
2133 lines
86 KiB
Raw Normal View History

'use strict';
// Function called to setup custom MarkdownIt rendering and parsing rules
var markdownItCustomPostInit = markdownItCustomPostInit
// Hint option passed to the CodeMirror constructor
var cmCustomHints = hintMISPElements
// Setup function called after the CodeMirror initialization
var cmCustomSetup = cmCustomSetup
// Hook allowing to alter the raw text before returning the GFM version to the user to be downloaded
var markdownGFMSubstitution = replaceMISPElementByTheirValue
// Post rendering hook called after the markdown is displayed, allowing to register listener
var markdownCustomPostRenderingListener = setupMISPElementMarkdownListeners
// Post rendering hook called after the markdown is display, allowing to perform any actions on the rendered markdown
var markdownCustomPostRenderingActions = attachRemoteMISPElements
// CodeMirror replacement/insertion actions that can be executed on the editor's text
var customReplacementActions = MISPElementReplacementActions
// Called after CodeMirror initialization to insert custom top bar buttons
var insertCustomToolbarButtons = insertMISPElementToolbarButtons
// Key of the model used by the form when saving
var modelNameForSave = 'EventReport';
// Key of the field used by the form when saving
var markdownModelFieldNameForSave = 'content';
var dotTemplateAttribute = doT.template("<span class=\"misp-element-wrapper attribute\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{=it.elementid}}\"><span class=\"bold\"><span class=\"attr-type\"><span>{{=it.type}}</span></span><span class=\"blue\"><span class=\"attr-value\"><span>{{=it.value}}</span></span></span></span></span>");
var dotTemplateAttributePicture = doT.template("<div class=\"misp-picture-wrapper attributePicture\"><img data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{=it.elementid}}\" href=\"#\" src=\"{{=it.src}}\" alt=\"{{=it.alt}}\" title=\"\"/></div>");
var dotTemplateGalaxyMatrix = doT.template("<div class=\"misp-picture-wrapper embeddedGalaxyMatrix\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{=it.elementid}}\" data-eventid=\"{{=it.eventid}}\"></div>");
var dotTemplateTag = doT.template("<span class=\"tag misp-tag-wrapper embeddedTag\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{!it.elementid}}\" data-eventid=\"{{=it.eventid}}\">{{=it.elementid}}</span>");
var dotTemplateObject = doT.template("<span class=\"misp-element-wrapper object\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{=it.elementid}}\"><span class=\"bold\"><span class=\"obj-type\"><span>{{=it.type}}</span></span><span class=\"obj-value\"><span>{{=it.value}}</span></span></span></span>");
var dotTemplateObjectAttribute = doT.template("<span class=\"misp-element-wrapper object\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{=it.elementid}}\"><span class=\"bold\"><span class=\"obj-type\"><span class=\"object-name\">{{=it.objectname}}</span>↦ <span class=\"object-attribute-type\">{{=it.type}}</span></span><span class=\"obj-value\"><span>{{=it.value}}</span></span></span></span>");
var dotTemplateInvalid = doT.template("<span class=\"misp-element-wrapper invalid\"><span class=\"bold red\">{{=it.scope}}<span class=\"blue\"> ({{=it.id}})</span></span></span>");
var dotCloseButtonTemplate = doT.template('<button type="button" class="close" style="margin-left: 5px;" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{!it.elementID}}\" onclick="closeThePopover(this)">×</button>');
var dotTemplateRenderingDisabled = doT.template("<span class=\"misp-element-wrapper attribute\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-elementid=\"{{!it.elementid}}\" data-eventid=\"{{=it.eventid}}\">{{=it.value}}</span>");
var dotTemplateSuggestionAttribute = doT.template("<span class=\"misp-element-wrapper suggestion attribute\" data-scope=\"{{=it.scope}}\" data-indexstart=\"{{=it.indexStart}}\" data-elementid=\"{{=it.elementid}}\" data-suggestionkey=\"{{=it.suggestionkey}}\"><span class=\"bold\"><span class=\"attr-type\"><input type=\"checkbox\" {{? it.checked }}checked=\"checked\"{{?}}></input><span>{{=it.type}}</span></span><span class=\"blue\"><span class=\"attr-value\"><span>{{=it.value}}</span></span></span></span></span>");
var renderingRules = {
'attribute': true,
'attribute-picture': true,
'object': true,
'object-attribute': true,
'tag': true,
'galaxymatrix': true,
'suggestion': true,
var galaxyMatrixTimer, tagTimers = {};
var cache_matrix = {}, cache_tag = {};
var contentBeforeSuggestions
var typeToCategoryMapping
var entitiesFromComplexTool
var $suggestionContainer
var unreferencedElements = {
values: null,
context: null
var suggestionIDs = []
var suggestions = {}
var pickedSuggestion = { tableID: null, tr: null, entity: null, index: null, isContext: null }
_____ _ __ __ _
/ ____| | | | \/ (_)
| | ___ __| | ___| \ / |_ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __
| | / _ \ / _` |/ _ \ |\/| | | '__| '__/ _ \| '__|
| |___| (_) | (_| | __/ | | | | | | | | (_) | |
\_____\___/ \__,_|\___|_| |_|_|_| |_| \___/|_|
function cmCustomSetup() {
$suggestionContainer = $('<div/>').attr('id', 'suggestion-container').addClass('hidden')
/* Replacement actions and Toolbar addition */
function MISPElementReplacementActions(action) {
var start = cm.getCursor('start')
var end = cm.getCursor('end')
var content = cm.getRange(start, end)
var replacement = content
var setCursorTo = false
var noMatch = false
switch (action) {
case 'element':
replacement = '@[MISPElement]()'
end = null
cm.replaceRange(replacement, start)
cm.setSelection({line: start.line, ch: start.ch + 2}, {line: start.line, ch: start.ch + 2 + 11})
return true;
case 'attribute':
replacement = '@[attribute]()'
end = null
setCursorTo = {line: start.line, ch: start.ch + replacement.length - 1}
case 'attribute-attachment':
replacement = '@![attribute]()'
end = null
setCursorTo = {line: start.line, ch: start.ch + replacement.length - 1}
case 'object':
replacement = '@[object]()'
end = null
setCursorTo = {line: start.line, ch: start.ch + replacement.length - 1}
case 'tag':
replacement = '@[tag]()'
end = null
setCursorTo = {line: start.line, ch: start.ch + replacement.length - 1}
case 'galaxy-matrix':
replacement = '@[galaxymatrix]()'
end = null
setCursorTo = {line: start.line, ch: start.ch + replacement.length - 1}
noMatch = true;
if (noMatch) {
return false
cm.replaceRange(replacement, start, end)
if (setCursorTo !== false) {
cm.setCursor(setCursorTo.line, setCursorTo.ch)
return true
function insertMISPElementToolbarButtons() {
insertTopToolbarButton('cube', 'attribute', 'Attribute')
insertTopToolbarButton('cubes', 'object', 'Object')
insertTopToolbarButton('image', 'attribute-attachment', 'Attribute picture')
insertTopToolbarButton('tag', 'tag', 'Tag')
insertTopToolbarButton('atlas', 'galaxy-matrix', 'Galaxy matrix')
/* Hints */
var MISPElementHints = {}
function buildMISPElementHints() {
MISPElementHints['attribute'] = []
Object.keys(proxyMISPElements['attribute']).forEach(function(uuid) {
var attribute = proxyMISPElements['attribute'][uuid]
[attribute.value, uuid],
[attribute.type, uuid],
[attribute.id, uuid],
[attribute.uuid, uuid],
MISPElementHints['object'] = []
Object.keys(proxyMISPElements['object']).forEach(function(uuid) {
var object = proxyMISPElements['object'][uuid]
[object.name, uuid],
[object.id, uuid],
[object.uuid, uuid],
MISPElementHints['galaxymatrix'] = []
Object.keys(proxyMISPElements['galaxymatrix']).forEach(function(uuid) {
var galaxy = proxyMISPElements['galaxymatrix'][uuid]
[galaxy.id, uuid],
[galaxy.uuid, uuid],
[galaxy.name, uuid],
[galaxy.namespace, uuid],
[galaxy.type, uuid],
MISPElementHints['tag'] = []
Object.keys(proxyMISPElements['tagname']).forEach(function(tagName) {
var tag = proxyMISPElements['tagname'][tagName]
MISPElementHints['tag'].push([tagName, tagName])
function hintMISPElements(cm, options) {
var authorizedMISPElements = ['attribute', 'object', 'galaxymatrix', 'tag']
var availableScopes = ['attribute', 'object', 'galaxymatrix', 'tag']
