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2013-11-06 10:52:18 +01:00
App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
App::uses('File', 'Utility');
2013-11-06 10:52:18 +01:00
require_once 'AppShell.php';
class EventShell extends AppShell
public $uses = array('Event', 'Post', 'Attribute', 'Job', 'User', 'Task', 'Whitelist', 'Server', 'Organisation');
2013-11-06 10:52:18 +01:00
public function doPublish() {
$id = $this->args[0];
$this->Event->id = $id;
if (!$this->Event->exists()) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid event'));
$data = array(
'worker' => 'default',
'job_type' => 'doPublish',
'job_input' => $id,
'status' => 0,
'retries' => 0,
//'org' => $jobOrg,
2013-11-06 10:52:18 +01:00
'message' => 'Job created.',
// update the event and set the from field to the current instance's organisation from the bootstrap. We also need to save id and info for the logs.
$this->Event->recursive = -1;
$event = $this->Event->read(null, $id);
$event['Event']['published'] = 1;
$fieldList = array('published', 'id', 'info');
$this->Event->save($event, array('fieldList' => $fieldList));
// only allow form submit CSRF protection.
$this->Job->saveField('status', 1);
$this->Job->saveField('message', 'Job done.');
public function cachexml() {
2016-05-20 19:00:03 +02:00
$userId = $this->args[0];
$id = $this->args[1];
2016-05-20 19:00:03 +02:00
$user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId);
$this->Job->id = $id;
// TEMP: change to passing an options array with the user!!
$eventIds = $this->Event->fetchEventIds($user);
$eventCount = count($eventIds);
$dir = new Folder(APP . 'tmp/cached_exports/xml', true, 0750);
2015-04-18 07:53:18 +02:00
if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) {
2014-06-24 13:19:40 +02:00
$file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.xml' . '.ADMIN.xml');
} else {
2015-04-18 07:53:18 +02:00
$file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.xml' . '.' . $user['Organisation']['name'] . '.xml');
2014-06-24 13:19:40 +02:00
2015-04-18 07:53:18 +02:00
App::uses('XMLConverterTool', 'Tools');
$converter = new XMLConverterTool();
$file->write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . PHP_EOL . '<response>');
if (!empty($eventIds)) {
foreach ($eventIds as $k => $eventId) {
$temp = $this->Event->fetchEvent($user, array('eventid' => $eventId['Event']['id']));
$file->append($converter->event2XML($temp[0], $user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) . PHP_EOL);
$this->Job->saveField('progress', ($k+1) / $eventCount *100);
$this->Job->saveField('progress', 100);
$this->Job->saveField('message', 'Job done.');
$file->append('<xml_version>' . $this->Event->mispVersion . '</xml_version>');
$file->append('</response>' . PHP_EOL);
private function __recursiveEcho($array) {
$text = "";
foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
if (empty($v)) $text .= '<' . $k . '/>';
else {
foreach ($v as $element) {
$text .= '<' . $k . '>';
$text .= $this->__recursiveEcho($element);
$text .= '</' . $k . '>';
} else {
if ($v === false) $v = 0;
if ($v === "" || $v === null) $text .= '<' . $k . '/>';
else {
$text .= '<' . $k . '>' . $v . '</' . $k . '>';
return $text;
public function cachehids() {
2016-05-20 19:00:03 +02:00
$userId = $this->args[0];
$user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId);
$id = $this->args[1];
$this->Job->id = $id;
$extra = $this->args[2];
$this->Job->saveField('progress', 1);
$rules = $this->Attribute->hids($user, $extra);
$this->Job->saveField('progress', 80);
$dir = new Folder(APP . DS . '/tmp/cached_exports/' . $extra, true, 0750);
if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) {
$file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.' . $extra . '.ADMIN.txt');
} else {
$file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.' . $extra . '.' . $user['Organisation']['name'] . '.txt');
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
$file->append($rule . PHP_EOL);
$this->Job->saveField('progress', '100');
$this->Job->saveField('message', 'Job done.');
public function cacherpz() {
2016-05-20 19:00:03 +02:00
$userId = $this->args[0];
$user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId);
$id = $this->args[1];
$this->Job->id = $id;
$extra = $this->args[2];
$this->Job->saveField('progress', 1);
$eventIds = $this->Attribute->Event->fetchEventIds($user, false, false, false, true);
