chg: [internal] Load user role info from session data

Jakub Onderka 2020-11-13 21:34:57 +01:00
parent 7f0d06ae4d
commit 18402c0489
2 changed files with 1 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -365,12 +365,10 @@ class AppController extends Controller
// We don't want to run these role checks before the user is logged in, but we want them available for every view once the user is logged on
// instead of using checkAction(), like we normally do from controllers when trying to find out about a permission flag, we can use getActions()
// getActions returns all the flags in a single SQL query
if ($this->Auth->user()) {
$this->set('mispVersion', implode('.', array($versionArray['major'], $versionArray['minor'], 0)));
$this->set('mispVersionFull', $this->mispVersion);
$role = $this->getActions();
$role = $this->Auth->user('Role');
$this->set('me', $this->Auth->user());
$this->set('isAdmin', $role['perm_admin']);
$this->set('isSiteAdmin', $role['perm_site_admin']);
@ -888,27 +886,6 @@ class AppController extends Controller
return $data;
// pass an action to this method for it to check the active user's access to the action
public function checkAction($action = 'perm_sync')
$this->Role->recursive = -1;
$role = $this->Role->findById($this->Auth->user('role_id'));
if ($role['Role'][$action]) {
return true;
return false;
// returns the role of the currently authenticated user as an array, used to set the permission variables for views in the AppController's beforeFilter() method
public function getActions()
$this->Role->recursive = -1;
$role = $this->Role->findById($this->Auth->user('role_id'));
return $role['Role'];
public function checkAuthUser($authkey)
if (Configure::read('Security.advanced_authkeys')) {

View File

@ -15,13 +15,11 @@ class ACLComponent extends Component
private $__aclList = array(
'*' => array(
'blackhole' => array(),
'checkAction' => array(),
'checkAuthUser' => array(),
'checkExternalAuthUser' => array(),
'cleanModelCaches' => array(),
'debugACL' => array(),
'generateCount' => array(),
'getActions' => array(),
'pruneDuplicateUUIDs' => array(),
'queryACL' => array(),
'removeDuplicateEvents' => array(),