var reMISPElement = RegExp('@\\[(?<scope>' + authorizedMISPElements.join('|') + ')\\]\\((?<elementid>[^\\)]+)?\\)');
var reExtendedWord = /\S/
var hintList = []
var scope, elementID, element
var cursor = cm.getCursor()
var line = cm.getLine(cursor.line)
var start = cursor.ch
var end = cursor.ch
while (start && reExtendedWord.test(line.charAt(start - 1))) --start
while (end < line.length && reExtendedWord.test(line.charAt(end))) ++end
var word = line.slice(start, end).toLowerCase()
if (word === '@[]()') {
availableScopes.forEach(function(scope) {
text: '@[' + scope + ']()'
return {
list: hintList,
from: CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, start),
to: CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, end)
var res = reMISPElement.exec(word)
if (res !== null) {
scope = res.groups.scope
elementID = res.groups.elementid !== undefined ? res.groups.elementid : ''
if (scope === 'tag') {
element = proxyMISPElements['tagname'][elementID]
} else {
element = proxyMISPElements[scope][elementID]
if (element !== undefined) {
text: '@[' + scope + '](' + element.uuid + ')',
render: function(elem, self, data) {
var hintElement = renderHintElement(scope, element)
className: 'hint-container',
} else { // search in hint arrays
var addedItems = {}
var maxHints = 10
maxHints += 10*(elementID.length - 3); // adapt hint numbers if typed value is large enough
if (MISPElementHints[scope] !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < MISPElementHints[scope].length; i++) {
var hintArray = MISPElementHints[scope][i];
var hintValue = hintArray[0]
var hintUUID = hintArray[1]
if (hintList.length >= maxHints) {
if (hintValue.includes(elementID)) {
if (addedItems[hintUUID] === undefined) {
if (scope === 'tag') {
element = proxyMISPElements['tagname'][hintUUID]
element.uuid = hintUUID
} else {
element = proxyMISPElements[scope][hintUUID]
if (element !== undefined) {
text: '@[' + scope + '](' + element.uuid + ')',
element: element,
render: function(elem, self, data) {
var hintElement = renderHintElement(scope, data.element)
className: 'hint-container',
addedItems[hintUUID] = true
return {
list: hintList,
from: CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, start),
to: CodeMirror.Pos(cursor.line, end)
return null
function renderHintElement(scope, element) {
var $node;
if (scope == 'attribute') {
$node = $('<span/>').addClass('hint-attribute')
if (isValidObjectAttribute(element)) {
$node.append($('<i/>').addClass('fas fa-cubes').css('margin-right', '3px'))
$node.append($('<i/>').addClass('').text('[' + element.category + '] '))
.append($('<span/>').addClass('bold').text(element.type + ' '))
$('<span/>').addClass('bold blue ellipsis-overflow')
'max-width': '500px',
'display': 'table-cell'
} else if (scope == 'object') {
var associatedTemplate = element.template_uuid + '.' + element.template_version
var objectTemplate = proxyMISPElements['objectTemplates'][associatedTemplate]
var topPriorityValue = element.Attribute.length
if (objectTemplate !== undefined) {
var temp = getPriorityValue(element, objectTemplate)
topPriorityValue = temp !== false ? temp : topPriorityValue
$node = $('<span/>').addClass('hint-object')
$node.append($('<i/>').addClass('').text('[' + element['meta-category'] + '] '))
.append($('<span/>').addClass('bold').text(element.name + ' '))
$('<span/>').addClass('bold blue ellipsis-overflow')
'max-width': '500px',
'display': 'table-cell'
} else if (scope == 'galaxymatrix') {
$node = $('<span/>').addClass('hint-galaxymatrix')
$node.append($('<i/>').addClass('').text('[' + element.namespace + '] '))
.append($('<span/>').addClass('bold').text(element.type + ' '))
.append($('<span/>').addClass('bold blue').text(element.name))
} else if (scope == 'tag') {
$node = $('<span/>').addClass('hint-tag')
$node.append(constructTagHtml(element.name, element.colour, {'box-shadow': 'none'}))
} else {
$node = $('<span>No match</span>') // should not happen
return $node
__ __ _ _ _____ _
| \/ | | | | | |_ _| |
| \ / | __ _ _ __| | ____| | _____ ___ __ | | | |_
| |\/| |/ _` | '__| |/ / _` |/ _ \ \ /\ / / '_ \ | | | __|
| | | | (_| | | | < (_| | (_) \ V V /| | | |_| |_| |_
|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\_\__,_|\___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|_____|\__|
function markdownItCustomPostInit() {
fetchProxyMISPElements(function() {
function markdownItSetupRules() {
md.renderer.rules.MISPElement = MISPElementRenderer;
md.renderer.rules.MISPPictureElement = MISPPictureElementRenderer;
md.inline.ruler.push('MISP_element_rule', MISPElementRule);
md.core.ruler.push('MISP_element_suggestion_rule', MISPElementSuggestionRule);
function MISPElementSuggestionRule(state) {
var blockTokens = state.tokens
var tokens, blockToken, currentToken
var indexOfAllLines, lineOffset, absoluteLine, relativeIndex
var i, j, l
for (i = 0, l = blockTokens.length; i < l; i++) {
blockToken = blockTokens[i]
if (blockToken.type !== 'inline') {
tokens = blockToken.children;
for (j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++) {
currentToken = tokens[j];
if (currentToken.type !== 'MISPElement' && !currentToken.isSuggestion) {
if (blockToken.indexOfAllLines === undefined) {
indexOfAllLines = new md.block.State(blockToken.content, md, {}, [])
blockToken.indexOfAllLines = indexOfAllLines
lineOffset = getLineNumInArrayList(currentToken.content.indexes.start, blockToken.indexOfAllLines.bMarks)
var absoluteLine = blockToken.map[0] + lineOffset
var relativeIndex = currentToken.content.indexes.start - blockToken.indexOfAllLines.bMarks[lineOffset]
state.tokens[i].children[j].content.indexes.lineStart = absoluteLine
state.tokens[i].children[j].content.indexes.start = relativeIndex
/* Parsing Rules */
function MISPElementRule(state, startLine, endLine, silent) {
var pos, start, labelStart, labelEnd, res, elementID, code, content, token, tokens, attrs, scope
var oldPos = state.pos,
max = state.posMax
if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos) !== 0x40/* @ */) { return false; }
if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos + 1) === 0x21/* ! */) {
if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos + 2) !== 0x5B/* [ */) { return false;}
} else {
if (state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos + 1) !== 0x5B/* [ */) { return false; }
var isPicture = state.src.charCodeAt(state.pos + 1) === 0x21/* ! */
if (isPicture) {
labelStart = state.pos + 3;
labelEnd = state.md.helpers.parseLinkLabel(state, state.pos + 2, false);
} else {
labelStart = state.pos + 2;
labelEnd = state.md.helpers.parseLinkLabel(state, state.pos + 1, false);
// parser failed to find ']', so it's not a valid link
if (labelEnd < 0) { return false; }
scope = state.src.slice(labelStart, labelEnd)
pos = labelEnd + 1;
if (pos < max && state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x28/* ( */) {
start = pos;
if (scope == 'tag' || scope == 'suggestion') { // tags may contain spaces
res = parseDestinationValue(state.src, pos, state.posMax);
} else {
res = state.md.helpers.parseLinkDestination(state.src, pos, state.posMax);
if (res.ok) {
// parseLinkDestination does not support trailing characters such as `.` after the link
// so we have to find the matching `)`
var destinationEnd = res.str.length - 1
var traillingCharNumber = 0
for (var i = res.str.length-1; i > 1; i--) {
var code = res.str.charCodeAt(i)
if (code === 0x29 /* ) */) {
destinationEnd = i
elementID = res.str.substring(1, destinationEnd);
pos = res.pos - 1 - traillingCharNumber;
if (pos >= max || state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x29/* ) */) {
state.pos = oldPos;
return false;
if (scope == 'tag' || scope == 'suggestion') {
var reTagName = /^[^\n)]+$/
if (!reTagName.test(elementID)) {
return false;
} else {
var reUUID = /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/
if (!reUUID.test(elementID)) {
return false;
// We found the end of the link, and know for a fact it's a valid link;
// so all that's left to do is to call tokenizer.