$values = array();
$eventCount = count($eventIds);
if ($eventCount) {
foreach ($eventIds as $k => $eventId) {
$values = array_merge_recursive($values, $this->Attribute->rpz($user, false, $eventId));
if ($k % 10 == 0) $this->Job->saveField('progress', $k * 80 / $eventCount);
$this->Job->saveField('progress', 80);
$dir = new Folder(APP . DS . '/tmp/cached_exports/' . $extra, true, 0750);
if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) {
$file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.rpz.ADMIN.txt');
} else {
$file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.rpz.' . $user['Organisation']['name'] . '.txt');
App::uses('RPZExport', 'Export');
$rpzExport = new RPZExport();
$rpzSettings = array();
$lookupData = array('policy', 'walled_garden', 'ns', 'email', 'serial', 'refresh', 'retry', 'expiry', 'minimum_ttl', 'ttl');
foreach ($lookupData as $v) {
$tempSetting = Configure::read('Plugin.RPZ_' . $v);
if (isset($tempSetting)) $rpzSettings[$v] = Configure::read('Plugin.RPZ_' . $v);
else $rpzSettings[$v] = $this->Server->serverSettings['Plugin']['RPZ_' . $v]['value'];
$file->write($rpzExport->export($values, $rpzSettings));
$this->Job->saveField('progress', '100');
$this->Job->saveField('message', 'Job done.');
public function cachecsv() {
2016-05-20 19:00:03 +02:00
$userId = $this->args[0];
$user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId);
$id = $this->args[1];
$this->Job->id = $id;
$extra = $this->args[2];
if ($extra == 'csv_all') $ignore = 1;
else $ignore = 0;
// TEMP: change to passing an options array with the user!!
$eventIds = $this->Event->fetchEventIds($user);
$eventCount = count($eventIds);
$attributes = array();
$dir = new Folder(APP . 'tmp/cached_exports/' . $extra, true, 0750);
if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) {
$file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.' . $extra . '.ADMIN.csv');
} else {
$file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.' . $extra . '.' . $user['Organisation']['name'] . '.csv');
$file->write('uuid,event_id,category,type,value,to_ids,date' . PHP_EOL);
foreach ($eventIds as $k => $eventId) {
$chunk = "";
$attributes = $this->Event->csv($user, $eventId['Event']['id'], $ignore);
$attributes = $this->Whitelist->removeWhitelistedFromArray($attributes, true);
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$chunk .= $attribute['Attribute']['uuid'] . ',' . $attribute['Attribute']['event_id'] . ',' . $attribute['Attribute']['category'] . ',' . $attribute['Attribute']['type'] . ',' . $attribute['Attribute']['value'] . ',' . intval($attribute['Attribute']['to_ids']) . ',' . $attribute['Attribute']['timestamp'] . PHP_EOL;
if ($k % 10 == 0) {
$this->Job->saveField('progress', $k / $eventCount * 80);
$this->Job->saveField('progress', '100');
$this->Job->saveField('message', 'Job done.');
public function cachetext() {
2016-05-20 19:00:03 +02:00
$userId = $this->args[0];
$user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId);
$id = $this->args[1];
$this->Job->id = $id;
$types = array_keys($this->Attribute->typeDefinitions);
$typeCount = count($types);
$dir = new Folder(APP . DS . '/tmp/cached_exports/text', true, 0750);
foreach ($types as $k => $type) {
$final = $this->Attribute->text($user, $type);
if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) {
$file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.text_' . $type . '.ADMIN.txt');
} else {
$file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.text_' . $type . '.' . $user['Organisation']['name'] . '.txt');
foreach ($final as $attribute) {
$file->append($attribute['Attribute']['value'] . PHP_EOL);
2013-11-19 11:03:30 +01:00
$this->Job->saveField('progress', $k / $typeCount * 100);
2013-11-19 11:03:30 +01:00
$this->Job->saveField('progress', 100);
$this->Job->saveField('message', 'Job done.');
2013-11-19 11:03:30 +01:00
2013-11-19 11:03:30 +01:00
public function cachenids() {
2016-05-20 19:00:03 +02:00
$userId = $this->args[0];
$user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId);
$id = $this->args[1];
2013-11-19 11:03:30 +01:00
$this->Job->id = $id;
$format = $this->args[2];
$eventIds = array_values($this->Event->fetchEventIds($user, false, false, false, true));
2013-11-19 11:03:30 +01:00
$eventCount = count($eventIds);
$dir = new Folder(APP . DS . '/tmp/cached_exports/' . $format, true, 0750);
if ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin']) {
