (!empty($event['objects'])) {
foreach ($event['objects'] as &$object) {
if ($object['objectType'] === 'attribute') {
if (!empty($values[$object['value']])) {
$object['Sightingdb'] = array_values($values[$object['value']]);
} else if ($object['objectType'] === 'object') {
foreach ($object['Attribute'] as &$attribute) {
if (!empty($values[$attribute['value']])) {
$attribute['Sightingdb'] = array_values($values[$attribute['value']]);
return $event;
* Query the sightingDB for each value extracted
public function queryValues($values, $sightingdb)
$host = $sightingdb['Sightingdb']['host'];
$port = $sightingdb['Sightingdb']['port'];
App::uses('SyncTool', 'Tools');
$syncTool = new SyncTool();
$params = array(
'ssl_verify_peer' => empty($sightingdb['Sightingdb']['ssl_skip_verification']),
'ssl_verify_peer_name' => empty($sightingdb['Sightingdb']['ssl_skip_verification']),
'ssl_verify_host' => empty($sightingdb['Sightingdb']['ssl_skip_verification']),
'skip_proxy' => !empty($sightingdb['Sightingdb']['skip_proxy'])
$HttpSocket = $syncTool->createHttpSocket($params);
$payload = array('items' => array());
$namespace = empty($sightingdb['Sightingdb']['namespace']) ? 'all' : $sightingdb['Sightingdb']['namespace'];
$valueLookup = array();
foreach ($values as $k => $value) {
$hashedValue = hash('sha256', $k);
$payload['items'][] = array(
'namespace' => $namespace,
'value' => $hashedValue
$valueLookup[$hashedValue] = $k;
$request = array(
'header' => array(
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
try {
$response = $HttpSocket->post(
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $values;
if ($response->code == 200) {
$responseData = json_decode($response->body, true);
if ($responseData !== false && empty($responseData['error'])) {
foreach ($responseData['items'] as $k => $item) {
if (empty($item['error'])) {
$values[$valueLookup[$item['value']]][$sightingdb['Sightingdb']['id']] = array(
'first_seen' => $item['first_seen'],
'last_seen' => $item['last_seen'],
'count' => $item['count'],
'sightingdb_id' => $sightingdb['Sightingdb']['id']
return $values;
* Extract the org IDs from the sightingdbOrg objects and attach them to a simple list
public function extractOrgIdsFromList($data)
foreach ($data as &$element) {
$element = $this->extractOrgIds($element);
return $data;
public function extractOrgIds($element)
if (isset($element['SightingdbOrg'])) {
$element['Sightingdb']['org_id'] = Hash::extract($element['SightingdbOrg'], '{n}.org_id');
return $element;
* Query the SightingDB, returning:
* - implementation
* - version
* - vendor
* - author
* - measured response time
public function requestStatus($sightingdb)
if (!is_array($sightingdb)) {
$sightingdb = $this->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array('Sightingdb.id' => $sightingdb),
'recursive' => -1
if (empty($sightingdb)) {
return __('Invalid SightingDB entry.');
App::uses('SyncTool', 'Tools');
$syncTool = new SyncTool();
$params = array(
'ssl_allow_self_signed' => true,
'ssl_verify_peer' => false,
'ssl_verify_peer_name' => false
$HttpSocket = $syncTool->createHttpSocket($params);
$start = microtime(true);
try {
$response = $HttpSocket->get(
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (strpos($e->getMessage(), 'php_network_getaddresses') !== false) {
return __('Could not resolve Sightingdb address.');
} else {
return __('Something went wrong. Could not contact the SightingDB server.');
$response_time = round(1000*(microtime(true) - $start));
if ($response->code == 200) {
$responseData = json_decode($response->body, true);
if (!empty($responseData['implementation'])) {
$result = array();
$fields = array('implementation', 'version', 'vendor', 'author');
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$result[$field] = $responseData[$field];
$result['response_time'] = $response_time . 'ms';
return $result;
} else {
return __('The SightingDB returned an invalid response.');
} else {
return __('No response from the SightingDB server.');
* Get a list of all valid sightingDBs for the user
public function getSightingdbList($user)
$sightingdbs = $this->find('all', array(
'recursive' => -1,
'contain' => 'SightingdbOrg',
'conditions' => array('Sightingdb.enabled' => 1)
if (empty($sightingdbs)) {
return array();
$sightingdbs = $this->extractOrgIdsFromList($sightingdbs);
$toReturn = array();
foreach ($sightingdbs as $sightingdb) {
if (
!empty($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) ||
empty($sightingdb['Sightingdb']['org_id']) ||
in_array($user['org_id'], $sightingdb['Sightingdb']['org_id']
)) {
$toReturn[$sightingdb['Sightingdb']['id']] = $sightingdb;
return $toReturn;