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class IOCImportComponent extends Component {
// predefined attribute pairs that should be saved together - these are the exceptions to AND operators that will not be omitted
// The format is: attribute1, attribute2, new type, category, behaviour.
// Behaviour can be one of the following: 'first', 'second', 'both' -> this explains what the attribute that is to be created should carry as a value
// first means that the value will be equal to the first attribute, second means that it will equal that of the second. Both will add both separated by '|'
public $attributePairs = array(
array('filename', 'md5', 'filename|md5', 'Payload installation', 'both'),
array('filename', 'sha1', 'filename|sha1', 'Payload installation', 'both'),
array('regkey', 'tempRegValue', 'regkey|value', 'Persistence mechanism', 'both'),
array('filename', 'tempCertificateSubject', 'filename', 'Payload installation', 'first'),
public function readXML($data, $id) {
$event = array();
$attributes = array();
$fails = array();
// import XML class
App::uses('Xml', 'Utility');
// now parse it
$xmlArray = json_decode(json_encode((array) simplexml_load_string($data)), 1);
$temp = $xmlArray;
$xmlArray = array();
$xmlArray['ioc'] = $temp;
// add an attribute that holds the full description of the imported report.
$attributes[] = array(
'event_id' => $id,
'value' => $xmlArray['ioc']['description'],
'to_ids' => false,
'uuid' => String::uuid(),
'category' => 'Other',
'type' => 'comment'
// set the event info based on the import.
$event['info'] = $xmlArray['ioc']['short_description'] . PHP_EOL .'By ' . $xmlArray['ioc']['authored_by'];
$event['date'] = $xmlArray['ioc']['authored_date'];
$event['uuid'] = $xmlArray['ioc']['@attributes']['id'];
foreach ($xmlArray['ioc']['definition'] as $current) {
if($current['@attributes']['operator'] == 'OR' && isset($current['IndicatorItem'])) {
foreach ($current['IndicatorItem'] as $ii) {
$temp = $this->__analyseIndicator($ii, $id);
$attributes[] = $temp;
} else {
$fails[] = $current;
// Try to see if any of the AND-ed indicators can be salvaged and converted instead of being discarded
foreach ($xmlArray['ioc']['definition'] as $current) {
foreach ($current['Indicator'] as $key => $value) {
// During the xml->array conversion, if there is only a single indicator, it will be build directly as a child of definition,
// instead of the first element of an array. Here we move the IndicatorItem one level down
if ($key === 'IndicatorItem') {
$key = 0;
$value = array ('IndicatorItem' => $value);
if (isset($value['IndicatorItem']) && count($value['IndicatorItem']) == 2) {
$att1 = $this->__analyseIndicator($value['IndicatorItem'][0], $id);
$att2 = $this->__analyseIndicator($value['IndicatorItem'][1], $id);
$attempt = $this->__convertToCompositeAttribute($att1, $att2, $current['@attributes']['id']);
if ($attempt) {
$attributes[] = $attempt;
} else {
$fails[] = $value;
// If it is the only indicator, jump straight to the IndicatorItem
// remove all the temporary attribute types used for the pairing and turn them all into "other"
foreach ($attributes as &$att) {
if (substr($att['type'], 0, 3) === 'temp') {
$temp = $this->__convertToOther($temp);
// Add the attributes to the event that will be returned
$event['Attribute'] = $attributes;
// Add the failed indicators to the event that will be returned
if (!empty($fails)) {
$event['Fails'] = $this->__fetchFailedUuids($fails);
// return the event with the attributes and failed indicators
return $event;
// dissect the indicator and convert it into an attribute
private function __analyseIndicator($ii, $id) {
$attribute = array();
$attribute['event_id'] = $id;
$attribute['uuid'] = $ii['@attributes']['id'];
$attribute['value'] = $ii['Content'];
$attribute['to_ids'] = false;
$attribute['search'] = $ii['Context']['@attributes']['search'];
$temp = $this->__checkType($ii['Context']['@attributes']['search']);
if (!$temp) return false;
$attribute['category'] = $temp[0];
$attribute['type'] = $temp[1];
// If we couldn't figure out the category / type and got Other/other, append the search term in the value
if ($temp[0] == 'Other' && $temp[1] == 'other') {
$attribute['value'] = $attribute['search'] . ': ' . $attribute['value'];
return $attribute;
// used to save the value of attributes of type other (attributes that could not be mapped) and convert temporary attributes to type other.
