Update to the installation instructions, fixes #257

iglocska 2014-05-05 17:13:42 +02:00
parent af31b78f4d
commit 0016f448bf
1 changed files with 29 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -55,6 +55,16 @@ cd /var/www/MISP/app/Plugin/CakeResque
curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install
# CakeResque normally uses phpredis to connect to redis, but it has a (buggy) fallback connector through Redisent. It is highly advised to install phpredis
pecl install redis
# After installing it, enable it in your php.ini file
vim /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
# add the following line:
# To use the scheduler worker for scheduled tasks, do the following:
cp -fa /var/www/MISP/INSTALL/setup/config.php var/www/MISP/app/Plugin/CakeResque/Config/config.php
5/ Set the permissions
@ -87,6 +97,11 @@ mysql -u misp -p<password> misp < INSTALL/MYSQL.sql
# A sample ghost can be found in /var/www/MISP/INSTALL/apache.misp
cp /var/www/MISP/INSTALL/apache.misp /etc/apache2/sites-available/misp
# Be aware that the configuration files for apache 2.4 and up have changed.
# The configuration file has to have the .conf extension in the sites-available directory
# For more information, visit http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/upgrading.html
a2dissite default
a2ensite misp
@ -102,7 +117,13 @@ service apache2 reload
8/ MISP configuration
# Configure the fields in the files located in /var/www/MISP/app/Config/:
# There are 3 sample configuration files in /var/www/MISP/app/Config that need to be copied and filled out
cd /var/www/MISP/app/Config
cp -a bootstrap.default.php bootstrap.php
cp -a database.default.php database.php
cp -a core.default.php core.php
# Configure the fields in the newly created filed:
database.php : login, port, password, database
bootstrap.php: MISP.*, GnuPG.*
core.php : debug, Security.*
@ -116,7 +137,7 @@ mkdir /var/www/MISP/.gnupg
chown www-data:www-data /var/www/MISP/.gnupg
chmod 700 /var/www/MISP/.gnupg
sudo -u www-data gpg --homedir /var/www/MISP/.gnupg --gen-key
# Recommended key type: RSA (sign only)
# Recommended key type: RSA
# The email address should match the one set int he bootstrap.php configuration file
# And export the public key to the webroot
@ -126,6 +147,12 @@ sudo -u www-data gpg --homedir /var/www/MISP/.gnupg --export --armor YOUR-EMAIL
cd /var/www/MISP/app/Console/worker/
# To make the background workers start on boot
chmod +x /var/www/MISP/app/Console/worker/start.sh
sudo vim /etc/rc.local
# Add the following line before the last line (exit 0):
bash /var/www/MISP/app/Console/worker/start.sh
Now log in using the webinterface:
The default user/pass = admin@admin.test/admin
@ -141,5 +168,3 @@ Recommended actions
- You should really harden the configuration of MySQL
- Keep your software up2date (MISP, CakePHP and everything else)
- Log and audit