
254 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed">
<?php if ($isSiteAdmin): ?>
<input class="select_all select" type="checkbox" title="<?php echo __('Select all');?>" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="<?php echo __('Select all events on current page');?>" onClick="toggleAllCheckboxes();" />&nbsp;
<?php else: ?>
<th style="padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;">&nbsp;</th>
<?php endif;?>
<th class="filter">
<?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('published');?>
if (Configure::read('MISP.showorgalternate') && Configure::read('MISP.showorg')):
<th class="filter"><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('Orgc.name', __('Source org')); ?></th>
<th class="filter"><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('Orgc.name', __('Member org')); ?></th>
elseif (Configure::read('MISP.showorg') || $isAdmin):
<th class="filter"><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('Orgc.name', __('Creator org')); ?></th>
$date = time();
$day = 86400;
<?php if (in_array('owner_org', $columns, true)): ?><th class="filter"><?= $this->Paginator->sort('Org.name', __('Owner org')) ?></th><?php endif; ?>
<th><?= $this->Paginator->sort('id', __('ID'), ['direction' => 'desc']) ?></th>
<?php if (in_array('clusters', $columns, true)): ?><th><?= __('Clusters') ?></th><?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('tags', $columns, true)): ?><th><?= __('Tags') ?></th><?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('attribute_count', $columns, true)): ?><th title="<?= __('Attribute Count') ?>"><?= $this->Paginator->sort('attribute_count', __('#Attr.')) ?></th><?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('correlations', $columns, true)): ?><th title="<?= __('Correlation Count') ?>"><?= __('#Corr.') ?></th><?php endif; ?>
2021-05-07 14:09:34 +02:00
<?php if (in_array('report_count', $columns, true)): ?><th title="<?= __('Report Count') ?>"><?= $this->Paginator->sort('report_count', __('#Reports')) ?></th><?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('sightings', $columns, true)): ?><th title="<?= __('Sighting Count')?>"><?= __('#Sightings') ?></th><?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('proposals', $columns, true)): ?><th title="<?= __('Proposal Count') ?>"><?= __('#Prop') ?></th><?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('discussion', $columns, true)): ?><th title="<?= __('Post Count') ?>"><?= __('#Posts') ?></th><?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('creator_user', $columns, true)): ?><th><?= $this->Paginator->sort('user_id', __('Creator user')) ?></th><?php endif; ?>
<th class="filter"><?= $this->Paginator->sort('date', null, array('direction' => 'desc'));?></th>
<?php if (in_array('timestamp', $columns, true)): ?><th title="<?= __('Last modified at') ?>"><?= $this->Paginator->sort('timestamp', __('Last modified at')) ?></th><?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('publish_timestamp', $columns, true)): ?><th title="<?= __('Last modified at') ?>"><?= $this->Paginator->sort('publish_timestamp', __('Published at')) ?></th><?php endif; ?>
<th class="filter"><?= $this->Paginator->sort('info');?></th>
<th title="<?= $eventDescriptions['distribution']['desc'];?>">
<?= $this->Paginator->sort('distribution');?>
<th class="actions"><?php echo __('Actions');?></th>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<?php foreach ($events as $event): $eventId = (int)$event['Event']['id']; ?>
<tr id="event_<?= $eventId ?>">
<?php if ($isSiteAdmin || ($event['Event']['orgc_id'] == $me['org_id'])):?>
<td style="width:10px;">
<input class="select" type="checkbox" data-id="<?= $eventId ?>" />
<?php else: ?>
<td style="padding-left:0;padding-right:0;"></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<td class="short dblclickElement">
<a href="<?= "$baseurl/events/view/$eventId" ?>" title="<?= __('View') ?>" aria-label="<?= __('View') ?>">
<i class="black fa <?= $event['Event']['published'] == 1 ? 'fa-check' : 'fa-times' ?>"></i>
<?php if (Configure::read('MISP.showorg') || $isAdmin): ?>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<td class="short" ondblclick="document.location.href ='<?php echo $baseurl . "/events/index/searchorg:" . $event['Orgc']['id'];?>'">