content = {
scope: scope,
elementID: elementID,
indexes: {
start: oldPos,
if (isPicture) {
token = state.push('MISPPictureElement', 'div', 0);
} else {
token = state.push('MISPElement', 'div', 0);
if (scope == 'suggestion') {
token.isSuggestion = true
content.indexes.suggestionID = consumeSuggestionID()
} else {
token.isSuggestion = false
token.children = tokens;
token.content = content;
state.pos = pos;
state.posMax = max;
return true;
/* Rendering rules */
function MISPElementRenderer(tokens, idx, options, env, slf) {
var allowedScope = ['attribute', 'object', 'galaxymatrix', 'tag', 'suggestion']
var token = tokens[idx];
var scope = token.content.scope
var elementID = token.content.elementID
var indexes = token.content.indexes
if (allowedScope.indexOf(scope) == -1) {
return renderInvalidMISPElement(scope, elementID);
return renderMISPElement(scope, elementID, indexes)
function MISPPictureElementRenderer(tokens, idx, options, env, slf) {
var allowedScope = ['attribute']
var token = tokens[idx];
var scope = token.content.scope
var elementID = token.content.elementID
if (allowedScope.indexOf(scope) == -1) {
return renderInvalidMISPElement(scope, elementID);
return renderMISPPictureElement(scope, elementID)
function renderMISPElement(scope, elementID, indexes) {
var templateVariables
if (scope == 'suggestion') {
var suggestionKey = 'suggestion-' + String(indexes.suggestionID)
if (suggestions[elementID] !== undefined) {
var suggestion = suggestions[elementID][suggestionKey]
if (suggestion !== undefined) {
templateVariables = sanitizeObject({
scope: 'suggestion',
elementid: elementID,
eventid: eventid,
type: suggestion.complexTypeToolResult.picked_type,
origValue: elementID,
value: suggestion.complexTypeToolResult.value,
'indexStart': indexes.start,
suggestionkey: suggestionKey,
checked: suggestion.checked
return renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions(scope, dotTemplateSuggestionAttribute, templateVariables);
if (proxyMISPElements !== null) {
if (scope == 'attribute') {
var attribute = proxyMISPElements[scope][elementID]
if (attribute !== undefined) {
var templateToRender = dotTemplateAttribute
var attributeData = {
scope: 'attribute',
elementid: elementID,
type: attribute.type,
value: attribute.value
if (isValidObjectAttribute(attribute)) {
var mispObject = getObjectFromAttribute(attribute)
if (mispObject !== undefined) {
attributeData.type = attribute.object_relation
attributeData.objectname = mispObject.name
templateToRender = dotTemplateObjectAttribute
templateVariables = sanitizeObject(attributeData)
return renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions(scope, templateToRender, templateVariables);
} else if (scope == 'object') {
var mispObject = proxyMISPElements[scope][elementID]
if (mispObject !== undefined) {
var associatedTemplate = mispObject.template_uuid + '.' + mispObject.template_version
var objectTemplate = proxyMISPElements['objectTemplates'][associatedTemplate]
var topPriorityValue = mispObject.Attribute.length
if (objectTemplate !== undefined) {
var temp = getPriorityValue(mispObject, objectTemplate)
topPriorityValue = temp !== false ? temp : topPriorityValue
templateVariables = sanitizeObject({
scope: 'object',
elementid: elementID,
type: mispObject.name,
value: topPriorityValue
return renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions(scope, dotTemplateObject, templateVariables);
} else if (scope == 'tag') {
templateVariables = sanitizeObject({scope: 'tag', elementid: elementID, eventid: eventid, value: elementID})
return renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions(scope, dotTemplateTag, templateVariables);
} else if (scope == 'galaxymatrix') {
templateVariables = sanitizeObject({scope: 'galaxymatrix', elementid: elementID, eventid: eventid, value: elementID})
return renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions(scope, dotTemplateGalaxyMatrix, templateVariables);
return renderInvalidMISPElement(scope, elementID)
function renderMISPPictureElement(scope, elementID) {
if (proxyMISPElements !== null) {
var attribute = proxyMISPElements[scope][elementID]
if (attribute !== undefined) {
var templateVariables = sanitizeObject({
scope: 'attribute',
elementid: elementID,
type: attribute.type,
value: attribute.value,
alt: scope + ' ' + elementID,
src: baseurl + '/attributes/viewPicture/' + attribute.id,
title: attribute.type + ' ' + attribute.value,
return renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions('attribute-picture', dotTemplateAttributePicture, templateVariables);
return renderInvalidMISPElement(scope, elementID)
function renderInvalidMISPElement(scope, elementID) {
var templateVariables = sanitizeObject({
scope: invalidMessage,
id: elementID
return dotTemplateInvalid(templateVariables);
function renderTemplateBasedOnRenderingOptions(scope, templateToRender, templateVariables) {
if (renderingRules[scope]) {
return templateToRender(templateVariables)
} else {
return dotTemplateRenderingDisabled(templateVariables)
function setupMISPElementMarkdownListeners() {
trigger: 'click',
html: true,
container: isInsideModal() ? 'body' : '#viewer-container',
placement: 'top',
title: getTitleFromMISPElementDOM,
content: getContentFromMISPElementDOM
$('.misp-picture-wrapper > img').popover({
trigger: 'click',
html: true,
container: isInsideModal() ? 'body' : '#viewer-container',
placement: 'top',
title: getTitleFromMISPElementDOM,
content: getContentFromMISPElementDOM,
placement: 'top'
trigger: 'click',
html: true,
container: isInsideModal() ? 'body' : '#viewer-container',
placement: 'top',
title: getTitleFromMISPElementDOM,
content: getContentFromMISPElementDOM
trigger: 'click',
html: true,
container: isInsideModal() ? 'body' : '#viewer-container',
placement: 'top',
title: getTitleFromMISPElementDOM,
content: getContentFromMISPElementDOM
function setupSuggestionMarkdownListeners() {
$('.misp-element-wrapper').filter('.suggestion').click(function(e) {
var $checkbox = $(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]')
$checkbox.prop('checked', !$checkbox.prop('checked'))
updateSuggestionCheckedState($(this), $checkbox)
.click(function(e) {
.change(function() {
updateSuggestionCheckedState($(this).closest('.suggestion'), $(this))
function updateSuggestionCheckedState($wrapper, $checkbox) {
var elementID = $wrapper.data('elementid')
var suggestionKey = $wrapper.data('suggestionkey')
suggestions[elementID][suggestionKey].checked = $checkbox.prop('checked')
function attachRemoteMISPElements() {
$('.embeddedGalaxyMatrix[data-scope="galaxymatrix"]').each(function() {
var $div = $(this)
$div.append($('<div/>').css('font-size', '24px').append(loadingSpanAnimation))
var eventID = $div.data('eventid')
var elementID = $div.data('elementid')
var cacheKey = eventid + '-' + elementID
if (cache_matrix[cacheKey] === undefined) {
galaxyMatrixTimer = setTimeout(function() {
attachGalaxyMatrix($div, eventID, elementID)
}, slowDebounceDelay);
} else {
$('.embeddedTag[data-scope="tag"]').each(function() {
var $div = $(this)
var eventID = $div.data('eventid')
var elementID = $div.data('elementid')
var cacheKey = eventid + '-' + elementID
if (cache_tag[cacheKey] === undefined) {
tagTimers[cacheKey] = setTimeout(function() {
fetchTagInfo(eventID, elementID, function() {
attachTagInfo($div, eventID, elementID, true)
}, slowDebounceDelay);
} else {
function attachGalaxyMatrix($elem, eventid, elementID) {
var galaxy = proxyMISPElements['galaxymatrix'][elementID]
if (galaxy === undefined) {
console.log('Something wrong happened. Could not fetch galaxy from proxy')
var galaxyType = galaxy.type
data: {
"returnFormat": "attack",
"eventid": eventid,
"attackGalaxy": galaxyType
success:function(data, textStatus) {
'max-width': 'unset',
'min-width': 'unset',