$file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.' . $format . '.ADMIN.rules');
} else {
$file = new File($dir->pwd() . DS . 'misp.' . $format . '.' . $user['Organisation']['name'] . '.rules');
2013-11-19 11:03:30 +01:00
foreach ($eventIds as $k => $eventId) {
if ($k == 0) {
$temp = $this->Attribute->nids($user, $format, $eventId);
2013-11-19 11:03:30 +01:00
} else {
$temp = $this->Attribute->nids($user, $format, $eventId, true);
2013-11-19 11:03:30 +01:00
foreach ($temp as $line) {
$file->append($line . PHP_EOL);
if ($k % 10 == 0) {
$this->Job->saveField('progress', $k / $eventCount * 80);
$this->Job->saveField('progress', '100');
$this->Job->saveField('message', 'Job done.');
public function alertemail() {
$userId = $this->args[0];
$processId = $this->args[1];
$job = $this->Job->read(null, $processId);
$eventId = $this->args[2];
$user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId);
$result = $this->Event->sendAlertEmail($eventId, $user, $processId);
$job['Job']['progress'] = 100;
$job['Job']['message'] = 'Emails sent.';
public function contactemail() {
$id = $this->args[0];
$message = $this->args[1];
$all = $this->args[2];
$userId = $this->args[3];
$isSiteAdmin = $this->args[4];
$processId = $this->args[5];
$this->Job->id = $processId;
$user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId);
2016-02-02 18:19:09 +01:00
$result = $this->Event->sendContactEmail($id, $message, $all, array('User' => $user), $isSiteAdmin);
$this->Job->saveField('progress', '100');
if ($result != true) $this->Job->saveField('message', 'Job done.');
public function postsemail() {
2016-05-20 19:00:03 +02:00
$userId = $this->args[0];
$postId = $this->args[1];
$eventId = $this->args[2];
$title = $this->args[3];
$message = $this->args[4];
$processId = $this->args[5];
$this->Job->id = $processId;
2016-05-20 19:00:03 +02:00
$result = $this->Post->sendPostsEmail($userId, $postId, $eventId, $title, $message);
2015-01-28 12:45:16 +01:00
$job['Job']['progress'] = 100;
$job['Job']['message'] = 'Emails sent.';
public function enqueueCaching() {
$timestamp = $this->args[0];
$task = $this->Task->findByType('cache_exports');
// If the next execution time and the timestamp don't match, it means that this task is no longer valid as the time for the execution has since being scheduled
// been updated.
if ($task['Task']['next_execution_time'] != $timestamp) return;
$users = $this->User->find('all', array(
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => array(
'Role.perm_site_admin' => 0,
'User.disabled' => 0,
'contain' => array(
'Organisation' => array('fields' => array('name')),
'Role' => array('fields' => array('perm_site_admin'))
'fields' => array('User.org_id', 'User.id'),
'group' => array('User.org_id')
$site_admin = $this->User->find('first', array(
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => array(
'Role.perm_site_admin' => 1,
'User.disabled' => 0
'contain' => array(
'Organisation' => array('fields' => array('name')),
'Role' => array('fields' => array('perm_site_admin'))
'fields' => array('User.org_id', 'User.id')
$users[] = $site_admin;
if ($task['Task']['timer'] > 0) $this->Task->reQueue($task, 'cache', 'EventShell', 'enqueueCaching', false, false);
// Queue a set of exports for admins. This "ADMIN" organisation. The organisation of the admin users doesn't actually matter, it is only used to indentify
// the special cache files containing all events
$i = 0;
foreach ($users as $user) {
foreach($this->Event->export_types as $k => $type) {
$this->Job->cache($k, $user['User'], 'Events visible to: ' . ($user['Role']['perm_site_admin'] ? 'ADMIN' : $user['Organisation']['name']));
$this->Task->id = $task['Task']['id'];
$this->Task->saveField('message', $i . ' job(s) started at ' . date('d/m/Y - H:i:s') . '.');
public function publish() {
$id = $this->args[0];
$passAlong = $this->args[1];
$jobId = $this->args[2];
$userId = $this->args[3];
$user = $this->User->getAuthUser($userId);
$job = $this->Job->read(null, $jobId);
$result = $this->Event->publish($id, $passAlong);
$job['Job']['progress'] = 100;
if ($result) {
$job['Job']['message'] = 'Event published.';
} else {
$job['Job']['message'] = 'Event published, but the upload to other instances may have failed.';
$log = ClassRegistry::init('Log');
$log->createLogEntry($user, 'publish', 'Event (' . $id . '): published.', 'publised () => (1)');
2013-11-06 10:52:18 +01:00