<?= $this->OrgImg->getOrgLogo($event['Orgc'], 24) ?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if (in_array('owner_org', $columns, true) || (Configure::read('MISP.showorgalternate') && Configure::read('MISP.showorg'))): ?>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<td class="short" ondblclick="document.location.href ='<?php echo $baseurl . "/events/index/searchorg:" . $event['Org']['id'];?>'">
<?= $this->OrgImg->getOrgLogo($event['Org'], 24) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<td style="width:30px;">
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<a href="<?= $baseurl."/events/view/".$eventId ?>" class="dblclickActionElement threat-level-<?= strtolower(h($event['ThreatLevel']['name'])) ?>" title="<?= __('Threat level: %s', h($event['ThreatLevel']['name'])) ?>"><?= $eventId ?></a>
<?php if (in_array('clusters', $columns, true)): ?>
<td class="short">
$galaxies = array();
if (!empty($event['GalaxyCluster'])) {
foreach ($event['GalaxyCluster'] as $galaxy_cluster) {
$galaxy_id = $galaxy_cluster['Galaxy']['id'];
if (!isset($galaxies[$galaxy_id])) {
$galaxies[$galaxy_id] = $galaxy_cluster['Galaxy'];
$galaxies[$galaxy_id]['GalaxyCluster'][] = $galaxy_cluster;
2021-02-23 19:28:08 +01:00
echo $this->element('galaxyQuickViewNew', array(
'mayModify' => false,
'isAclTagger' => false,
'data' => $galaxies,
'event' => $event,
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
'target_id' => $eventId,
'target_type' => 'event',
'static_tags_only' => 1
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('tags', $columns, true)): ?>
<td class="shortish">
<?= $this->element('ajaxTags', [
'event' => $event,
'tags' => $event['EventTag'],
'tagAccess' => false,
'localTagAccess' => false,
'missingTaxonomies' => false,
'columnised' => true,
'static_tags_only' => 1,
'tag_display_style' => Configure::check('MISP.full_tags_on_event_index') ? Configure::read('MISP.full_tags_on_event_index') : 1
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('attribute_count', $columns, true)): ?>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<td class="dblclickElement" style="width:30px;">
<?= $event['Event']['attribute_count']; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('correlations', $columns, true)): ?>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<td class="bold" style="width:30px;">
<?php if (!empty($event['Event']['correlation_count'])): ?>
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl."/events/view/" . $eventId . '/correlation:1';?>" title="<?= __n('%s correlation', '%s correlations', $event['Event']['correlation_count'], $event['Event']['correlation_count']), '. ' . __('Show filtered event with correlation only.');?>">
<?php echo h($event['Event']['correlation_count']); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
2021-05-07 14:09:34 +02:00
<?php if (in_array('report_count', $columns, true)): ?>
<td class="bold" style="width:30px;">
<?= $event['Event']['report_count']; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('sightings', $columns, true)): ?>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<td class="bold" style="width:30px;">
<?php if (!empty($event['Event']['sightings_count'])): ?>
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl."/events/view/" . $eventId . '/sighting:1';?>" title="<?php echo (!empty($event['Event']['sightings_count']) ? h($event['Event']['sightings_count']) : '0') . ' sighting(s). Show filtered event with sighting(s) only.';?>">
<?php echo h($event['Event']['sightings_count']); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('proposals', $columns, true)): ?>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<td class="bold dblclickElement" style="width:30px;" title="<?= __n('%s proposal', '%s proposals', $event['Event']['proposals_count'], $event['Event']['proposals_count']) ?>">
<?php echo !empty($event['Event']['proposals_count']) ? h($event['Event']['proposals_count']) : ''; ?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if (in_array('discussion', $columns, true)): ?>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<td class="bold dblclickElement" style="width:30px;">
if (!empty($event['Event']['post_count'])) {