'width': 'calc(100% - 5px)'
$elem.find('#attackmatrix_div .heatCell').each(function() {
if ($(this).css('background-color').length > 0 && $(this).css('background-color') != 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)') {
$(this).attr('style', 'background-color:' + $(this).css('background-color') + ' !important; color:' + $(this).css('color') + ' !important;');
var cacheKey = eventid + '-' + elementID
cache_matrix[cacheKey] = $elem.find('#attackmatrix_div')[0].outerHTML;
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var templateVariables = sanitizeObject({
scope: 'Error while fetching matrix',
id: graphID
var placeholder = dotTemplateInvalid(templateVariables)
.css({'text-align': 'center'})
url: baseurl + "/events/restSearch"
function attachTagInfo($elem, eventid, elementID, all) {
var cacheKey = eventid + '-' + elementID
if (all === true) {
$('.embeddedTag[data-scope="tag"]').filter(function() {
return $(this).data('eventid') == eventid && $(this).data('elementid') == elementID
function fetchTagInfo(eventid, tagName, callback) {
data: {
"tag": tagName,
success:function(data, textStatus) {
var $tag
data = $.parseJSON(data)
var tagData;
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var tag = data[i];
if (tag.Tag.name == tagName) {
tagData = data[i]
if (tagData === undefined) {
tagData = {}
$tag = constructTagHtml(tagName, '#ffffff', {'border': '1px solid #000'})
} else {
$tag = getTagReprensentation(tagData)
proxyMISPElements['tag'][tagName] = tagData
var cacheKey = eventid + '-' + tagName
cache_tag[cacheKey] = $tag[0].outerHTML;
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var templateVariables = sanitizeObject({
scope: 'Error while fetching tag',
id: tagName
var placeholder = dotTemplateInvalid(templateVariables)
cache_tag[cacheKey] = placeholder;
complete: function() {
if (callback !== undefined) {
url: baseurl + "/tags/search/0/1/0"
_____ _
/ ____| (_)
| (___ __ ___ ___ _ __ __ _
\___ \ / _` \ \ / / | '_ \ / _` |
____) | (_| |\ V /| | | | | (_| |
|_____/ \__,_| \_/ |_|_| |_|\__, |
__/ |
function replaceMISPElementByTheirValue(raw) {
var match, replacement, element
var final = ''
var authorizedMISPElements = ['attribute', 'object']
var reMISPElement = RegExp('@\\[(?<scope>' + authorizedMISPElements.join('|') + ')\\]\\((?<elementid>[\\d]+)\\)', 'g');
var offset = 0
while ((match = reMISPElement.exec(raw)) !== null) {
element = proxyMISPElements[match.groups.scope][match.groups.elementid]
if (element !== undefined) {
replacement = match.groups.scope + '-' + element.uuid
} else {
replacement = match.groups.scope + '-' + match.groups.elementid
final += raw.substring(offset, match.index) + replacement
offset = reMISPElement.lastIndex
final += raw.substring(offset)
return final
__ __
| \/ |
| \ / | ___ _ __ _ _
| |\/| |/ _ \ '_ \| | | |
| | | | __/ | | | |_| |
|_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|
function injectCustomRulesMenu() {
var $MISPElementMenuItem = createRulesMenuItem('MISP Elements', $('<img src="/favicon.ico">'), 'parser', 'MISP_element_rule')
name: 'Markdown rendering rules',
icon: 'fab fa-markdown',
items: [
{ name: 'Attribute', icon: 'fas fa-cube', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'attribute', isToggleableRule: true },
{ name: 'Attribute picture', icon: 'fas fa-image', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'attribute-picture', isToggleableRule: true },
{ name: 'Object', icon: 'fas fa-cubes', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'object', isToggleableRule: true },
{ name: 'Object Attribute', icon: 'fas fa-cube', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'object-attribute', isToggleableRule: true },
{ name: 'Tag', icon: 'fas fa-tag', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'tag', isToggleableRule: true },
{ name: 'Galaxy matrix', icon: 'fas fa-atlas', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'galaxymatrix', isToggleableRule: true },
{ name: 'Suggestion', icon: 'fas fa-magic', ruleScope: 'render', ruleName: 'suggestion', isToggleableRule: true },
name: 'Extract entities',
icon: 'fas fa-cogs',
items: [
{ name: 'Manual extraction', icon: 'fas fa-highlighter', clickHandler: manualEntitiesExtraction},
{ name: 'Automatic extraction', icon: 'fas fa-magic', clickHandler: automaticEntitiesExtraction},
function markdownItToggleCustomRule(rulename, event) {
var enabled
if (rulename == 'MISP_element_rule') {
var rule = getRuleStatus('inline', 'ruler', 'MISP_element_rule')
if (rule !== false) {
enabled = rule.enabled
return {
found: enabled !== undefined,
enabled: enabled
function markdownItToggleRenderingRule(rulename, event) {
if (event !== undefined) {
if (renderingRules[rulename] === undefined) {
console.log('Rule does not exists')
renderingRules[rulename] = !renderingRules[rulename]
function reloadRenderingRuleEnabledUI() {
Object.keys(renderingRules).forEach(function(rulename) {
var enabled = renderingRules[rulename]
if (enabled) {
$('#markdownrendering-' + rulename + '-rendering-enabled').show()
$('#markdownrendering-' + rulename + '-rendering-disabled').hide()
} else {
$('#markdownrendering-' + rulename + '-rendering-enabled').hide()
$('#markdownrendering-' + rulename + '-rendering-disabled').show()
_____ _ _
/ ____| | | (_)
| (___ _ _ __ _ __ _ ___ ___| |_ _ ___ _ __
\___ \| | | |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \/ __| __| |/ _ \| '_ \
____) | |_| | (_| | (_| | __/\__ \ |_| | (_) | | | |
|_____/ \__,_|\__, |\__, |\___||___/\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
__/ | __/ |
|___/ |___/
function automaticEntitiesExtraction() {
var url = baseurl + '/eventReports/extractAllFromReport/' + reportid
function manualEntitiesExtraction() {
contentBeforeSuggestions = getEditorData()
pickedSuggestion = { tableID: null, tr: null, entity: null, index: null, isContext: null }
extractFromReport(function(data) {
typeToCategoryMapping = data.typeToCategoryMapping
prepareSuggestionInterface(data.complexTypeToolResult, data.replacementValues, data.replacementContext)
function prepareSuggestionInterface(complexTypeToolResult, replacementValues, replacementContext) {
toggleMarkdownEditorLoading(true, 'Processing document')
entitiesFromComplexTool = complexTypeToolResult
entitiesFromComplexTool = injectNumberOfOccurrencesInReport(entitiesFromComplexTool)
function highlightPickedSuggestionInReport() {
for (var i = 0; i < entitiesFromComplexTool.length; i++) {
var entity = entitiesFromComplexTool[i];
if (pickedSuggestion.entity.value == entity.value) {
var converted = convertEntityIntoSuggestion(contentBeforeSuggestions, entity)
var indicesInCM = getAllSuggestionIndicesOf(converted, entity.value, false)
constructSuggestionMapping(entity, indicesInCM)
function highlightPickedReplacementInReport() {
var entity = pickedSuggestion.entity
var content = contentBeforeSuggestions
var converted = convertEntityIntoSuggestion(content, entity)
var indicesInCM = getAllSuggestionIndicesOf(converted, entity.value, false)
constructSuggestionMapping(entity, indicesInCM)
function convertEntityIntoSuggestion(content, entity) {
var converted = ''
var entityValue = entity.importRegexMatch ? entity.importRegexMatch : entity.value
var splittedContent = content.split(entityValue)
splittedContent.forEach(function(text, i) {
converted += text
if (i < splittedContent.length-1) {
if (isDoubleExtraction(converted)) {
converted += entity.value
} else {
converted += '@[suggestion](' + entity.value + ')'
return converted
function extractFromReport(callback) {
dataType: "json",
beforeSend: function() {
toggleMarkdownEditorLoading(true, 'Extracting entities')
success:function(data, textStatus) {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
showMessage('fail', 'Could not extract entities from report. ' + textStatus)