private function __convertToOther(&$attribute) {
$attribute['category'] = 'Other';
$attribute['type'] = 'other';
$attribute['value'] = $attribute['search'] . ': ' . $attribute['value'];
// Attempt to convert the two attributes retrieved from an AND indicator into a single attribute, if they are eligible to be converted. If not, add it to the array of failures.
private function __convertToCompositeAttribute($att1, $att2, $uuid) {
// check if the current attribute is one of the known pairs saved in the array $attributePairs
foreach ($this->attributePairs as $pair) {
// if attribute 1's type = the first type of the pair and attribute 2's type is the type of the second attribute of the pair, return a new joint attribute with the new type-name (usually type1|type2) and its predefined category
if($att1['type'] == $pair[0] && $att2['type'] == $pair[1]) {
if ($pair[4] == 'both') $value = $att1['value'] . '|' . $att2['value'];
// switch to see which value to keep and which to get rid of
switch ($pair[4]) {
case 'first':
$value = $att1['value'];
case 'second':
$value = $att2['value'];
$value = $att1['value'] . '|' . $att2['value'];
return array('type' => $pair[2], 'value' => $value, 'uuid' => $uuid, 'category' => $pair[3], 'event_id' => $att1['event_id'], 'to_ids' => false);
// Try the same thing above with the attributes reversed
if ($att2['type'] == $pair[0] && $att1['type'] == $pair[1]) {
// switch to see which value to keep and which to get rid of
switch ($pair[4]) {
case 'first':
$value = $att2['value'];
case 'second':
$value = $att1['value'];
$value = $att2['value'] . '|' . $att1['value'];
return array('type' => $pair[2], 'value' => $value, 'uuid' => $uuid, 'category' => $pair[3], 'event_id' => $att1['event_id'], 'to_ids' => false);
// If no match found, return false, it's not a valid composite attribute for MISP
return false;
private function __checkType($type) {
// Here we have to figure out how to best map the indicator to an attribute. This is an initial mapping, needs lots of tweaks still
// Keep in mind: names starting with "temp" will only be used for composite types, then changed to Other -> other.
switch ($type) {
case 'FileItem/FileName':
case 'DriverItem/DriverName':
case 'FileItem/FullPath':
return array('Payload installation', 'filename');
case 'FileItem/Md5sum':
return array('Payload installation', 'md5');
case 'TaskItem/sha1sum':
return array('Payload installation', 'sha1');
case 'PortItem/remoteIP':
return array('Network activity', 'ip-src');
case 'RouteEntryItem/Gateway':
case 'RouteEntryItem/Destination':
return array('Network activity', 'ip-dst');
case 'SystemInfoItem/domain':
return array('Network activity', 'domain');
case 'Email/To':
return array('Payload delivery', 'email-dst');
case 'Email/From':
return array('Payload delivery', 'email-src');
case 'Email/Subject':
return array('Payload delivery', 'email-subject');
case 'Email/Attachment/Na':
return array('Payload delivery', 'email-attachment');
case 'UrlHistoryItem/URL':
case 'UrlHistoryItem/VisitFrom':
case 'FileDownloadHistoryItem/SourceURL':
case 'FormHistoryItem/FormSubmitURL':
return array('Network activity', 'url');
case 'Network/UserAgent':
return array('Network activity', 'user-agent');
case 'RegistryItem/KeyPath':
case 'RegistryItem/Modified':
case 'RegistryItem/Path':
return array('Persistence mechanism', 'regkey');
case 'Snort/Snort':
return array('Network activity', 'snort');
case 'TaskItem/Comment':
return array('Other', 'comment');
case 'CookieHistoryItem/HostName':
case 'FormHistoryItem/HostName':
case 'SystemInfoItem/hostname':
case 'UrlHistoryItem/HostName':
return array('Network Activity', 'hostname');
case 'RegistryItem/Text':
return array('Persistence mechanism', 'tempRegValue');
// We don't keep the following, they are often used with AND and a filename. We'll only keep the filename in those cases.
case 'FileItem/PEInfo/DigitalSignature/CertificateSubject':
case 'FileItem/PEInfo/DigitalSignature/SignatureExists':
return array('Payload delivery', 'tempCertificateSubject');
return array('Other', 'other');
private function __fetchFailedUuids($fails) {
$failedAttributes = array();
$this->__saveFailedUuids($fails, $failedAttributes);
return $failedAttributes;
// Recursive search for all of the indicators that could not be entered - if an item has an id and context - it's an indicator item
private function __saveFailedUuids($array, &$failedAttributes) {
foreach ($array as $current => $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
if (isset($value['Context'])) {
array_push($failedAttributes, $value);
} else {
$this->__saveFailedUuids($value, $failedAttributes);