$post_count = h($event['Event']['post_count']);
if (($date - $event['Event']['last_post']) < $day) {
$post_count .= ' (<span class="red bold">' . __('NEW') . '</span>)';
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
} else {
$post_count = '';
<span style=" white-space: nowrap;"><?php echo $post_count?></span>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if (in_array('creator_user', $columns, true)): ?>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<td class="short dblclickElement">
<?php echo h($event['User']['email']); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<td class="short dblclickElement">
<?= $event['Event']['date'] ?>
<?php if (in_array('timestamp', $columns, true)): ?>
<td class="short dblclickElement">
<?= $this->Time->time($event['Event']['timestamp']) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (in_array('publish_timestamp', $columns, true)): ?>
<td class="short dblclickElement">
<?= $this->Time->time($event['Event']['publish_timestamp']) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<td class="dblclickElement">
<?= nl2br(h($event['Event']['info']), false) ?>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<td class="short dblclickElement <?php if ($event['Event']['distribution'] == 0) echo 'privateRedText';?>" title="<?php echo $event['Event']['distribution'] != 3 ? $distributionLevels[$event['Event']['distribution']] : __('All');?>">
<?php if ($event['Event']['distribution'] == 4):?>
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl;?>/sharingGroups/view/<?php echo h($event['SharingGroup']['id']); ?>"><?php echo h($event['SharingGroup']['name']);?></a>
<?php else:
echo h($shortDist[$event['Event']['distribution']]);
echo sprintf(
'<it type="button" title="%s" class="%s" aria-hidden="true" style="font-size: x-small;" data-event-distribution="%s" data-event-distribution-name="%s" data-scope-id="%s"></it>',
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
__('Toggle advanced sharing network viewer'),
'fa fa-share-alt useCursorPointer distributionNetworkToggle',
$event['Event']['distribution'] == 4 ? h($event['SharingGroup']['name']) : h($shortDist[$event['Event']['distribution']]),
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<td class="short action-links">
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
if (0 == $event['Event']['published'] && ($isSiteAdmin || ($isAclPublish && $event['Event']['orgc_id'] == $me['org_id']))) {
echo $this->Form->postLink('', array('action' => 'alert', $eventId), array('class' => 'black fa fa-upload', 'title' => __('Publish Event'), 'aria-label' => __('Publish Event')), __('Are you sure this event is complete and everyone should be informed?'));
if ($isSiteAdmin || ($isAclModify && $event['Event']['user_id'] == $me['id']) || ($isAclModifyOrg && $event['Event']['orgc_id'] == $me['org_id'])):
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl."/events/edit/".$eventId ?>" title="<?php echo __('Edit');?>" aria-label="<?php echo __('Edit');?>"><i class="black fa fa-edit"></i></a>
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
echo sprintf('<a class="useCursorPointer fa fa-trash" title="%s" aria-label="%s" onclick="deleteEvent(%s)"></a>', __('Delete'), __('Delete'), $eventId);
2021-03-20 15:33:07 +01:00
<a href="<?php echo $baseurl."/events/view/".$eventId ?>" title="<?php echo __('View');?>" aria-label="<?php echo __('View');?>"><i class="fa black fa-eye"></i></a>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
var lastSelected = false;
2020-10-05 17:38:03 +02:00
$(function() {
$('.select').on('change', function() {
2020-10-05 17:38:03 +02:00
}).click(function(e) {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
if (e.shiftKey) {
selectAllInbetween(lastSelected, this.id);
lastSelected = this.id;
$('.distributionNetworkToggle').each(function() {
distributionData: <?php echo json_encode($distributionData); ?>,
function deleteEvent(id) {
2020-10-05 17:38:03 +02:00
var message = "<?= __('Are you sure you want to delete #') ?>" + id + "?"
var url = '<?= $baseurl ?>/events/delete/' + id
if (confirm(message)) {
fetchFormDataAjax(url, function(formData) {
$('body').append($('<div id="temp" class="hidden"/>').html(formData));
$('#temp form').submit()