complete: function() {
url: baseurl + '/eventReports/extractFromReport/' + reportid
function constructSuggestionMapping(entity, indicesInCM) {
var suggestionBaseKey = 'suggestion-', suggestionKey
suggestions[entity.value] = {}
indicesInCM.forEach(function(index) {
suggestionKey = suggestionBaseKey + getNewSuggestionID()
suggestions[entity.value][suggestionKey] = {
startIndex: index,
endIndex: {index: index.index + entity.value.length},
complexTypeToolResult: entity,
checked: true
setTimeout(function() {
var notRenderedCount = suggestionIDs.length
if (notRenderedCount > 0) {
.attr('title', 'Could not render ' + notRenderedCount + ' elements. Manual investigation required')
.text('⚠ ' + notRenderedCount)
}, 300);
function injectNumberOfOccurrencesInReport(entities) {
var content = getEditorData()
entities.forEach(function(entity, i) {
entities[i].occurrences = getAllIndicesOf(content, entity.value, false, false).length
return entities
function getAllSuggestionIndicesOf(content, entity, caseSensitive) {
var toSearch = '@[suggestion](' + entity + ')'
return getAllIndicesOf(content, toSearch, caseSensitive, true)
function toggleSuggestionInterface(enabled) {
if (enabled) {
} else {
$mardownViewerToolbar.find('.btn-group:first button').css('visibility', 'visible')
function searchForUnreferencedValues(replacementValues) {
unreferencedElements.values = {}
var content = getEditorData()
Object.keys(replacementValues).forEach(function(attributeValue) {
var replacementValue = replacementValues[attributeValue]
var indices = getAllIndicesOf(content, replacementValue.valueInReport, true, true)
if (indices.length > 0) {
var attributes = [];
Object.keys(proxyMISPElements['attribute']).forEach(function(uuid) {
if (replacementValue.attributeUUIDs.indexOf(uuid) > -1) {
unreferencedElements.values[replacementValue.valueInReport] = {
attributes: attributes,
indices: indices
if (attributeValue != replacementValue.valueInReport) {
unreferencedElements.values[replacementValue.valueInReport].importRegexMatch = attributeValue
function searchForUnreferencedContext(replacementContext) {
unreferencedElements.context = {}
var content = getEditorData()
Object.keys(replacementContext).forEach(function(rawText) {
var indices = getAllIndicesOf(content, rawText, true, true)
if (indices.length > 0) {
replacementContext[rawText].indices = indices
unreferencedElements.context = replacementContext;
function pickSuggestionColumn(index, tableID, force) {
tableID = tableID === undefined ? 'replacementTable' : tableID
force = force === undefined ? false : force;
if (pickedSuggestion.tableID != tableID || pickedSuggestion.index != index || force) {
if (pickedSuggestion.tr) {
pickedSuggestion.tr.find('.occurrence-issues').attr('title', '').text('')
var $trs = $('#' + tableID + ' tr')
$trs.removeClass('info').find('button').prop('disabled', true)
$trs.find('select').prop('disabled', true)
var $tr = $('#' + tableID + ' tr[data-entityindex="' + index + '"]')
if ($tr.length > 0) {
$tr.addClass('info').find('button').prop('disabled', false)
$tr.find('select').prop('disabled', false)
pickedSuggestion = {
tableID: tableID,
tr: $tr,
index: index
if (tableID == 'replacementTable') {
var uuid = $tr.find('select.attribute-replacement').val()
pickedSuggestion['entity'] = {
value: $tr.data('attributeValue'),
picked_type: proxyMISPElements['attribute'][uuid].type,
replacement: uuid
if (proxyMISPElements['attribute'][uuid].importRegexValue) {
pickedSuggestion['entity']['importRegexMatch'] = proxyMISPElements['attribute'][uuid].importRegexValue
} else if (tableID == 'contextReplacementTable') {
pickedSuggestion['entity'] = {
value: $tr.data('contextValue'),
picked_type: 'tag',
replacement: $tr.find('select.context-replacement').val()
pickedSuggestion['isContext'] = true
} else {
pickedSuggestion['entity'] = $tr.data('entity')
pickedSuggestion['entity']['picked_type'] = $tr.find('select.type').val()
function getContentWithCheckedElements(isReplacement) {
var value = pickedSuggestion.entity.value
var content = getEditorData()
var contentWithPickedSuggestions = ''
var nextIndex = 0
var suggestionLength = '@[suggestion]()'.length + pickedSuggestion.entity.value.length
Object.keys(suggestions[value]).forEach(function(suggestionKey, i) {
var suggestion = suggestions[value][suggestionKey]
contentWithPickedSuggestions += content.substr(nextIndex, suggestion.startIndex.index - nextIndex)
nextIndex = suggestion.startIndex.index
var renderedInMardown = $('.misp-element-wrapper.suggestion[data-suggestionkey="' + suggestionKey + '"]').length > 0;
if (suggestion.checked && renderedInMardown) { // If the suggestion is not rendered, ignore it (could happen if parent block is escaped)
if (isReplacement) {
if (pickedSuggestion.isContext === true) {
contentWithPickedSuggestions += '@[tag](' + suggestion.complexTypeToolResult.replacement + ')'
} else {
contentWithPickedSuggestions += '@[attribute](' + suggestion.complexTypeToolResult.replacement + ')'
} else {
contentWithPickedSuggestions += content.substr(nextIndex, suggestionLength)
} else {
contentWithPickedSuggestions += value
nextIndex += suggestionLength
contentWithPickedSuggestions += content.substr(nextIndex)
return contentWithPickedSuggestions
function getSuggestionMapping() {
var getSuggestionMapping = {}
var $select = pickedSuggestion.tr.find('select')
var entity = pickedSuggestion.entity
getSuggestionMapping[entity.value] = {
'type': $select.filter('.type').val(),
'category': $select.filter('.category').val(),
'to_ids': entity.to_ids
return getSuggestionMapping
function submitReplacement() {
var contentWithPickedReplacements = getContentWithCheckedElements(true)
saveMarkdown(false, function() {
function submitExtractionSuggestion() {
var url = baseurl + '/eventReports/replaceSuggestionInReport/' + reportid
var contentWithPickedSuggestions = getContentWithCheckedElements(false)
var suggestionsMapping = getSuggestionMapping()
fetchFormDataAjax(url, function(formHTML) {
$('body').append($('<div id="temp" style="display: none"/>').html(formHTML))
var $tmpForm = $('#temp form')
var formUrl = $tmpForm.attr('action')
'content': contentWithPickedSuggestions,
'mapping': suggestionsMapping
data: $tmpForm.serialize(),
beforeSend: function() {
toggleMarkdownEditorLoading(true, 'Applying suggestions in report')
success:function(postResult, textStatus) {
if (postResult) {
showMessage('success', postResult.message);
if (postResult.data !== undefined) {
var report = postResult.data.report.EventReport
var complexTypeToolResult = postResult.data.complexTypeToolResult
var replacementValues = postResult.data.replacementValues
var replacementContext = postResult.data.replacementContext
lastModified = report.timestamp + '000'
originalRaw = report.content
fetchProxyMISPElements(function() {
contentBeforeSuggestions = originalRaw
pickedSuggestion = { tableID: null, tr: null, entity: null, index: null, isContext: null }
prepareSuggestionInterface(complexTypeToolResult, replacementValues, replacementContext)
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
showMessage('fail', saveFailedMessage + ': ' + errorThrown);
complete:function() {
url: formUrl
_ _ _ _ _
| | | | | (_) |
| | | | |_ _| |___
| | | | __| | / __|
| |__| | |_| | \__ \
\____/ \__|_|_|___/
function fetchProxyMISPElements(callback) {
var url = baseurl + '/eventReports/getProxyMISPElements/' + reportid
var errorMessage = 'Could not fetch MISP Elements'
dataType: "json",
url: url,
data: {},
beforeSend: function() {
toggleMarkdownEditorLoading(true, 'Loading MISP Elements')
success: function(data) {
if (data) {
proxyMISPElements = data
proxyMISPElements['tag'] = []
} else {
showMessage('fail', errorMessage);
error: function (data, textStatus, errorThrown) {
