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App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');
App::uses('EncryptedValue', 'Tools');
class SharingGroupBlueprint extends AppModel
public $actsAs = [
'SysLogLogable.SysLogLogable' => [
'roleModel' => 'Role',
'roleKey' => 'role_id',
'change' => 'full'
public $belongsTo = array(
'Organisation' => array(
'className' => 'Organisation',
'foreignKey' => 'org_id'
public $validFilters = [
'org' => [
'org_id' => 'id',
'org_uuid' => 'uuid',
'org_name' => 'name',
'org_nationality' => 'nationality',
'org_sector' => 'sector',
'org_type' => 'type'
'sharing_group' => [
'sharing_group_id' => 'id',
'sharing_group_uuid' => 'uuid'
public $operands = [
public function beforeSave($options = array())
$this->data['SharingGroupBlueprint']['timestamp'] = time();
$this->data['SharingGroupBlueprint']['rules'] = json_decode($this->data['SharingGroupBlueprint']['rules']);
$this->data['SharingGroupBlueprint']['rules'] = json_encode($this->data['SharingGroupBlueprint']['rules']);
return true;
public function afterFind($results, $primary = false)
foreach ($results as &$v) {
$v['SharingGroupBlueprint']['rules'] = json_encode(json_decode($v['SharingGroupBlueprint']['rules']), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
return $results;
public function execute($sharingGroupBlueprints)
$stats = [
'changed' => 0,
'created' => 0,
'failed' => 0
$updated = $failed = 0;
foreach ($sharingGroupBlueprints as $sharingGroupBlueprint) {
// we create a fake user to restrict the visible sharing groups to the creator of the SharingGroupBlueprint, in case an admin wants to update it
$fake_user = [
'Role' => [
'perm_site_admin' => false
'org_id' => $sharingGroupBlueprint['SharingGroupBlueprint']['org_id'],
'id' => 1
$result = $this->updateSharingGroup($sharingGroupBlueprint, $fake_user);
foreach (array_keys($stats) as $field) {
$stats[$field] += $result[$field];
return $stats;
public function updateSharingGroup($sharingGroupBlueprint, $user)
$this->Organisation = ClassRegistry::init('Organisation');
$data = $this->evaluateSharingGroupBlueprint($sharingGroupBlueprint, $user);
$failed = 0;
if (empty($sharingGroupBlueprint['SharingGroupBlueprint']['sharing_group_id'])) {
$created = true;
$org_uuid = $this->SharingGroup->Organisation->find('first', [
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => ['Organisation.id' => $sharingGroupBlueprint['SharingGroupBlueprint']['org_id']],
'fields' => ['Organisation.uuid']
if (empty($org_uuid)) {
throw new MethodNotAllowedException(__('Invalid owner organisation.'));
$org_uuid = $org_uuid['Organisation']['uuid'];
$sg = [
'name' => $sharingGroupBlueprint['SharingGroupBlueprint']['name'],
'description' => __('Generated based on Sharing Group Blueprint rules'),
'org_id' => $user['org_id'],
'organisation_uuid' => $org_uuid,
'releasability' => __('Generated based on Sharing Group Blueprint rules'),
'local' => 1,
'roaming' => 1,
'active' => 1
if ($this->SharingGroup->save($sg)) {
$id = $this->SharingGroup->id;
$sharingGroupBlueprint['SharingGroupBlueprint']['sharing_group_id'] = $id;
$existingOrgs = [];
} else {
} else {
$created = false;
$sg = $this->SharingGroup->find('first', [
'recursive' => -1,
'contain' => ['SharingGroupOrg'],
'conditions' => ['SharingGroup.id' => $sharingGroupBlueprint['SharingGroupBlueprint']['sharing_group_id']]
$existingOrgs = [];
foreach ($sg['SharingGroupOrg'] as $sgo) {
$existingOrgs[] = $sgo['org_id'];
$existingOrgs = array_unique($existingOrgs);
$id = $sg['SharingGroup']['id'];
return [
'id' => $id,
2022-03-05 11:06:24 +01:00
