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App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
class SharingGroupBlueprintsController extends AppController
public $components = array('Session', 'RequestHandler');
public function beforeFilter()
public $paginate = array(
'limit' => 60,
'maxLimit' => 9999
public function index()
$params = [
'filters' => ['name', 'uuid'],
'quickFilters' => ['name']
if ($this->IndexFilter->isRest()) {
return $this->restResponsePayload;
$this->set('menuData', array('menuList' => 'globalActions', 'menuItem' => 'indexMG'));
public function add()
$currentUser = $this->Auth->user();
$params = [
'beforeSave' => function($data) use ($currentUser) {
$data['SharingGroupBlueprint']['uuid'] = CakeText::uuid();
$data['SharingGroupBlueprint']['user_id'] = $currentUser['id'];
$data['SharingGroupBlueprint']['org_id'] = $currentUser['org_id'];
return $data;
if ($this->restResponsePayload) {
return $this->restResponsePayload;
$this->set('menuData', array('menuList' => 'globalActions', 'menuItem' => 'addMG'));
public function edit($id)
$this->set('menuData', array('menuList' => 'globalActions', 'menuItem' => 'editMG'));
$this->set('id', $id);
$params = [
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'fields' => ['rules', 'name']
$this->CRUD->edit($id, $params);
if ($this->IndexFilter->isRest()) {
return $this->restResponsePayload;
public function delete($id)
if ($this->IndexFilter->isRest()) {
return $this->restResponsePayload;
public function view($id)
$this->set('menuData', ['menuList' => 'sync', 'menuItem' => 'view_cerebrate']);
$this->CRUD->view($id, ['contain' => ['Organisation.name', 'Organisation.uuid', 'Organisation.id', 'SharingGroup.id', 'SharingGroup.name']]);
if ($this->IndexFilter->isRest()) {
return $this->restResponsePayload;
$this->set('id', $id);
$this->set('menuData', array('menuList' => 'globalActions', 'menuItem' => 'viewMG'));
public function viewOrgs($id)
$conditions = ['SharingGroupBlueprint.id' => $id];
if (!$this->_isSiteAdmin()) {
$conditions['SharingGroupBlueprint.org_id'] = $this->Auth->user('org_id');
$sharingGroupBlueprint = $this->SharingGroupBlueprint->find('first', ['conditions' => $conditions]);
if (empty($sharingGroupBlueprint)) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid Sharing Group Blueprint'));
// we create a fake user to restrict the visible sharing groups to the creator of the SharingGroupBlueprint, in case an admin wants to update it
$fake_user = [
'Role' => [
'perm_site_admin' => false
'org_id' => $sharingGroupBlueprint['SharingGroupBlueprint']['org_id'],
'id' => 1
$temp = $this->SharingGroupBlueprint->evaluateSharingGroupBlueprint($sharingGroupBlueprint, $fake_user);
$orgs = $this->SharingGroupBlueprint->SharingGroup->Organisation->find('all', [
'recursive' => -1,
'fields' => ['id', 'uuid', 'name', 'sector', 'type', 'nationality'],
'conditions' => ['id' => $temp['orgs']]
$this->set('data', $orgs);
$this->set('menuData', array('menuList' => 'SharingGroupBlueprints', 'menuItem' => 'viewOrgs'));
public function execute($id = false)
$conditions = [];
if (!empty($id)) {
$conditions['SharingGroupBlueprint.id'] = $id;
if (!$this->Auth->user('Role')['perm_admin']) {
$conditions['SharingGroupBlueprint.org_id'] = $this->Auth->user('org_id');
$sharingGroupBlueprints = $this->SharingGroupBlueprint->find('all', ['conditions' => $conditions, 'recursive' => 0]);
if (empty($sharingGroupBlueprints)) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('No valid blueprints found.'));
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$stats = $this->SharingGroupBlueprint->execute($sharingGroupBlueprints);
$message = __(
'Done, %s sharing group blueprint(s) matched. Sharing group changes: Created: %s. Updated: %s. Failed to create: %s.',
if ($this->IndexFilter->isRest()) {
if ($stats['changed'] || $stats['created']) {
return $this->RestResponse->saveSuccessResponse('sharingGroupBlueprints', 'execute', $id, false, $message);
} else {
return $this->RestResponse->saveFailResponse('sharingGroupBlueprints', 'execute', $id, $message, $this->response->type());
} else {
$status = 'success';
if ($stats['failed']) {
$status = 'error';
if ($stats['created'] || $stats['changed']) {
$status = 'info';
} else {
$this->set('id', empty($id) ? $id : 'all');
$this->set('title', __('Execute Sharing Group Blueprint'));
$this->set('question', __('Are you sure you want to (re)create a sharing group based on the Sharing Group Blueprint?'));
$this->set('actionName', __('Execute'));
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$this->layout = false;
public function detach($id)
$conditions = [];
if (empty($id)) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('No ID specified.'));
$conditions['SharingGroupBlueprint.id'] = $id;
if (!$this->Auth->user('Role')['perm_admin']) {
$conditions['SharingGroupBlueprint.org_id'] = $this->Auth->user('org_id');
$sharingGroupBlueprint = $this->SharingGroupBlueprint->find('first', ['conditions' => $conditions, 'recursive' => -1]);
if (empty($sharingGroupBlueprint)) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid Sharing Group Blueprint'));
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$sharingGroupBlueprint['SharingGroupBlueprint']['sharing_group_id'] = 0;
$result = $this->SharingGroupBlueprint->save($sharingGroupBlueprint);
$message = $result ? __('Sharing group detached.') : __('Could not detach sharing group.');
if ($this->IndexFilter->isRest()) {
if ($result) {
return $this->RestResponse->saveSuccessResponse('sharingGroupBlueprints', 'detach', $id, false, $message);
} else {
return $this->RestResponse->saveFailResponse('sharingGroupBlueprints', 'detach', $id, $message, $this->response->type());
} else {
$this->Flash->{$result ? 'success' : 'error'}($message);
} else {
$this->set('id', $id);
$this->set('title', __('Detach Sharing Group Blueprint'));
$this->set('question', __('Are you sure you want to detach the associated sharing group from this Sharing Group Blueprint? This action is irreversible.'));
$this->set('actionName', __('Detach'));
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$this->layout = false;