showMessage('fail', errorMessage + '. ' + textStatus + ": " + errorThrown);
complete: function() {
function getElementFromDom(node) {
var scope = $(node).data('scope')
var elementID = $(node).data('elementid')
if (scope !== undefined && elementID !== undefined) {
return {
element: proxyMISPElements[scope][elementID],
scope: scope,
elementID: elementID
return false
function getTitleFromMISPElementDOM() {
var data = getElementFromDom(this)
return buildTitleForMISPElement(data)
function buildTitleForMISPElement(data) {
var title = invalidMessage
var dismissButton = ''
if (data !== false) {
var templateVariables = sanitizeObject(data)
var dismissButton = dotCloseButtonTemplate(templateVariables)
title = data.scope.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + templateVariables.scope.slice(1) + ' ' + templateVariables.elementID
return title + dismissButton
function closeThePopover(closeButton) {
var scope = $(closeButton).data('scope')
var elementID = $(closeButton).data('elementid')
var $MISPElement = $('#viewer [data-scope="' + scope + '"][data-elementid="' + elementID.replaceAll('\"', '\\\"') + '"]')
if ($MISPElement.length > 0) {
} else {
function constructAttributeRow(attribute, fromObject)
fromObject = fromObject !== undefined ? fromObject : false
var attributeFieldsToRender = ['id', 'category', 'type'].concat(fromObject ? ['object_relation'] : [], ['value', 'comment'])
var $tr = $('<tr/>')
attributeFieldsToRender.forEach(function(field) {
.css('white-space', ['id', 'type'].indexOf(field) != -1 ? 'nowrap' : 'none')
var $tags = $('<div/>')
if (attribute.AttributeTag !== undefined) {
attribute.AttributeTag.forEach(function(attributeTag) {
var tag = attributeTag.Tag
var $tag = $('<div/>').append(
.addClass('tagComplete nowrap')
.css({'background-color': tag.colour, 'color': getTextColour(tag.colour), 'box-shadow': '1px 1px 3px #888888c4'})
var $galaxies = $('<div/>')
if (attribute.Galaxy !== undefined) {
attribute.Galaxy.forEach(function(galaxy) {
var $galaxy = $('<div/>').append(
.addClass('tagComplete nowrap')
.css({'background-color': '#0088cc', 'color': getTextColour('#0088cc'), 'box-shadow': '1px 1px 3px #888888c4'})
.text(galaxy.name + ' :: ' + galaxy.GalaxyCluster[0].value)
return $tr
function constructAttributeHeader(attribute, showAll, fromObject) {
showAll = showAll !== undefined ? showAll : false
fromObject = fromObject !== undefined ? fromObject : false
var attributeFieldsToRender = ['id', 'category', 'type'].concat(fromObject ? ['object_relation'] : [], ['value', 'comment'])
var $tr = $('<tr/>')
attributeFieldsToRender.forEach(function(field) {
if (showAll || (attribute.AttributeTag !== undefined && attribute.AttributeTag.length > 0)) {
if (showAll || (attribute.Galaxy !== undefined && attribute.Galaxy.length > 0)) {
var $thead = $('<thead/>').append($tr)
return $thead
function constructObject(object) {
var objectFieldsToRender = ['id', 'name', 'description', 'distribution']
var $object = $('<div/>').addClass('similarObjectPanel')
.css({border: '1px solid #3465a4', 'border-radius': '5px'})
var $top = $('<div/>').addClass('blueElement')
.css({padding: '4px 5px'})
objectFieldsToRender.forEach(function(field) {
$('<span/>').addClass('bold').text(field + ': '),
var $attributeTable = $('<table/>').addClass('table table-striped table-condensed')
.css({'margin-bottom': '3px'})
var $thead = constructAttributeHeader({}, true, true)
var $tbody = $('<tbody/>')
object.Attribute.forEach(function(attribute) {
$tbody.append(constructAttributeRow(attribute, true))
$attributeTable.append($thead, $tbody)
$object.append($top, $attributeTable)
return $('<div/>').append($object)
function getPriorityValue(mispObject, objectTemplate) {
for (var i = 0; i < objectTemplate.ObjectTemplateElement.length; i++) {
var object_relation = objectTemplate.ObjectTemplateElement[i].object_relation;
for (var j = 0; j < mispObject.Attribute.length; j++) {
var attribute = mispObject.Attribute[j];
if (attribute.object_relation === object_relation) {
return attribute.value
return false
function constructTag(tagName) {
var tagData = proxyMISPElements['tag'][tagName]
var $info = 'No information about this tag'
if (tagData !== undefined) {
if (tagData.Taxonomy !== undefined) {
$info = constructTaxonomyInfo(tagData)
} else if(tagData.GalaxyCluster !== undefined) {
$info = constructGalaxyInfo(tagData)
return $('<div/>').append($info)
function getTagReprensentation(tagData) {
var $tag
if(tagData.GalaxyCluster !== undefined) {
$tag = constructClusterTagHtml(tagData)
} else {
$tag = constructTagHtml(tagData.Tag.name, tagData.Tag.colour)
return $tag
function constructTagHtml(tagName, tagColour, additionalCSS) {
additionalCSS = additionalCSS === undefined ? {} : additionalCSS
var $tag = $('<span/>').text(tagName)
'background-color': tagColour,
'color': getTextColour(tagColour),
'box-shadow': '3px 3px 3px #888888',
return $tag
function constructClusterTagHtml(tagData) {
var addBorder = false
if (tagData.Tag.colour === undefined) {
tagData.Tag.colour = '#ffffff'
addBorder = true
var $tag = $('<span/>').append(
$('<i/>').addClass('fa fa-' + tagData.GalaxyCluster.Galaxy.icon).css('margin-right', '5px'),
$('<span/>').text(tagData.GalaxyCluster.type + ' ↦ ' + tagData.GalaxyCluster.value)
'background-color': tagData.Tag.colour,
'color': getTextColour(tagData.Tag.colour),
'box-shadow': '3px 3px 3px #888888',
'border': (addBorder ? '1px solid #000' : 'none')
return $tag
function constructTaxonomyInfo(tagData) {
var cacheKey = eventid + '-' + tagData.Tag.name
var tagHTML = cache_tag[cacheKey]
var $tag = $(tagHTML)
var $predicate = $('<div/>').append(
$('<h3/>').text('Predicate info'),
$('<strong/>').text('Expanded tag: '),
$('<strong/>').text('Description: '),
var $meta = $('<div/>').append(
$('<h3/>').text('Taxonomy info'),
$('<strong/>').text(tagData.Taxonomy.namespace + ': '),
return $('<div/>').append($predicate, $meta)
function constructGalaxyInfo(tagData) {
var cacheKey = eventid + '-' + tagData.Tag.name
var tagHTML = cache_tag[cacheKey]
var $tag = $(tagHTML)
var $cluster = $('<div/>').append(
$('<h3/>').text('Cluster info'),
var fields = ['description', 'source', 'author']
fields.forEach(function(field) {
'max-height': '100px',
'overflow-y': 'auto',
$('<strong/>').text(field + ': '),
$('<span/>').text(tagData.GalaxyCluster[field] === undefined || tagData.GalaxyCluster[field].length == 0 ? '-' : tagData.GalaxyCluster[field]),
var $clusterMeta = $('<div/>').css({
'height': '100px',
'overflow-y': 'auto',
'resize': 'vertical',
'border': '1px solid #0088cc',
'border-radius': '3px',
'padding': '5px'
if (tagData.GalaxyCluster.meta !== undefined) {
Object.keys(tagData.GalaxyCluster.meta).forEach(function(metaKey) {
var metaValue = tagData.GalaxyCluster.meta[metaKey]
$('<strong/>').addClass('blue').text(metaKey + ': '),
var $galaxy = $('<div/>').append(
$('<h3/>').text('Galaxy info'),
$('<strong/>').text('Name: '),
$('<strong/>').text('Description: '),
return $('<div/>').append($cluster, $galaxy)
function getContentFromMISPElementDOM() {
var data = getElementFromDom(this)
return buildBodyForMISPElement(data)
function buildBodyForMISPElement(data) {
if (data !== false) {
if (data.scope == 'attribute' && isValidObjectAttribute(data.element)) {
data.scope = 'object'
data.element = getObjectFromAttribute(data.element)
if (data.scope == 'attribute') {
var $thead = constructAttributeHeader(data.element)
var $row = constructAttributeRow(data.element)
var $attribute = $('<div/>').append(
.addClass('table table-condensed')
return $attribute.html()
} else if (data.scope == 'object') {
var $object = constructObject(data.element)
return $object.html()
} else if (data.scope == 'tag') {
var $tag = constructTag(data.elementID)
return $tag.html()
return invalidMessage