'changed' => $this->__handleSharingGroupOrgs($existingOrgs, $data['orgs'], $id) || $created,
'created' => $created,
'failed' => $failed
private function __handleSharingGroupOrgs($existingOrgs, $newOrgs, $id)
$added = 0;
$removed = 0;
$this->Log = ClassRegistry::init('Log');
foreach ($existingOrgs as $existingOrg) {
if (!in_array($existingOrg, $newOrgs)) {
'sharing_group_id' => $id,
'org_id' => $existingOrg
], false);
foreach ($newOrgs as $newOrg) {
if (!in_array($newOrg, $existingOrgs)) {
$sgo = [
'sharing_group_id' => $id,
'org_id' => $newOrg,
'extend' => false
if ($added || $removed) {
$entry = array(
'org' => 'SYSTEM',
'model' => 'SharingGroup',
'model_id' => $id,
'email' => 'SYSTEM',
'action' => 'execute_blueprint',
'user_id' => 0,
'title' => 'Updated the sharing group.',
'change' => __('Updated sharing group. Added %s and removed %s organisations', $added, $removed)
return true;
return false;
// Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen - Edward V Berard
public function evaluateSharingGroupBlueprint($sharingGroupBlueprint, $user)
$data = [];
$rules = json_decode($sharingGroupBlueprint['SharingGroupBlueprint']['rules'], true);
$data = $this->__recursiveEvaluate($user, $rules, 'OR');
return $data;
private function __recursiveEvaluate($user, $rules, $operand)
if (!empty($rules)) {
$data = [];
foreach ($rules as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($key, $this->operands)) {
if ($operand === 'NOT') {
throw new MethodNotAllwedException(__('Boolean branches within a NOT branch are not supported.'));
$temp = $this->__recursiveEvaluate($user, $rules[$key], $key);
} else {
$negation = $operand === 'NOT';
$temp = $this->__evaluateLeaf($user, $key, $value, $negation);
if ($operand === 'OR') {
if (!isset($data['orgs'])) {
$data['orgs'] = [];
$data['orgs'] = array_merge(
isset($temp['orgs']) ? $temp['orgs'] : []
} else if ($operand === 'AND' || $operand === 'NOT') {
if (!isset($data['orgs'])) {
$data['orgs'] = $temp['orgs'];
} else {
$data['orgs'] = array_intersect($data['orgs'], $temp['orgs']);
return $data;
private function __evaluateLeaf($user, $key, $value, $negation = false)
if (substr($key, 0, strlen('org')) === 'org') {
return $this->__evaluateOrgLeaf(
substr($key, (strlen('org_'))),
} else if (substr($key, 0, strlen('sharing_group')) === 'sharing_group') {
return $this->__evaluateSGLeaf(
substr($key, (strlen('sharing_group_'))),
return [];
private function __evaluateOrgLeaf($user, $key, $value, $negation)
if (in_array($key, $this->validFilters['org'])) {
$conditions = [$key => $value];
if ($negation) {
$conditions = ['NOT' => $conditions];
$orgs = $this->SharingGroup->Organisation->find('list', [
'fields' => ['id', 'id'],
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => $conditions
$orgs = array_values($orgs);
if (empty($orgs)) {
$orgs = [-1];
return [
'orgs' => $orgs
return [];
private function __evaluateSGLeaf($user, $key, $value, $negation)
$orgs = [];
if (in_array($key, $this->validFilters['sharing_group'])) {
$conditions = [$key => $value];
if ($negation) {
$conditions = ['NOT' => $conditions];
$sgs = $this->SharingGroup->find('all', [
'fields' => ['id', 'uuid', 'name', 'org_id'],
'contain' => ['SharingGroupOrg.org_id'],
'recursive' => -1,
'conditions' => $conditions
foreach ($sgs as $sg) {
if ($this->SharingGroup->checkIfAuthorised($user, $sg['SharingGroup']['id'])) {
$orgs[$sg['SharingGroup']['org_id']] = true;
foreach ($sg['SharingGroupOrg'] as $sgo) {
$orgs[$sgo['org_id']] = true;
$orgs = array_keys($orgs);
if (empty($orgs)) {
$orgs = [-1];
return [
'orgs' => $orgs
return [];