
156 lines
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Raw Normal View History

App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
class DashboardsController extends AppController
public $components = array('Session', 'RequestHandler');
public function beforeFilter()
$this->Security->unlockedActions = array('renderWidget', 'updateSettings', 'getForm');
public $paginate = array(
'limit' => 60,
'maxLimit' => 9999
public function index()
$params = array(
'conditions' => array(
'UserSetting.user_id' => $this->Auth->user('id'),
'UserSetting.setting' => 'dashboard'
$userSettings = $this->UserSetting->find('first', $params);
if (empty($userSettings)) {
$userSettings = array(
'UserSetting' => array(
'setting' => 'dashboard',
'value' => array(
'widget' => 'MispStatusWidget',
'config' => array(
'position' => array(
'x' => 0,
'y' => 0,
'width' => 2,
'height' => 2
$widgets = array();
foreach ($userSettings['UserSetting']['value'] as $widget) {
$dashboardWidget = $this->Dashboard->loadWidget($this->Auth->user(), $widget['widget']);
$widget['width'] = $dashboardWidget->width;
$widget['height'] = $dashboardWidget->height;
$widget['title'] = $dashboardWidget->title;
$widgets[] = $widget;
$this->layout = 'dashboard';
$this->set('widgets', $widgets);
public function getForm($action = 'edit')
if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
$data = $this->request->data;
if ($action === 'edit' && !isset($data['widget'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('No widget name passed.'));
if (empty($data['config'])) {
$data['config'] = '';
if ($action === 'add') {
$data['widget_options'] = $this->Dashboard->loadAllWidgets();
} else {
$dashboardWidget = $this->Dashboard->loadWidget($this->Auth->user(), $data['widget']);
$data['description'] = empty($dashboardWidget->description) ? '' : $dashboardWidget->description;
$data['params'] = empty($dashboardWidget->params) ? array() : $dashboardWidget->params;
$data['params'] = array_merge(array('alias' => __('Alias to use as the title of the widget')), $data['params']);
$this->set('data', $data);
$this->layout = false;
public function updateSettings()
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$this->UserSetting = ClassRegistry::init('UserSetting');
if (!isset($this->request->data['value'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('No setting data found.'));
$data = array(
'UserSetting' => array(
'user_id' => $this->Auth->user('id'),
'setting' => 'dashboard',
'value' => $this->request->data['value']
$result = $this->UserSetting->setSetting($this->Auth->user(), $data);
if ($result) {
return $this->RestResponse->saveSuccessResponse('Dashboard', 'updateSettings', false, false, __('Settings updated.'));
return $this->RestResponse->saveFailResponse('Dashboard', 'updateSettings', false, $this->UserSetting->validationErrors, $this->response->type());
public function getEmptyWidget($widget, $k = 1)
$dashboardWidget = $this->Dashboard->loadWidget($this->Auth->user(), $widget);
if (empty($dashboardWidget)) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid widget.'));
$this->layout = false;
$widget = array(
'config' => isset($dashboardWidget->config) ? $dashboardWidget->height : '',
'title' => $dashboardWidget->title,
'alias' => isset($dashboardWidget->alias) ? $dashboardWidget->alias : $dashboardWidget->title,
'widget' => $widget
$this->set('k', $k);
$this->set('widget', $widget);
public function renderWidget($force = false)
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
if (empty($this->request->data['data'])) {
$this->request->data = array('data' => $this->request->data);
if (empty($this->request->data['data'])) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('You need to specify the widget to use along with the configuration.'));
$value = $this->request->data['data'];
$dashboardWidget = $this->Dashboard->loadWidget($this->Auth->user(), $value['widget']);
$this->layout = false;
$this->set('title', $dashboardWidget->title);
$redis = $this->Dashboard->setupRedis();
$org_scope = $this->_isSiteAdmin() ? 0 : $this->Auth->user('org_id');
$lookup_hash = hash('sha256', $value['widget'] . $value['config']);
$data = $redis->get('misp:dashboard:' . $org_scope . ':' . $lookup_hash);
if (empty($data)) {
$data = $dashboardWidget->handler($this->Auth->user(), json_decode($value['config'], true));
$redis->set('misp:dashboard:' . $org_scope . ':' . $lookup_hash, json_encode(array('data' => $data)));
$redis->expire('misp:dashboard:' . $org_scope . ':' . $lookup_hash, 60);
} else {
$data = json_decode($data, true)['data'];
$this->set('data', $data);
$this->render('/Dashboards/Widgets/' . $dashboardWidget->render);
} else {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('This endpoint can only be reached via POST requests.'));