function constructSuggestionTables(entities) {
var $extractionTable = constructExtractionTable(entities)
var $replacementTable = constructReplacementTable(unreferencedElements.values)
var $contextReplacementTable = constructContextReplacementTable(unreferencedElements.context)
var $collapsibleControl = $('<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="suggestionTableTabs" />').append(
$('<a/>').attr('href', '#replacement-table').append(
$('<i/>').addClass('fas fa-cube'),
$('<span/>').text(' Data Replacement'),
$('<span class="badge badge-important"/>').css({'padding': '2px 6px', 'margin-left': '3px'}).text(Object.keys(unreferencedElements.values).length)
).attr('title', 'Replace raw text into attribute reference').css('padding', '8px 8px')
$('<a/>').attr('href', '#replacement-context-table').append(
$('<i/>').addClass('fas fa-atlas'),
$('<span/>').text(' Context replacement'),
$('<span class="badge badge-important"/>').css({'padding': '2px 6px', 'margin-left': '3px'}).text(Object.keys(unreferencedElements.context).length)
).attr('title', 'Replace raw text into context reference').css('padding', '8px 8px')
$('<a/>').attr('href', '#extraction-table').append(
$('<i/>').addClass('fas fa-cogs'),
$('<span/>').text(' Data extraction'),
$('<span class="badge badge-warning"/>').css({'padding': '2px 6px', 'margin-left': '3px'}).text(entities.length)
).attr('title', 'Convert raw text into attribute and reference it')
var $collapsibleContent = $('<div class="tab-content"/>').append(
$('<div class="tab-pane" id="replacement-table" />').append($replacementTable),
$('<div class="tab-pane" id="replacement-context-table" />').append($contextReplacementTable),
$('<div class="tab-pane" id="extraction-table" />').append($extractionTable),
$('<div class="tab-pane active" />').text('Pick a table to view available actions').css({
'text-align': 'center',
'opacity': '80%'
var $topBar = $('<div/>').append(
$('<button/>').addClass('btn btn-mini btn-inverse').css({
'float': 'right',
'margin-top': '8px',
'margin-right': '3px'
$('<i/>').addClass('fas fa-expand-arrows-alt').css('margin-right', '5px'),
var $div = $('<div/>').append($topBar, $collapsibleContent)
$('#suggestionTableTabs a').click(function (e) {
function constructExtractionTable(entities) {
var $table = $('<table/>').attr('id', 'suggestionTable').addClass('table table-striped table-condensed').css('flex-grow', '1')
var $thead = $('<thead/>').append($('<tr/>').append(
$('<th/>').text('Value').css('min-width', '10rem'),
var $tbody = $('<tbody/>')
entities.forEach(function(entity, index) {
var $selectType, $selectCategory, $option
if (entity.types.length > 1) {
$selectType = $('<select/>').addClass('type').css('width', 'auto').prop('disabled', true).change(function() {
var $selectCategory = $(this).closest('tr').find('select.category')
var selected = $(this).val()
var currentOptions = typeToCategoryMapping[selected];
currentOptions.forEach(function(category) {
pickSuggestionColumn(index, 'suggestionTable', true)
entity.types.forEach(function(type) {
$option = $('<option/>').text(type).val(type).prop('selected', type == entity.default_type)
} else {
$selectType = $('<span/>').text(entity.default_type)
.append($('<select/>').addClass('type hidden').append($('<option/>').text(entity.default_type).val(entity.default_type)))
$selectCategory = $('<select/>').addClass('category').css('width', 'auto')
typeToCategoryMapping[entity.default_type].forEach(function(category) {
$option = $('<option/>').text(category).val(category)
var $tr = $('<tr/>').attr('data-entityindex', index)
.data('entity', entity)
$('<td/>').addClass('bold blue').text(entity.value).css('word-wrap', 'anywhere'),
$('<td/>').append($('<span/>').css('white-space', 'nowrap').append(
$('<span/>').addClass('input-prepend input-append').append(
$('<button type="button"/>').attr('title', 'Jump to previous occurrence').addClass('add-on btn btn-mini').css('height', 'auto').append(
$('<a/>').addClass('fas fa-caret-left')
).click(function(e) {
$('<input type="text" disabled />').css('max-width', '2em').val(entity.occurrences),
$('<button type="button"/>').attr('title', 'Jump to next occurrence').addClass('add-on btn btn-mini').css('height', 'auto').append(
$('<a/>').addClass('fas fa-caret-right')
).click(function(e) {
$('<span/>').addClass('occurrence-issues bold red').css({'margin-left': '3px'})
$('<span/>').css('white-space', 'nowrap').append(
$('<button type="button"/>').addClass('btn')
.prop('disabled', true)
.text('Extract & Save')
$tr.click(function() {
var index = $(this).data('entityindex')
pickSuggestionColumn(index, 'suggestionTable')
$table.append($thead, $tbody)
return $table
function constructReplacementTable(unreferencedValues) {
var $table = $('<table/>').attr('id', 'replacementTable').addClass('table table-striped table-condensed').css('flex-grow', '1')
var $thead = $('<thead/>').append($('<tr/>').append(
$('<th/>').text('Value').css('min-width', '10rem'),
$('<th/>').text('Existing attribute'),
var $tbody = $('<tbody/>')
Object.keys(unreferencedValues).forEach(function(value, index) {
var $selectContainer, $select, $option
var unreferenceValue = unreferencedValues[value]
if(unreferenceValue.attributes.length > 1) {
$select = $('<select/>').prop('disabled', true).addClass('attribute-replacement').css({
'width': 'auto',
'max-width': '300px'
}).change(function() {
if ($('#viewer-container .popover.in').length > 0) {
pickSuggestionColumn(index, 'replacementTable', true)
unreferenceValue.attributes.forEach(function(attribute) {
var attributeToRender = jQuery.extend(true, { }, attribute)
attributeToRender.value = attribute.id
$option = $('<option/>').val(attribute.uuid).append(renderHintElement('attribute', attributeToRender))
var $helpIcon = $('<a/>').css({
'cursor': 'help',
'margin-left': '3px',
'margin-top': '10px',
'vertical-align': 'top'
}).addClass('helpicon fas fa-question-circle')
trigger: 'click',
html: true,
container: '#viewer-container',
placement: 'right',
title: function() {
var uuid = $(this).parent().find('select').val()
var attribute = proxyMISPElements['attribute'][uuid]
var popoverData = {
element: attribute,
scope: 'attribute',
elementID: attribute.value
return buildTitleForMISPElement(popoverData)
content: function() {
var uuid = $(this).parent().find('select').val()
var attribute = proxyMISPElements['attribute'][uuid]
var popoverData = {
element: attribute,
scope: 'attribute',
elementID: attribute.value
return buildBodyForMISPElement(popoverData)
$selectContainer = $('<span/>').css({
'white-space': 'nowrap'
}).append($select, $helpIcon)
} else {
var attributeToRender = jQuery.extend(true, { }, unreferenceValue.attributes[0])
attributeToRender.value = unreferenceValue.attributes[0].id
var popoverData = {
element: unreferenceValue.attributes[0],
scope: 'attribute',
elementID: unreferenceValue.attributes[0].value
$selectContainer = $('<a/>').css({'color': 'unset', 'cursor': 'help'})
trigger: 'click',
html: true,
container: '#viewer-container',
placement: 'right',
title: buildTitleForMISPElement(popoverData),
content: buildBodyForMISPElement(popoverData)
.append(renderHintElement('attribute', attributeToRender))
.append($('<select/>').addClass('attribute-replacement hidden').append($('<option/>').text(unreferenceValue.attributes[0].uuid).val(unreferenceValue.attributes[0].uuid)))
var $tr = $('<tr/>').attr('data-entityindex', index)
.data('attributeValue', value)
$('<td/>').addClass('bold blue').text(value).css('word-wrap', 'anywhere'),
$('<td/>').append($('<span/>').addClass('input-prepend input-append').append(
$('<button type="button"/>').attr('title', 'Jump to previous occurrence').addClass('add-on btn btn-mini').css('height', 'auto').append(
$('<a/>').addClass('fas fa-caret-left')
).click(function(e) {
$('<input type="text" disabled />').css('max-width', '2em').val(unreferenceValue.indices.length),
$('<button type="button"/>').attr('title', 'Jump to next occurrence').addClass('add-on btn btn-mini').css('height', 'auto').append(
$('<a/>').addClass('fas fa-caret-right')
).click(function(e) {
$('<span/>').css('white-space', 'nowrap').append(
$('<button type="button"/>').addClass('btn')
.prop('disabled', true)
.text('Replace & Save')
$tr.click(function() {
var index = $(this).data('entityindex')
pickSuggestionColumn(index, 'replacementTable')
$table.append($thead, $tbody)
return $table
function constructContextReplacementTable(unreferencedContext) {
var $table = $('<table/>').attr('id', 'contextReplacementTable').addClass('table table-striped table-condensed').css('flex-grow', '1')
var $thead = $('<thead/>').append($('<tr/>').append(
$('<th/>').text('Value').css('min-width', '10rem'),
$('<th/>').text('Existing context'),
var $tbody = $('<tbody/>')
Object.keys(unreferencedContext).forEach(function(rawText, index) {
var contexts = unreferencedContext[rawText]
var $selectContainer, $select, $option
if(Object.keys(contexts).length > 2) {
$select = $('<select/>').prop('disabled', true).addClass('context-replacement').css({
'width': 'auto',
'max-width': '300px'
}).change(function() {
if ($('#viewer-container .popover.in').length > 0) {
pickSuggestionColumn(index, 'contextReplacementTable', true)
Object.keys(contexts).forEach(function(tagName, index) {
if (tagName == 'indices') {
var context = contexts[tagName]
var contextToRender = jQuery.extend(true, { }, context)
contextToRender.value = tagName
contextToRender.name = tagName
$option = $('<option/>').val(tagName).text(tagName)
$selectContainer = $('<span/>').css({
'white-space': 'nowrap'
} else {
var context = jQuery.extend(true, { }, contexts)
delete context.indices
var tagName = Object.keys(context)[0]
context = context[tagName]
var contextToRender = jQuery.extend(true, { }, context)
contextToRender.value = tagName
contextToRender.name = tagName
$selectContainer = $('<span/>')
.append($('<span/>').append(constructTagHtml(tagName, contextToRender.colour)))
.append($('<select/>').addClass('context-replacement hidden').append($('<option/>').text(tagName).val(tagName)))
var $tr = $('<tr/>').attr('data-entityindex', index)
.data('contextValue', rawText)
$('<td/>').addClass('bold blue').text(rawText).css('word-wrap', 'anywhere'),
$('<td/>').append($('<span/>').addClass('input-prepend input-append').append(
$('<button type="button"/>').attr('title', 'Jump to previous occurrence').addClass('add-on btn btn-mini').css('height', 'auto').append(
$('<a/>').addClass('fas fa-caret-left')
).click(function(e) {
$('<input type="text" disabled />').css('max-width', '2em').val(contexts.indices.length),
$('<button type="button"/>').attr('title', 'Jump to next occurrence').addClass('add-on btn btn-mini').css('height', 'auto').append(
$('<a/>').addClass('fas fa-caret-right')
).click(function(e) {
$('<span/>').css('white-space', 'nowrap').append(
$('<button type="button"/>').addClass('btn')
.prop('disabled', true)
.text('Replace & Save')
$tr.click(function() {
var index = $(this).data('entityindex')
pickSuggestionColumn(index, 'contextReplacementTable')
$table.append($thead, $tbody)
return $table
function addCloseSuggestionButtonToToolbar() {
var $toolbarMode = $mardownViewerToolbar.find('.btn-group:first')
if ($toolbarMode.find('#suggestionCloseButton').length == 0) {
$toolbarMode.find('button').css('visibility', 'hidden')
var $closeButton = $('<button id="suggestionCloseButton" type="button"/>').addClass('btn btn-danger').css({
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
'border-top-left-radius': '4px',
'border-bottom-left-radius': '4px',
}).attr('title', 'Close manual extraction view').text('Close extraction view').click(function() { toggleSuggestionInterface(false) })
function jumpToPreviousOccurrence() {
var $suggestionsInReport = $('span.misp-element-wrapper.suggestion')
if ($suggestionsInReport.length > 0) {
var suggestionToScrollInto = $suggestionsInReport[0]
var $temp = $suggestionsInReport.filter('.picked')
if ($temp.length > 0) {
var index = $suggestionsInReport.index($temp)
if (index > 0) {
suggestionToScrollInto = $suggestionsInReport[index-1]
} else{
suggestionToScrollInto = $suggestionsInReport[index]
suggestionToScrollInto.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest' })
function jumpToNextOccurrence() {
var $suggestionsInReport = $('span.misp-element-wrapper.suggestion')
if ($suggestionsInReport.length > 0) {
var suggestionToScrollInto = $suggestionsInReport[0]
var $temp = $suggestionsInReport.filter('.picked')
if ($temp.length > 0) {
var index = $suggestionsInReport.index($temp)
if ($suggestionsInReport.length-1 > index) {
suggestionToScrollInto = $suggestionsInReport[index+1]
} else{
suggestionToScrollInto = $suggestionsInReport[index]
suggestionToScrollInto.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest' })
} else {
var toSearch = '@[suggestion](' + pickedSuggestion.entity.value + ')'
var match = $('#viewer').find('*').filter(function() {
return $(this).text().includes(toSearch)
if (match.length > 0) {
showMessage('success', 'Suggestion element not rendered. Please check manually')
match[0].scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest' })
} else {
showMessage('fail', 'Could not find element')
function pickOccurrence($wrapper) {
function isValidObjectAttribute(attribute) {
var mispObject = getObjectFromAttribute(attribute)
return attribute.object_relation !== null && mispObject !== undefined
function getObjectFromAttribute(attribute) {
return proxyMISPElements['object'][attribute.object_uuid]
function isDoubleExtraction(content) {
var wrapperAttribute = '@[attribute]('
var wrapperTag = '@[tag]('
var a = content.slice(-wrapperAttribute.length)
a = content.slice(-wrapperTag.length)
return content.slice(-wrapperAttribute.length) == wrapperAttribute || content.slice(-wrapperTag.length) == wrapperTag
function getAllIndicesOf(haystack, needle, caseSensitive, requestLineNum) {
var indices = []
if (needle.length == 0) {
return indices
var startIndex = 0, index, indices = [];
if (!caseSensitive) {
needle = needle.toLowerCase();
haystack = haystack.toLowerCase();
var startIndex = 0
var index = 0
while (true) {
index = haystack.indexOf(needle, startIndex)
if (index === -1) {
if (isDoubleExtraction(haystack.slice(index-10, index))) {
startIndex = index + needle.length + 1; // +1 for closing parenthesis
if (requestLineNum) {
var position = cm.posFromIndex(index)
index: index,
editorPosition: position
} else {
startIndex = index + needle.length;
return indices;
function getNewSuggestionID() {
var randomID = getRandomID()
return randomID
function consumeSuggestionID() {
return suggestionIDs.shift()
function resetSuggestionIDs() {
suggestionIDs = []
function getRandomID() {
return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2,9)
function getLineNumInArrayList(index, arrayToSearchInto) {
for (var lineNum = 0; lineNum < arrayToSearchInto.length; lineNum++) {
var newLineIndex = arrayToSearchInto[lineNum];
if (index < newLineIndex) {
return lineNum - 1
return 0
function parseDestinationValue(str, pos, max) {
var level = 0
var lines = 0
var code
var start = pos
var result = {
ok: false,
pos: 0,
lines: 0,
str: ''
while (pos < max) {
code = str.charCodeAt(pos);
// ascii control characters
if (code < 0x20 || code === 0x7F) { break; }
if (code === 0x5C /* \ */ && pos + 1 < max) {
pos += 2;
if (code === 0x28 /* ( */) {
if (code === 0x29 /* ) */) {
if (level === 0) {
if (start === pos) { return result; }
if (level !== 0) { return result; }
result.str = str.slice(start, pos);
result.lines = lines;
result.pos = pos;
result.ok = true;
return result;